
Please don't mind what I'm trying to say,
Cause I'm, I'm being honest
When I tell you that you,
You're part of the reason
I'm so set
On the rest of my life
Being a part of you.
You tell me what you think about being open,
about being honest with yourself

Before you left (I probably hadn't been thinking like this,) you always meant so much, always were there for us (me, even if you didn't want to.) I felt as if you really didn't want to be there though, (even when you secretly did, or when I thought you secretly did.) I wanted to believe you left us (me) for our (my) own good, but we (I) knew it was a lie. You were so unbelievably annoying (amazing), arrogant (wonderful), and rude (I felt your hand on my thigh).

Cause things will never be the same.

I guess we're (I'm) scared you're going to die, and that she'll (I will) be devastated, and possibly (most indefinitely) depressed. When she told us (me in confidence) that you left, everyone (mainly me) freaked out, looking for you.

So I guess I'll see you, I'll see you around
I'm spinning while I'm falling down
Now you know why I'm begging you to stay

If I were given one more chance, I wouldn't have even fought that battle, I would've been with you, laughing or arguing(it didn't matter as long as I was with you.)

And don't waste time getting to the point, 'cause I'm, I'm patiently waiting
For your next phone call, your next excuse for losing sleep again
Tell me what you think about being open,
About being honest with yourself

I heard you mumbling in your sleep (crying) I woke you up. You punched me for disturbing your beauty sleep; I told you needed it (but you didn't, you were already painfully gorgeous.) We were always like that, do you remember? We fought all the time, despite us being the best of friends (I wanted more... And I never stopped wondering... did you?)

'Cause things will never be the same

Less than a year after you had left, she stopped caring about you (I didn't) and she said she felt bad about it (but I didn't know that feeling. I wasn't over you.)

So I guess I'll see you, I'll see you around
I'm spinning while I'm falling down
Now you know why I'm begging you to stay

Maybe a week or so after that, the two of us, her and I, went across the country looking for you. I didn't know why though (I knew exactly why), you weren't going to come back (I prayed for it though, your return.)

'Cause I can't stop it now
It's so amazing how
I know I cant, I could never walk away

Actually the more I thought; the more it made sense, running away (but I didn't.) Was it really worth it? Leaving us (me) behind? I truly hope it was(no I don't, I hope to god it wasn't, and that you'll come back.)

How can we resolve this now
We let it go, and wonder how
This can never be the same
Can never be the

Can never be the same

Two and a half years later, you still haven't returned (I'm so worried.) Please, just come back, we (I) miss you (so badly.)

So I guess I'll see you, I'll see you around
I'm spinning while I'm falling down
Now you know why I'm begging you, I'm begging!

You never returned, never spoke to me except to tell me you hated me, you tried to kill me, (you made love to me,) and I was childish (and that you loved me, I heard. I know you heard me say it too.)

'Cause I can't stop it now,
It's so amazing how,
I know I cant, I could never walk away.

We were both there, I know she heard us say it, but she didn't cry (we did), I saw her smile (I saw you smile too).

Please don't mind what I'm trying to say, 'cause I'm, I'm being honest.

Song- Honestly (by Cartel)

I will repost this as an original on fiction press, don't report me, because I did write this after getting inspiration from this song.