Just something that popped into my head and wouldn't go away until this was typed and posted for you to see! Sister's Divided may be updated soon… My muse ran away last week and is taunting me to write a CSI Buffy Xover or CSI one shot from Turn, Turn, Turn. Which this is not. You'll figure out what show it's a Crossover with. I don't own Buffy, Joss Whedon owns Joyce, Hank, Buffy and Dawn Summers. ABC owns the other people in this, sadly not me. As usual reviews please!


Joyce Summers couldn't believe how much men sucked in general. At first she thought it was just Hank, but nooo. It got worse the longer she was stuck in San Francisco negotiating with the art dealer. The art dealer himself was awfully petulant for a man of sixty-seven, he was obnoxious and rude and he made Joyce feel incredibly uncomfortable being in his presence for longer than an hour and a half max. Now that she was free from that monster of a man she was squeezed in between two obese rude and completely sloshed men on the trolley as she headed back to her hotel room. Thankfully Buffy and Dawn had the number to the hotel if they needed anything, because just face it Hank wasn't the best father lately, and Joyce was worried something would happen to her girls.

Thankfully Tubby One got off the stop after Joyce climbed on the trolley and Tubby Two followed four stops later. Just when Joyce thought she was safe from all men that day, one had to sit next to her. This one seemed decent; he was tall, well over six feet tall, thin with dark colored hair at a reasonable length, and he had to aura of a haggard parent doing a million things for his children while juggling a full time job. He was the kind of guy Joyce wished she had met before Hank, but those thoughts were always squished when she remembered the good times; when Buffy and Dawn were little and the biggest problem that Joyce had to face was who had possession of Barbie first. Joyce was brave and decided to strike up a conversation with her neighbor. "Rough day at work?"

The man looked over at her. He saw an aggravated woman with, to quote his brother-in-law 'Mom hair', that is to say dyed honey blond hair that curled and just reached past her ears. The woman looked over tired, overworked, and underappreciated. Danny, the man, could tell she was a mother. This woman had the same look Pam used to get when she had been away from DJ and Stephanie for too long. "You better believe it. I just got switched from covering Sports for the five o'clock news to Wake Up San Francisco! The newest early morning television program in the Bay area. On top of that my youngest daughter Michelle is running a fever over ninety-nine degrees for the second day in a row, and now her sisters are starting to feel sick as well. I'm Danny Tanner by the way."

Joyce smiled and noticed the wedding ring on Danny's finger. Figures he's married with at least three kids. I bet there's even a dog thrown in there somewhere. "Joyce Summers, I'm from LA. I'm down in San Fran buying some art work for my gallery in LA."

"Nice to meet you Joyce. I'm sorry if I just went all 'Crazy stressed out single Dad with three kids' on you. My brother in law says I need to take more time off from work to relax once in a while." Danny smiled sadly. He wasn't getting used to the single parent thing. Someone had told him after Pam died that time would heal his wounds, and so far nothing had even started to scab over yet. Not even a tiny bit. The wounds and gashes in his heart were still wide open, and he knew they would be until he found the right woman to help heal them. Well that was what his grandmother had told him after her fifth sherry the night of the funeral.

"Don't worry about it. Raising girls can be a handful. My husband and I can barely keep up with our two daughters. At times it seems like our oldest is four different people at once. Teenagers, what can you do with them other than love them and give them some space?"

Danny smiled. "I have three girls, DJ, Stephanie and Michelle. Michelle's the baby and she doesn't remember her mother very much. She was a year old when Pam died."

Joyce's face grew somber. "I'm so sorry for your loss. That must have been awful losing your wife. It still must be hard for your family."

Danny didn't know why he was revealing this information to the stranger sitting next to him, but he felt like they were kindred spirits. "There are still some off days, but Jesse, my brother in law, and my friend Joey moved in to help with the girls. Having two other adults around helps, but things can be pretty hectic when you have six people living in one house."

"I live with three other people in a huge house and I barely see Buffy and Dawn on some days."

Danny nodded. "Some days I wish we had a bigger house, but I wouldn't leave the house we're in now for all the money in the world. Most of Pam's stuff is just where she left it."

Joyce understood, when her father had died her mother hadn't been able to part with anything of her father's for almost two years when it finally sank in her father wasn't coming back to her mother. "Oh! My stops next. It was nice to meet you Danny."

Danny smiled and helped Joyce grab her bags of small art pieces. "It was nice to meet you too Joyce."

Just before Joyce got off the trolley a sudden impulse washed over her. "I'm staying at the Best Western on 58th and Main, room 312. Feel free to call me if you need any help with 'girl' problems. I'm here until next Thursday."

"I will Joyce. Bye."

Joyce waved to him after she was off the trolley and made her way to her hotel thinking, Maybe there are some decent guys out there still. I guess that means that men have a chance to redeem themselves from my earlier generalization. Just as Joyce thought this two men came sprinting down the sidewalk trying to catch the trolley before it left, and one of the men ran straight into Joyce and didn't apologize for almost knocking her to the ground. Yeah right. Men suck big time, well except for one Danny Tanner of San Francisco.


As usual reviews! I want them! Reviews are needed for all my stories for an update, and maybe my muse will be inspired by some of them to continue nagging me on stuff. Should this continue? I want to introduce Buffy to the Tanner girls and the rest of the Full House Crew, but this seems like it could be an okay one shot. Opinions on that?