Hi! I'm alive! I went away for the summer and then joined the swim team and I'm juggling two jobs, and I'm a senior in high school and writing a collection of NCIS one shots. God I'm busy.

I don't own Full House or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So no suing me!


Buffy woke up and rolled out of bed without looking at her alarm clock. She instantly knew she had overslept when she had noticed that the sleeping bags on her floor had been rolled up and placed neatly in the corner. She would have to thank Willow for making sure the girls were cleaning up after themselves. Buffy felt bad that she'd just up and abandoned the house full of Potential Slayers for a few days, but Danny's Mom had gotten sick and the Tanner-Summers family's presence had been requested, no demanded by the ailing woman.

Buffy couldn't be any happier that Dawn was in San Francisco and away from The First Evil, but then felt the guilty pang when she thought of Michelle and Stephanie downstairs. By far, they were the youngest of the Potentials the Scoobies had found so far.

"What I miss?" Buffy asked once she had made it to the kitchen and poured herself a bowl full of Cheerio goodness.

Willow looked up from her breakfast with a smile. "I made Andrew take the girls to the library for an hour or two and then I'm going to meet them at the park to 'study' nature. Wanna come and spar with them?"

"Sure." Buffy said enthusiastically. "Just don't tell Danny this time, Wills. I don't think either one of my parents is ready to fully comprehend what we do in Sunnyhell."

"I told you I was sorry, Buffy." Willow apologized again. "I thought Danny thought I was joking."

"It's okay, Willow." Buffy chirped. "I was just pulling your leg. Are Michelle and Steph still here?"

"Nope." Willow said. "Xander drove them to school while they were protesting the whole way. Michelle wanted to stay home today. I had a feeling you would have said 'No', so I made her go."

"Thanks, Willow." Buffy said. "Did I mention I would be completely lost with the mini-Slayers if it weren't for you guys?"

"You might want to hold off on those thank yous." Willow said sheepishly. "I'm going to LA to help out with a situation with Angel. Fred called and said Angelus got out somehow."

Buffy sighed. "Again?"

"Yup." Willow said. "I've got my handy dandy resouling bag ready to go. You won't even notice I'm gone."

Buffy hugged Willow. "Hurry back, Willow." Buffy told her best friend, "I'm going to go crazy with Xander, Anya, Spike, and Andrew here to keep the girls under control."

Willow laughed, and the scene changed…

The next thing Buffy knew, she was sitting on the hood of Xander's car in front of Michelle's elementary school looking at Xander's watch and back to the school.

"Shouldn't they be out here by now?" Buffy asked worriedly. "I think something's wrong Xander."

The brunette man next to Buffy sighed. "Relax, Buffster. Shelly's fine. Dismissal isn't until three o'clock, and it's only two thirty."

"Really?" Buffy asked.

"Really." Xander confirmed pointing to his watch. "See here how the big hand is almost to the six and the little hand is ever so slowly moving to the three? That means it's two thirty… Or is it six fifteen?"

Buffy laughed. "I'm going in to dismiss Shelly. I'll be right out."

Five minutes later Buffy returned with her stepsister in tow. Michelle was excitedly babbling about what she had done that day in art and how she couldn't wait to go visit Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse in San Francisco and that her art project was a present for Nicky and Alex.

Michelle was the cutest little mini-Buffy ever. The both had blond hair; Buffy had green eyes while Michelle had blue eyes. Both blondes were a force to be reckoned with when angry however, it had been painfully obvious to the Scoobies that there was a possibility that Michelle would be Called at one point in her life. They had known that from the first day they had met three year old Michelle when Danny and Joyce had announced their engagement. Since Michelle and Stephanie had been allowed to relocate to Sunnydale, priority number one was to make sure Michelle was never allowed out on patrol unless Buffy was there to back her up; so far Michelle had been out a grand total of zero times. Steph had been out twice, and it wasn't an experience she wanted to repeat anytime soon.

"So," Michelle said as she buckled herself in the backseat. "Can I go on Patrol tonight?"

"No." Buffy replied automatically. "I don't need our parents calling me because Stephanie mentions it in an e-mail and the next thing we know I'm unfit to be a legal guardian for any of the girls."

"Jeeze." Michelle said. "No need to get super dramatic, I was just asking."

"Well 'just asking' leads to 'just sneaking out' which leads to 'just going to get grounded and Buffy in super hot water with Danny'." Buffy said teasingly. "You're in Sunnydale so we can protect you, not put you in danger."

Michelle sighed. "Okay. But I want to go on at least one patrol. PLEASE?"

Buffy sighed. Without turning around she knew that Michelle had pulled out the puppy dog eyes. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Xander shaking his head as he drove through town. That confirmed her suspicions.

"I'll think about it." Buffy replied. "But you've got to keep your grades up and do all of your chores."

"You got it dude!" Michelle chimed from the back seat. She was PUMPED!


Buffy woke up with a start and she gasped. The dream she had just had was so vivid. She groaned; it was a Slayer dream. She was so glad that her Watcher was somewhere in the house. Hopefully he could help her make heads or tails of the dream. Buffy suddenly felt herself dreading that it was of things to come.

'Maybe, just maybe', Buffy resolved to herself as she rolled out of bed to search for Giles, 'I can do something to keep this Michelle from becoming a Potential'.

Buffy didn't know how, who, or why, but she was determined to protect that girl. It bothered her a little that at the moment she was more worried about a girl she hadn't met yet over her own sister. Maybe she should check in on Dawn before interpreting her strange dreams. With that in mind, Buffy descended the stairs to start her Sunday morning.


Cowers in corner and peaks out from behind a giant arm chair… 'Did you miss me? Good cuz I'm going to try to come up with some more chapters from the Full House side in the future! As always Read and Review!
