[Please note the usual disclaimers and copyright claims as to content apply, thank you for reading]
Also, the last chapter was actually 45. Sorry, my brain fart.
Chapter 46
Saturday, July 21, 2012
From an owl letter dated July 19, 2012
Hi Beautiful, and Pookie, too!
How is the rest of your summer going? Everything here is fine. Danny says 'hi'. To answer the question you asked in your last letter, both of us have been looking into why BIMS sent the cease order with regards to you helping the brits. Danny's sister has a friend in Admin. She said that they weren't even aware of you helping Potter and his guys, until, they received an owl from someone in the British ministry protesting your involvement, and (this is a direct quote from the letter) "interference in the internal matters of wizarding Britain." It looks like someone doesn't like you sticking your nose in British business. She didn't get a name but she said that the letter came on stationary from the Department of International Magical Cooperation and Muggle Relations . It sounds like they're not being particularly cooperative. If you guys want to look into it on your end, I suggest that you start there.
Oh, Danny thanks you for the two pounds of frozen cookie dough. I'm going to have to find a place to hide it, Danny's nephew is staying with us next week, while his parents go on their second honeymoon. I'm going to be "Daddy" for a week. Avalon help us, I hope I don't scar the kid for life.
Take care of yourself, Pookie, and the Ginger Love God, too. Love, Omar.
"Ginger love god?" Charlie snorted. "You have to be kidding?"
"No," I said with a smirk "that's a direct quote," as I tried not to laugh. I didn't quite succeed.
"And how do you feel about having your best friend lust after your boyfriend?" he asked, indignantly.
"If I thought there was a chance in a million that anything might happen between the two of you, I might get pissed."
"Actually, Danny would get pissed enough for both of us. So, I wouldn't need to get pissed."
"Oh…there is that. Besides that, I wonder who in the department of International Magical Cooperation doesn't want you helping with the investigation, and why?"
"I don't think I've ever even met anyone who works in that department." I tried remembering all the various people I'd met in the ministry, and drew a complete blank. Obviously, I'd gotten noticed by someone.
"Glinda, you're officially on summer holiday now, why don't you try to enjoy it. You've given Harry and his blokes a good start on their case. Why don't you spend some time enjoying your time off? Before you know it, you'll be headed back to Hogwarts. I can think of things I'd rather be doing than mulling over which of the ministry's obnoxious pencil pushers has a problem with you." He got up from the couch taking me with him, he kissed me on the nose, and said, I think I'm tired, how about we take a nap?" he yawned, dramatically.
I looked at the clock on the wall; it said 2:45pm. "You're not that tired," I said skeptically.
"Oh, I'm just about exhausted," he started nibbling on my neck.
"You are, are you?" He yawned again. "Well," I said, "you can go take a nap, while I clean the kitchen."
Charlie picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, "cleaning the kitchen is NOT in the schedule. " He informed me as he carried me into the bedroom. I guess he figured the kitchen could wait.
Thursday August 2, 2012
"So" Ron asked as Charlie and I were sharing a Thursday lunch at the Leaky Cauldron, "how's my favorite second oldest brother and his not quite bride to be?" He sat down next to Charlie.
"Have you thought that maybe they'd like to be alone?" I heard Harry's voice come from behind me.
"It's all right," I assured them, "the more the merrier." Charlie pushed Ron out of the booth so he could move over next to me, and Harry and Ron sat down across from us.
"Actually," Harry said. "I have some interesting news for you."
"What's that?" I asked.
"I had a very interesting conversation with the head of International Magical Cooperation, yesterday. He came by my office to tell me how sorry he was that he wasn't able to negotiate with BIMS to get you authorized to help my department. "
"Maybe he shouldn't have bitched about me helping you guys in the first place," I suggested sarcastically.
"I did mention that to him, and he was honestly confused, he'd never authorized the first letter. In fact, he thought that someone at BIMS had set the ball rolling on that bloody business. I told him about the letter you'd gotten from your friend Omar, and how someone from his office let the boggart out of the box, so to speak. He was livid, he's contacting BIMS to get more information about the initial complaint, and he wants to find out who sent it, if it's one of his staff, we may have a break in the case finally."
"That makes sense actually," I mused. "There've been no other attacks?"
"Not since we started escorting every muggleborn family through Diagon Alley," Ron added. "We've worked it out that muggleborns and their families aren't left alone in the Alley, at all now. Since the story broke in the Profit, however, everyone's watching like hawks. Nobody wants any more of that 'pure-blood-superiority-death- eater-like' rubbish."
"Have you guys looked into the backgrounds of the victims? There might be some connection that ties the two together; this might be something personal, not the start of a serial killer."
"The only commonalities between the families are geographic, both families were from Brighton, and they were the only two first years from Brighton this year." Harry just shuddered a bit and said, "If that's the reason these people were targeted, I'm kind of glad that there aren't any others. Hopefully when we find out where that latter came from, we'll get to the bottom of this mess."