Chapter 10

In the past month, things have gotten better with Emily; she makes regular visits to Mr. and Mrs. Castle whenever she could. During the month, her Father canceled his engagement with the Baroness and became engaged to Maria. Today is their wedding and Maria is going from being their governess and into their new Mother. Emily smiled from the side of the church as she saw Maria walk down the isle and towards her Father. She has a feeling that everything would start to become better; Maria is someone that her Father needs. From the very beginning, Maria made a huge impact on her Father and siblings. Because of her, everything in Emily's life has gotten better. Now all that needs more work is her relationship with her father, how can she forgive her Father for everything that he has done? He ignored her for a long time, only time will tell, but she hopes that someday things will be all right between them. Emily took a glance outside and saw a lot of Nazi flags hanging. Emily sighed before whispering, "Things are changing and most likely not for the better."

As her Father and now Mother walked towards the car to take them to their honeymoon, Emily walked up to her Father and quickly gave him a hug. "Congratulations Father." Emily said politely before turning to give a big hug to Maria. The Captain stood their shocked that was the first time that Emily willingly gave him a hug. Emily stared off as her parents care drove off, she turned towards her older sister Liesl and said, "This is going to be a long month."

It's the day that her Father and new Mother come home from their honeymoon; Emily sat in one of the chairs near the stage. Their Uncle Max has gotten it in his head to submit her siblings into the contest as the Von Trapp Family Singers. Fortunately for her, she was not in the concert, one of the perks of being 'invisible' to society.

"Uncle Max?" Gretel asked softly from the stage.

"Yes Gretel?" Uncle Max asked turning towards his niece.

"Why isn't Emily on the program?"

"She is, isn't she?" Uncle Max asked questioned, he was sure that he placed Emily's name in the program. Gretel handed him the program. "Oh dear, I must have forgotten. I'm sorry Emily."

Emily shrugged and turned her head to the side to see Liesl take a telegram from her crush, or was it ex-crush? "Telegram for Father?" Emily asked as Liesl walked up to her. Liesl nodded and walked towards the car followed by the rest of their siblings. Emily stayed silent throughout the car ride and when they pulled into the driveway all her siblings shouted happily when they saw their parents. Once the car stopped Gretel ran towards her Father and showed him the program. Even from a small distance she can tell that her Father can't decide what to be more upset about, the Nazi flag that was once hanging on the house or the fact that Uncle Max went behind their Father's back and entered her siblings in the contest. Emily stood off to the side as Liesl gave their Father the telegram, after a few moments after he read the telegram she took a step towards him only for him to walk away from her and towards his new wife. Emily sighed, in his defense; he didn't see her so she knew she shouldn't take that personally.

Emily stood behind the wall to listen to her parents conversation and frowned when she heard her Father say, "We're going to have to leave Austria."

Emily took this opportunity of silence to make her presence known. "Father?"

The Captain's head shot up at the voice and smiled towards his daughter. "Yes Emily?"

"May I talk to you…alone, please?" Emily asked softly, Maria nodded and walked away. The Captain walked towards his daughter and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded for her to continue. "I just wanted to say…to say that I'm sorry for how I've been acting all these years."

The Captain stared at her in shock and shook his head, "No, no, it should be me who should be apologizing. I should have never treated you like that, to treat you like you never existed and glare at you."

"Then why did you?"

"I guess you just reminded me of your Mother way too much and that you are her spitting image. It just hurt to look at you. Can you ever forgive me for treating you so poorly? I promise to try to be a better Father to you."

"I forgive you Father." Emily said smiling as she hugged her Father; this is what she has been wanting for so long. She has her Father back and she only hoped that the happiness will last. She has a feeling that things won't be too happy tonight. Something is going to happen.

When it started to become darker, the Captain and Maria had the children dress in their traveling clothes, though Emily's siblings don't really know what was going on, Emily did. They were going to use the concert as an excuse to leave Austria. When they were outside the boys were pushing the car out of the drive way and onto the street while the girls walked slowly behind. The Captain quickly went to the driver's side and before he was able to start the car, car lights shined upon them. "Car trouble Captain Von Trapp?" One of the officers asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes. My car won't seem to work." The Captain said as he stepped aside as one of the officers walked towards the car and started it up. "Why don't you look at that? Thank you."

"Where are you and your family going?" The head officer asked as he walked up towards the Captain.

"We're going to the concert. My family and I are performing you see." The Captain said as Max handed the officer the program. The officer read the list of the Von Trapp names and counted the family standing before him.

"You seem to have an extra head in your family, I don't recognize her." The officer said pointing towards Emily. "She's not in the program."

The Captain tensed and was about to say something before a car drove up beside them, "Emily Castle! There you are! We were so worried about you." Emily turned towards the car and raised an eyebrow in question. "Come in the car this instant, thank you so much Captain Von Trapp for taking care of our girl. I promise she will visit you all again soon." Mr. Castle said while trying to convey a silent message to the Captain that they would take Emily to a safe place and that they would be reunited again soon. Before they left to pick up Emily, they figured out that something was going to happen and that Emily wasn't really known to society as a Von Trapp family member. This was the only way to keep their daughter's friend safe. Emily stared at Mr. and Mrs. Castle and slowly began to understand and smiled softly. She turned to her Father and Maria and smiled towards them and hugged them both tightly.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I promise to visit again soon." Emily said softly as she then began to hug her siblings. Deep down she knew that her family would be safe and sound. They would meet again. She went towards the car and climbed in as she waved to the family goodbye. As they drove off Emily spoke up, "So where are we going?"

"We're going to America, it's the safest place. We will see them again Emily. I promise." Mr. Castle said as he drove through a secret rode. Emily nodded and looked out the window as trees passed her by and she prayed that her family is safe and found a way to escape. After a few hours they reached a ship and they climbed on board, she dropped her Von Trapp last name and took upon the last name 'Castle'. This was the adventure towards America; during this time her family was walking through the mountains wondering if she was safe as well.

Twenty-five year Emily walked through the streets of Florida wondering what ever happened to her family, it has been ten years since she had last saw her family. Did they make it out of Austria safely? Did they remember her? Emily sighed as began home towards her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Castle. They kept their promise, they kept her safe and they were continuingly keeping an eye out for the Von Trapp family. "We'll find them Emily, we just have to keep faith." Mrs. Castle said in comfort towards Emily.

"I know, Mrs. Castle, someday. Someday we will see them." Emily said smiling as she looked out the window that faced the ocean. She knew that she will see her family again.

Well that was the last chapter. I'm kind of sad that it's over. Sorry that it has taken me so long to finish this story. Thank you everybody that read this story. It means a lot to me. :) I hoped you all liked the ending of the story.

I was thinking since this chapter ended on a sad note, I'm thinking about writing a short sequel. What do you all think? :)