Here is a rant I made beforehand but decided to let you see what I wrote in the heat of the moment, enjoy!

Just wanted to tell you I've taken the jump and decided once and for all to watch the movie "Ben 10: Race against time", and my reason has nothing to do with Ben 10 at all…in fact the only reason I decided to watch it is because I noticed that the drop-dead-sexy-British Christien Anholt is playing Eon there. About the movie – I gotta say it was pretty lame, except for the pretty good 3-dimentional aliens the movie sucked, I mean Gwen seemed to me like a cowardly sniveling little girl instead of the brave awesome butt-kicking sorceress we all know and love – so sad!

One thing is that she did sorta declare her love to Ben ("And I love you Ben Tennyson cause you're a hero" – yeah sure, that's why…), I must admit it was nice to hear, but I would have liked it much better were it the REAL 11-year-old Gwen, that would have made my year. Well, at least I got to watch my handsome sexy Brit *grin and dreamy sigh* that made my day, I have a weakness for a British accent *sigh*

BTW, am I the only one who thought Ben's parents, I'm sorry "Carl and Sandra" *irritated sigh*, took something before the movie? Like 'Happy Pills' or crack or something? Especially Sandra? Grrr stupid producers…

Disclaimer: Yes, I own Ben 10, Ben and Gwen are my characters and they're together in the series….oh, you had that dream too? It was nice while it lasted wasn't it? Oh, but I do own Ms. Raynolds though…

A couple minutes later finds our heroes standing in front of a fleet of (at least) a dozen different ships both with equally wide eyes and gaping mouths.

Gwen pointed at a shiny new-looking and incredibly large ship to their right. "That's our ship right there – The E.A."

Ben gave his cousin a puzzled look "E.A.? What does that stand for?" he asked.

"No idea really, according to the invitation Mr. Grand Smith sent us it's supposed to be revealed in the usual ceremony where they break a champagne bottle over the ship's bow." She answered pondering over the matter herself.

Ben gave her a strange look "break a champagne bottle over the ship's bow?" he repeated. "Now why would they wanna do that to a brand new ship?"

Gwen sighed and then glared at him for a moment before answering "Don't you know anything? It's to inaugurate a new ship so that it'll have a safe trip on its first cruise through the sea and those that follows, obviously it has some religious meaning." She explained, looking at him with a patronizing gaze.

Ben stared at her again "In-iguana-whatnow?" he started, but then thought better of it and shook his head. "Never mind, but just how in the world do you know all that?"

Gwen sighed in irritation "because I, unlike you, actually listen in class." Turning to look at him she smirked when she saw how pissed off he looked.

"Hey! I listen! It's not my fault Ms. Raynolds's classes are as interesting as watching grass grow."

Gwen smirked, "Oh really? Then tell me, oh great listener, what are Oceanic islands?"

Ben scratched his head "err well, they're, you know, Islands that are found in the Ocean?" He ended pitifully.

Gwen smacked her forehead with her palm in defeat "See what I mean?! Oceanic islands, are ones that do not sit on continental shelves. The vast majority are volcanic in origin. The few oceanic islands that are not volcanic are tectonic in origin and arise where plate movements have lifted up the deep ocean floor to above the surface." She finished.

Ben grumbled but did not say anything, Gwen looked surprised "What, no 'you're such a know-it-all' or 'who cares to know that stuff anyway?'"

Ben did not answer and just turned his head in the opposite direction from Gwen.

"Oh, the silent treatment huh? Nice try Ben, but I think you forgot that I enjoy the peace and quiet." She grinned.

Still no response.

Gwen frowned in annoyance and shook her head, then she turned to look at her watch and gasped "Whatever, stay that way but we need to get to the ship quickly, they're about to start the ceremony." She said as she turned to run, but stopped when she saw Ben not following her. "Well? Are you coming or do I have to drag you there?"

Ben frowned but followed nonetheless.

When they reached the designated ship they saw many have already gathered and tried to locate their grandfather among the crowd, having no such luck they settled on pushing their way towards the front, assuming that's where Max'll be.

As they reached the front, both were happy to discover they were correct in their assumption, Max was standing just a couple feet from their current location, his gaze turned towards the front.

"Grandpa" both yelled out as they ran to him.

Max turned his head to see both his grandchildren as they came to a stop in front of him, which made him laugh.

"Well well, I'm happy you could find the time to join me, the ceremony is just about to start." And with that all three turned their heads towards the front where Mr. Donovan was just about to start his speech, standing in front of his new, incredibly large, ship.

He cleared his throat, "Hello everyone, I'm happy to see so many of you accepted my invitation and came here today, as some of you know I'm an 'actions speak louder than words' man, and so, I would like to invite my grandson, Edwin Grand Smith, to do the honors of inaugurating the new ship. Edwin" he called and everyone's gazes turned towards the young man who up until now was hardly noticed, coming up to the stage.

At that Ben and Gwen gasped and Edwin, who noticed them out of the corner of his eye, caught Gwen's look and winked, which caused Gwen to blush and Ben to frown.

Then Edwin turned his head to face the crowd and continued "Thank you grandfather, it is truly an honor and privilege and like you yourself said, we in the Grand Smith family are 'actions speak louder than words' men, and so without further ado I'm proud to present to you", everyone looked on in fascination as he lifted the wine bottle in the air. "The Grand Smith family's newest ship – The Exotic Adventure!" and with that Edwin smashed the bottle over the ship's bow, eliciting a huge round of applause and cheers from the audience.

Ben grumbled in annoyance, "THAT's the ceremony? Big deal, I could've done that with one hand tied behind my back."

Gwen turned to him with her eyebrow raised, "you do know that was like the dumbest thing you ever said right? And that's some record."

Ben growled, "yeah? Well at least I don't blush like some stupid schoolgirl every time a rich boy winks at me." He finished with a smirk.

This time it was Gwen who had a murderous gaze cover her features. "Oh, shut up! At least I don't go gaga every time Kai's name is mentioned." Gwen retorted, her face scrunching up at the mention of Kai.

Ben blushed and coughed, but then frowned again "Oh yeah?! Well…"


Both turned to face the owner of the voice they knew all too well. "I say we go and say hello to Donovan and his grandson who were kind enough to invite us on this cruise, what do you say?" Max finished in a tone that both pre-teens knew not to question.

"Yes grandpa." The answered in unison, but as their grandfather turned around and started walking towards the stage, both followed but turned to stick their tongues at each other.

A/N: HEEEEEEEY readers. Hahaha. A couple things...I know it has been truly forever since I last updated but I have been joke. I hope this chapter was good. It feels kinda meh to me. But hopefully you guys liked it. :D I feel really bad about taking so long, but it really doesn't solely depend on me. Especially since this fandom feels like its dying. :( But don't worry, I will never stop loving Bwen and supporting it. :D