Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

"Are you afraid of me?" he sneered softly at her, soundlessly pacing around her as a cat might toy with a cornered mouse before it pounces.

Hermione did not answer. She thrust out her chin a little, and, never letting her gaze waver from the blank patch of wall in front of her, she let out a small derisive snort. She made sure her voice didn't shake when she lied. "Me? Afraid of you?"

He appeared suddenly right in front of her face, his red eyes glinting dangerously. He spoke quietly, which almost scared Hermione more than if he had been screaming and shouting at her. "Are you not afraid? Do you not see the monster that lies within me, a monster that I have nurtured and cared for, as a mother would her newborn babe? Do you not fear the inevitable moment when I finally let it loose?" His form shimmered slightly. "Are you not afraid that, not only will I release my own monster, but yours as well?" He was handsome, now. His black hair was neat and messy at the same time, his eyes dark, framed with thick, black lashes, enticing her to get lost in them. His deep voice was silky and alluring. "Are you not afraid, less of this," he held the cold metal blade of a dagger to her throat, "but more of this?" Softly, gently, he kissed her neck where the sharp blade had rested just a moment ago.

Gasping, Hermione's hazel eyes fluttered closed, her head tipping to the side and baring more of her pale, slender neck. He left a trail of light butterfly kisses along her jawline. He paused, his lips just barely touching hers, and she could feel his lips move as he whispered,

"You should be afraid. You should be very afraid."

Her eyes shot open. His eyes were red again, watching her, carefully calculating her expression with a neutral face. Forcefully, he pressed his pale lips to hers, and, as quickly as the kiss had begun, it was over. He was gone.

Hermione woke with a jolt. Her chest rose up and down as she panted, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

"You should be very afraid…"

I admit, Hermione/Voldemort has become one of my guilty pleasure pairings. I just can't resist myself. It hit me, right after I had finished writing this, it's sort of like a certain part in Midnight Predator, by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (which is, by the way, a vampire fic.) I won't tell you what part, just in case you want to read the book and don't like spoilers, but I will say this. It was completely UNINTENTIONAL. Really. Anyway, I like this little tidbit, even though it was short. Makes you wonder if there's a story behind it, hmmm?

- Red

edit: I actually wrote this a while ago, just found it, and decided to upload it. So, yay, review please!