Title: Funny Bunny
Author: Fansquee
Rating: G
Summary: The Doctor doesn't know where it all went wrong, but Donna has a strong idea of when.
Notes/Warning: I own no one! Well, except the fic idea… Oh, and my shoes.
And dedicated to the lovely xfirefly9x, and the equally evil nschick, love ya both! Please R&R!
Donna walked into the kitchen to find the Doctor looking glum over a cup of tea. He was staring into space and was resting his chin in the palm on his left hand, his index finger tapping the side of the mug.
Making her coffee in silence, Donna suppressed a giggle at the Doctor's expression. She sat across from him placing a place of chocolate chip biscuits in between them.
"I … I don't understand," he said finally, still staring over her shoulder, "I did everything, but … the more I tried to talk to them the more they laughed at me."
"Maybe you should have ruffled your hair more," Donna suggested innocently.
"And what would have that done?" the Doctor asked as he took a bit of the biscuit, crumbs falling onto his brown suit.
Donna got up from her seat, biting her bottom lip as she reached for his head. Not sure what she was doing the Doctor simply sat there as he felt a slight scraping sensation along the top of his scalp. Sitting back down Donna fought back the peels of laughter that were hurting her sides by being held in.
In her hands was a cheap pair of long rabbit ears, the left one having been folded halfway down comically.
"Well, for one," Donna said, breaking into small giggles and such as she turned the rabbit ears over and put them on her own head, "you wouldn't have been wearing these for about three hours and having experienced the 'Life of Brian' in Ancient Egypt."
"Donna…" the Doctor's tone had warning, but his eyes said otherwise.
"I mean, I was amazed when they stayed on when we were getting bumped around," she quickly stated getting up from her chair as a sheepish look coming across her face when she realised she wasn't going to get out of this without punishment, "even more so when you were hoisted up onto that platform."
The Doctor was following her moves, like a cat stalking his prey and Donna thought it best to get away from him as best as she could. Suddenly he leapt for her, but Donna gave a pent up girlish squeal and ran for the bowls of the TARDIS.
"Get back here, Donna Noble!" He yelled as he took off after her fleeing form.
The chase was on, but he wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do to her when he eventually did catch her.