Disclaimer: I'm Henry the 8th I am, I am
Life For Rent
Chapter 29
The two weeks leading up to Harry's first day as teacher were quite uneventful. Rita Skeeter had made a 'mysterious' retraction of her article and Adrian Green's parents were making a decision on whether to press charges against Robert Glitch. Adrian herself was banned from all Hogsmeade visits, Quidditch matches, and dances. She also placed Slytherin house in the negative for points until at least after the New Year. Severus, for one, was perfectly pleased that the year was finally slipping into the realm of uneventful. It was because of that he was looking forward to Potter's first day with trepidation. The last thing Severus wanted was a multitude of students slobbering up and down the hallways after the 'Boy Who Lived to Annoy Again and Again' spoiling his perceived calm.
Worse than the student body however, was the staff, including his blasted wife; even she couldn't stop her endless babble about how fun it would be to have her best friend working in the same place. If Severus was the jealous type he would have seriously considered going to Ginny Potter and warning her about keeping a closer eye on her husband when he was in the presence of his wife, but no, he would wasn't a jealous man. But as Hermione and Harry sat at the breakfast table in the Great Hall with their heads bent close talking and laughing, with hundreds of hero-worshipping students looking on with adoration, Severus admitted to himself that maybe indeed he was the jealous type.
Severus scowled darkly and glared at Potter out of the corner of his eye as he made Hermione laugh particularly loudly.
"Oh, Severus, you need to hear this story!" Hermione said delightedly before turning back to Harry. Every other teacher within listening distance was glued to Harry's words as well but Severus only had eyes for Hermione. They were discussing the upcoming Halloween feast, which soured his mood even further. October was Severus' least favourite month despite all the festivities. It was the month his mother died, the month he joined the Death Eaters, and the month Lily was killed. The previous year he'd been so busy with the news of Hermione's pregnancy and being a newlywed that he'd been able to ignore all the bad things associated with the month. He'd never mentioned to Hermione how difficult he found the time because he thought he was getting over it, but perhaps he really wasn't.
Severus grunted noncommittally in response and returned to his breakfast, stabbing at a piece of scrambled egg unnecessarily hard. Severus could feel all the progress he made in getting to know, and even tolerate Harry Potter's presence slipping away. It was easy behind closed doors to behave cordially around him but seeing how everyone fawned over the boy reminded Severus too painfully of Harry and his father both when he hated them the most. He had to watch James take Lily away. He saw how they laughed and talked and shared secrets. Even if Lily and he never had that irresolvable fight she probably would have firmly placed Severus in the 'friend' category and gone to James Potter for everything else. With Hermione, he was afraid of the opposite. Now that Hermione was around him all the time again, Severus was afraid that she would go to Potter with all the stories and things friends shared. Worse, he was afraid she would talk to Harry more about her marriage and Severus couldn't bear that. As trite as it sounded, Severus wanted to be Hermione's only best friend. Sad, but there it was.
But as Severus continued to assault his eggs, the gravity of what was really bothering him settled on him like a dead weight. Harry was a public hero, and Severus who fought, suffered, and sacrificed for years... was not. He was vindicated, he was tolerated, and thanks to Hermione he was even loved, but for all of his life he was the greasy git, bat of the dungeons, and Death-Eater. No matter how accepted he was in the Wizarding world there weren't any doe-eyed second years asking him for his autograph. For the first time in his life he recognized a lot of what his animosity towards the Potters was. Acerbic jealousy mixed with loathing made for a bitter pill to swallow but swallow it he did. Severus took one more side long glance at Hermione before dropping his fork on his plate and leaving the table, seemingly unnoticed by all.
"Oh, where did Severus go?" Hermione asked about five minutes after her husband left the table.
Harry shrugged and stood up. "Headmaster is always busy around here, I saw him leave. Best get to class, let's go."
Hermione nodded and stood up as well. As she and Harry made their way through the throng of students mingling in the entrance hall, Hermione couldn't help but wonder what made Severus leave without so much as a word. She also found herself feeling a little guilty for being so wrapped up in her conversation with Harry and the other professors that she didn't even notice him leave.
"It's been a long time since I've been here but with the way everyone is staring at me it might as well have been yesterday since I was here last." Harry commented as students whispered, pointed, and stared. "I still really hate it, being stared at that is."
"Eh, you're famous Harry, what are you going to do?" Hermione quipped as she directed a few older female students toward the front doors. She knew they had Herbology that morning and were just loitering in the hallway to get a closer look at Harry. They bustled out the door at Hermione's directive giggling and blushing the whole way.
"I don't see anyone staring after you pointing. Or Severus and everyone else who fought in the war."
"I have had my fair share of questions from students. The difference is that everyone in the Wizarding world knew you and your story before even you did. Seeing you in the flesh is like seeing their favourite story or comic book hero come to life. The rest of us are just sidekicks to them I wouldn't worry about it. It will die away after awhile, it always does. Just make sure you aren't too easy on them in class." Hermione pushed away from Harry to head down to the dungeons. "Au revoir, Harry! Good luck!"
Harry gave Hermione a small wave and made his way to his first class of the day, fourth years. He was really excited about teaching but extremely nervous as well. Severus had wasted no time in informing him that he was on probation just like every other new teacher, and that his job would be daunting to say the least because his students were so far behind. Severus made it clear in no uncertain terms that not only was Harry responsible for preparing the students for exams but he also had to catch them up on the curriculum they missed due to inadequate instruction. After all the time Harry spent getting to know his new employer he was still afraid of him. This time though, it was because he was afraid of disappointing him and based on Severus' cold behaviour at the breakfast table, Harry figured somehow he already had.
Harry scowled as he made his way up to the third floor DADA classroom causing a few students to shrink away from him as he passed. He paid them no attention as his thoughts focussed more heavily on his increasingly frustrating pseudo-relationship with the enigmatic Headmaster. Hermione's comments from a few weeks earlier regarding Harry's somewhat childish need for approval from Severus still weighted heavily on his mind. He honestly didn't realise that he was fishing for compliments so blatantly until his best friend pointed it out. When he'd complained to his wife about Hermione's uncalled for comments, Ginny responded that Hermione was right and he needed to just get into bed and forget about it for awhile. But one thing Harry Potter had never been able to do was to just 'forget about it' and move on. He was sick of the one step forward and two steps back approach he and Severus were taking in fully embracing a friendship. One thing Harry was in no doubt about anymore was that he wanted a relationship with Snape not to please Hermione, but for his own personal gain. It had taken over a year for him to see what his wife and friend saw all along, and for that Hermione deserved an apology.
When Harry entered the classroom he was relieved to see that Severus had not chosen to audit his first lesson as a teacher. The room was already full of students and the chatter died almost completely as he approached the desk. Harry was pleased to see the mixture of all four houses in the classes instead of the see of red and green, or blue and yellow that used to be the norm. Several of the students were looking at him curiously and it wasn't until he trained his face into a smile that he realised he must have still been scowling.
Taking a stack of parchments out of his leather satchel, Harry greeted the class warmly. He charmed the syllabi to distribute themselves among the students while he spoke.
"In front of you is a brand syllabus for your lessons this year. It is going to be a very busy year because not only are we going to be covering the Ministry required curriculum for exams we will also be catching up on what you may have missed over the years. Does anyone have any questions before we get started?"
Several hands shot up in the air. Harry recognised one of the students to be the little brother of Lavender Brown and he called on him.
"Mr. Brown?"
"What was it like facing You-Know-Who? Did you really break into Gringott's on the day of the Final Battle?" Hughie Brown's face was alight with eagerness as he peppered Harry with his questions. Harry, however, was not so pleased.
"In due time I will share little bits of my own personal experiences with you only as a means of emphasising an academic point, otherwise, I would appreciate it if you would keep your questions to the topic at hand. Does anyone have any questions regarding the assignments set forth on your syllabus?" Harry asked wishing for what felt like the millionth time that his fame did not precede him.
There were some murmured sounds of disappointment amongst the class but no student raised their hand with any more questions. Feeling satisfied that Harry had gained control of his classroom he launched into his first lesson, and by the end of it he had quite forgotten his sour mood from before.
"I missed you at lunch today." Hermione said to Severus in his office just before leaning into kiss him.
Severus returned the kiss half-heartedly and sat down in his chair behind the desk.
"I have been busy and if you are done for the day you should attend to Caris." Severus said curtly.
Hermione walked behind Severus and wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on the top of his head. "What's the matter, love?"
Despite himself, Severus felt his body relax and lean into Hermione's touch. "Nothing, Hermione. I'm fine, but I do have an appointment with Potter so if you don't mind going to our daughter, I'll see you at dinner."
"Actually, I was going to meet with Harry and Ginny at the Three Broomsticks for dinner. If you don't mind that is. You're more than welcome to join us. I plan on taking Caris, and Ginny is bringing the twins." Hermione said hopefully. Getting Severus to have dinner with the Potters in one of their homes was hard enough. She highly doubted he would attend if they were in public. Hermione wished sometimes that Severus' relationship with her friend wasn't so difficult.
Severus appeared to be seriously considering her request for a moment but in actuality he was thinking of the most polite way to turn him down. At the moment, all manner of responses besides pleasant ones were flitting through his brain. "I think I will have to pass. I have work I can do here and you can leave Caris if you like, take some time for yourself."
A knock at the door made Hermione jump from her resting place on Severus' shoulders before she could express her disappointment at Severus' refusal.
"Oh, well okay, I'll take Caris with me though. I really don't mind. I'll see you later then." Hermione leaned over and kissed Severus' cheek. It was cold and his face was stony. "I love you." She whispered near his ear and then bent to walk away. Before she could get far though, Severus shot out a hand and gripped her arm, stopping her.
"I love you, too." He'd spent the whole day regressing in his progress with his self-esteem and accepting Harry, but he wasn't fool enough to screw things up with Hermione too.
Hermione smiled warmly at him before letting Harry in.
"Hey Hermione!" Harry greeted, "We still on for dinner tonight?"
"You bet. I can't wait to see Ginny. I'll see you in a little while, okay?" Hermione gave Harry a quick hug before retreating out the door to collect her daughter.
"Come in, Potter, and sit down. I don't have all afternoon and apparently you don't either." Severus snapped from his chair.
Harry quickly settled himself into his seat, feeling very much like the agitated fifth year that faced the terrifying potion's master for Occlumency lessons. Something in Severus' eyes told Harry that any shaky foundation of cordiality they had established between them was gone. Summoning his courage Harry met Severus' eyes.
"You wanted to see me," and then almost as an afterthought, "Sir."
Severus found himself looking overlong into Harry's eyes. Memories of Lily that were buried in the deepest recesses of his mind swam through his mind as he stared into the green orbs. Severus wistfully longed for the carefree summers the pair had spent in the park near Spinner's End. The reason he'd called Harry to his office completely slipped his mind. Severus mentally shook himself, first he was feeling jealous of Potter and then he was thinking about Lily just as he'd used to before Hermione re-entered his life. What is going on with me? I feel as if I haven't changed or learned a thing over the years, he thought bitterly.
"How was your first day of classes? Were you able to actually teach or did you spend the day regaling the student body with war hero stories?"
A soft but disappointed snort issued from the portrait of Albus behind Severus' chair. Phineas Nigellus made chuckling sound that wasn't lost on either Severus or Harry. Severus glanced sharply at the portrait. He hadn't spoken to the corpulent wizard his whole time back, he wondered what it was about Potter's presence that finally made him vocal, albeit slightly.
The hairs on the back of Harry's neck stood up on end as defences rose. Harry did not appreciate Severus' tone and he especially did not like the sensation that he was backsliding even further into his years as a student.
"I did not regale them, and I believe that I maintained good order of my classes. You will see for yourself when you undoubtedly supervise my lessons." Harry retorted.
"Indeed I will. You do understand that whatever friendship, as paltry as it may seem, that was developing between us is irrelevant when you are in my office as a member of my staff?"
Harry rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, both gestures that were unforgivably similar to one's his father made on a regular basis. "Yes, Headmaster."
"You realise I just released a teacher for insubordination. Do not delude yourself into thinking I would not do the same to you."
"What did I do, Severus? I have a good day visiting with my best friend and teaching my favourite subject, I have an enjoyable dinner to look forward to with my family and the same friend, and now you are accusing me of insubordination? You always manage to make it rain when the sun's out. Forgive me for being insubordinate, but whatever it is that is making you angry with me is probably not my fault." Harry replied.
Each time Harry mentioned his friendship with Hermione, Severus tensed more and more. Once again, Potter was calling Severus out on his behaviour. Harry was right, the things that Severus was upset about were really not the boy's fault; he was just too powerful of a reminder.
"No, it's not." Severus admitted. "Forgive me, I spoke out of turn."
"Is everything alright, sir?" Harry asked immediately softening. It would make sense that the Headmaster would take out his bad mood on Harry. Old habits die hard after all.
"If something was the matter, I assure you, I would not seek counsel from you." Severus stood up from his chair, prepared to physically throw Potter from his office. He could sense Harry was fishing for another bond strengthening heart to heart talk and Severus was in no mood.
"You could always go to Hermione. She's great to talk to about some things, even better than Ginny because, I don't know what it is but, I guess her soul just runs deep and it's like she understands on a different level. You know, every year about this time I get a little depressed because it is close to the anniversary of my parents' deaths. But I guess you probably already knew that, about Hermione I mean." Harry trailed off quietly, realising he may have said too much.
Bulls-eye, Severus thought, you just hit two of my weakest spots in one go, Lily, and you're wonderful friendship with my wife that is still making me jealous.
"Get out of my office, Potter." Severus said without emotion.
Harry stood quickly and made his way for the door. "Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?"
"I'll take that as a no." Harry quipped before Severus slammed the door in his face. Resolved to get to the bottom of Severus' mood before it had an effect on Harry's teaching evaluation he set off to have dinner with Hermione and Ginny.
"What's the matter with your husband, Hermione?" Harry asked in between large bites of fish and chips.
Hermione set down her glass of butterbeer and rounded on Harry. "Nothing."
"Hmph. You sound just like him." Harry retorted. Ginny continued eating her grilled chicken but looked on with interest. Arguments between Harry and Hermione were always fun.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione demanded. "Did you ask him if something was wrong?"
Hermione wasn't expecting to feel as annoyed as she did at the possibility that Harry might have asked Severus what was bothering him. She'd of course asked him the same thing and gotten 'nothing' as a reply as well and it would have bothered her considerably if Severus opened up to Harry but not to her.
"I did in a roundabout sort of way. He was treating me like a first year idiot. Something's bothering him and I wasn't about to let him take it out on me."
"Oh, well I suppose something is bothering him but we haven't talked about it. I'm sure it really is nothing to do with you though." Hermione replied.
Ginny sighed deeply and took a long drink of her butterbeer. Apparently they weren't going to have a fun argument.
"So, I'm going to start working again next week-," Ginny began but Harry cut her off.
"You know Hermione, you've changed a lot."
Ginny smiled at the interruption thinking that maybe there was going to be an argument after all.
"I repeat, what's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked feeling offended.
"Since you got married, you have shared less and less with me. I mean we're best friends and while I see you all the time and talk to you about stuff, since you married Severus it feels like there is a half of you that I don't know anymore." Harry replied trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice.
"You know what?" Ginny said, "I think these two need new nappies. I will be right back."
Harry acknowledged Ginny briefly before she politely excused herself to go change diapers. This probably would be an argument, but the type that required privacy. Ginny knew what was bothering Harry and it was about time he said something about it to Hermione.
"Well, I felt the same way when you married Ginny. I was afraid that you would have all these secrets from me that you would share with Ginny instead. I was right in a way but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I was jealous for awhile but it went away." Hermione replied sadly.
"That's just it. Ginny isn't a private person like Severus is. If something is bothering her she'll tell you if I don't. You even know most of the details of our sex life and everything because of Ginny's openness. It's not like that with you."
Hermione grinned. "You want to know the details of my sex life?"
"Urgh, no! I just, I don't really know how to put this. I worry about you, that you aren't as happy as you could be. I just don't understand how someone I thought I knew so well could be happy with a man like Severus." Harry said.
Hermione's eyebrows narrowed considerably as she glared at Harry. It sounded like Harry was insulting her husband and her judgment for choosing to be with him. Hermione hoped Ginny would return soon because it looked as if she was itching to see a fight and she was about to get one.
"Are you insinuating that Severus is abusing me somehow and I am keeping his secret? Seriously, Harry, we are best friends but look back over the years really closely and think hard about who actually maintained that friendship. When Ron was around and mad at me you didn't hesitate to take his side about lots of things, like when I knew Crookshanks didn't kill Scabbers, or about the Firebolt. During the Triwizard Tournament you stopped spending so much time with me when your fight with Ron was over and you hardly paid any attention to me at all during the year we were searching for Horcruxes, although I don't begrudge you that." Hermione took a deep breath and glared at Harry.
"You especially didn't support me the whole time I was defending Severus when we were in school. You didn't even bother to try to get to really know me until after I got back from Australia and Ron had run off to play Quidditch. Admit it Harry, I was a convenient brain and I was unwaveringly loyal to you. Without that we would have drifted apart long ago. I didn't have any other friends so I latched on to you. Now you are just seeing what it is like for me to have a new best friend. But I always saw that with you. You always had Ron and you were part time. Even if I knew what was bothering Severus I wouldn't tell you and that is what you are ultimately getting at. Even a blind man can see you are obsessed with him and his relationship with your mother. I want you to get along with him but he is my husband and I will protect him." Hermione threw a couple of galleons on the table to cover her meal and wrapped her daughter in a warm jacket. Ginny stood a few feet from the table and stared with her jaw gaping open as Hermione stalked over to the Three Broomsticks fire and flooed back to her quarters at Hogwarts.
Shortly after Severus' appointment with Harry, he made his way to the Great Hall for a quick, and early, dinner. Afterwards he retreated to his rooms and had a couple of shots of firewhiskey before the quiet and loneliness was too much. He was used to Hermione's incessant chatter and Caris' adorable baby babbling in the evenings and he missed them. Without them there his mind was free to wander to October, and Lily, and Harry. Severus supposed there was some Muggle psychoanalytic term that described his constant mood swings and he wanted to just move on. But he also felt like he had unfinished business to attend to. Severus donned his travelling cloak and using his Headmaster's privileges apparated out of his room.
Severus arrived at his destination with a loud crack but was unconcerned if anyone heard him. Scanning around, he verified that no one in the dark alley had indeed heard him. Severus walked to the street and looked to his left and right once more before continuing on his path. He paused briefly in front of the war memorial and watched as it shifted into a statue of a small family. Ignoring the inscription on the plinth he moved forward. The kissing gate leading into the small graveyard was open and clanking in the breeze. Severus shut it quietly after he passed through and slowed his pace as he wended his way around the graves.
Stopping in front of the marker he'd been looking for, he stared at it for a full minute with tears welling up in his eyes before he finally spoke.
"I'm here, Lily. Finally, after all these years. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner but I could never forgive you for sharing a grave and a marker with James. I know it was selfish of me but I am learning. I of course forgive you for it now, because now I know what it feels like to find your true love, since I have found mine. I thought it was you, but like many other things in my life, I was wrong. You would adore her, your son does. They are best friends and that is part of why I am here. Harry wants to hear all these wonderful stories about you but I can't give them to him because only two things about you are salient with me right now and neither are things he wants to hear.
"Lately when I think about you Lily, all I can think about is how irrevocably in love with you I have been and the fact that you wouldn't forgive me for calling you a Mudblood that one day. I cannot reconcile the two and every time I feel like I am making strides in understanding friendship and love I see Harry and am forcibly reminded of what I might have had and lost with you.
"You see, you were the only friend I ever had that was just that, a friend. Everyone else I knew and had regard for I met through less than pleasant circumstances, such as the Dark Lord, or school, or a marriage law. When you wouldn't forgive me for calling you a Mudblood that one day I was firmly convinced that no such casual friendship can exist, and that you can't be friends with the ones you love because they will only hurt you. You did that to me Lily and as deeply as I loved you all these years, I hated you just as much for tainting the only good thing I had known.
"I have pleaded for your forgiveness over the years endlessly. Begging for some sign that you didn't hate me for giving the prophecy to Voldemort. I know now how ridiculous that really was because I didn't know who the prophecy was about or what he would do with it. But your forgiveness was only half the battle, I needed to forgive you. I just want to say that I do forgive you for not believing in me, and for walking away so easily. Your son refuses to walk away from me, that makes him unlike you and James and I have been treating him rudely purely because of how he reminds me of you. That is not fair to him and I have to stop.
"I always feel lonely and miserable at this time of year because of what happened to you and us. But I want this to be the last time. I know this will be the last time. I have an amazing wife, a beautiful daughter, and the fulfilling career that I always dreamed about, and I'm freed from the burdensome occupation of being a war spy. I did all those things without you, and yet at the same time I didn't because my memories of my love for you wouldn't leave me. My love for my new family and my new life is too big and I don't have room enough left in my heart to continue to carry around your unrequited love."
Severus took a deep shaking breath. He couldn't recall ever saying so many words aloud in all of his life, but this speech was a long time coming and all the long talks he'd had with Hermione and Dumbledore that made him feel better about his life didn't compare to how free he felt at that moment. Severus wanted to share this moment with Hermione and he planned to allow her to see the memory soon.
"Does that make me callous, to admit that I am letting you go? Letting go of your friendship along with your words of hatred, which were the last I heard from you? Maybe, but it is the way it must be. Because you see, Lily, this whole time I thought I was making progress, really changing, but I wasn't. I told Hermione a long time ago that my heart wasn't really mine to give and that was because you still had it. But I have to take it back."
Severus conjured a bouquet of lilies and dropped them on top of the grave.
"Goodbye, Lily."
When Severus returned to his rooms it was to see an agitated Hermione trying unsuccessfully to calm Caris, who was screaming on the top of her lungs.
"Oh, Severus, thank goodness you're here. I haven't been able to get her to stop crying since I used the floo to come back from Hogsmeade. She really didn't like it. Where have you been?" Hermione cried desperately pushing Caris into Severus' waiting arms. The baby calmed almost instantly.
"There, there, sweet Caris. It's alright." Severus soothed despite the hoarseness in his throat. "How was dinner? You seem upset."
"It wasn't so great but it's not important. Harry and I had a little spat but it will go away, they always do. Are you ill? You sound hoarse and you look as if you have been in the cold for a long time." Hermione went into the bathroom and retrieved a Pepper Up potion for her husband, which he downed gratefully. Caris giggled loudly as the steam from the potion issued out of Severus' ears.
"I wish I had that special touch you have with her." Hermione commented a little sadly.
"I admit I do spoil her. But I can't help it; I just love her so much." Severus said softly gazing at his baby who was finally calming enough to fall asleep. When Caris' eyelids fluttered closed for the last time and she was truly asleep Severus placed her in her crib and shut her bedroom door. Taking Hermione's hand he led her into their bedroom and placed a silencing charm around the room.
"I love you very much too, Hermione. You really do mean the world to me and I'm sorry if I was rude today." Severus leaned over to wrap his wife in his arms and he kissed her deeply.
Hermione pressed her body against his and murmured some trifle words of acceptance for his apology. She could feel him hardening against her and her own body responded as he started to kiss her neck.
"Mmm, what's gotten into you?" Hermione whispered huskily as Severus used his wand to divest them both of their clothing and continued lavishing her skin with his mouth.
"You, Hermione, and only you. My body, my soul, my heart, belong only to you." Severus said tenderly as he gently laid her on the bed. "I want to make love to you, Hermione."
Hermione moaned with pleasure as her husband's well-practiced hands moved over her aroused body. They made love long into the night and Hermione recognized that Severus was different, freer than he'd ever been as they worshipped each other's bodies with reckless abandon. But in the heat of their passion, neither remembered to cast a contraceptive charm.
A/N: Okay, so this chapter had quite a bit of Severus purging in it which I really wanted him to do. Sorry if it feels weird and out of place. Based on some comments/reviews/PMs I have been getting regarding this story – If anyone is wondering, Severus is very intentionally OOC. I personally believe we really don't know how he would behave free of a wartime situation and the fact that he is alive at all makes him OOC. So, for those of you who had issues, yes, I am aware he is OOC and I intend him to be that way. I like a snarky Severus that stays moody and secretive but that is not the Severus for Life For Rent. Also it is a very realistic progression for an individual to think they have achieved personal goals just to have some mindless trigger remind them that they really haven't changed as much as they thought which is where Severus is here. I really don't think he has gotten much closure throughout the story but this chapter cleared that right up. Severus finally has closure. Okay, that's done.
Thanks so much to my lovely reviewers! Sorry I haven't responded faithfully to reviews for a bit but I am back and in my A-game so if you review I WILL respond, promise! I believe if you take a minute to give me a review, the least I can do is take a minute to acknowledge it!
My regular beta whoopsydaisy is off to the Magical Kingdom for a vacay so this chapter was betaed by histoire marveilleuse so thanks a billion to her! I am neglectful with commas and I think she got them all! Thanks for reading and please send me your thoughts!