"Then, I'm not quite sure what happens next, because what it looks like is so absolutely rediculous that I must be delusional from this...weird seizure, but it seems as though I'm morphing into something...big. And if I thought I was in pain before, I was sorely mistaken."

I'm almost certain I've gone insane.


And no, I'm not just jumping to conclusions. I have evidence. Such as:

One, I'm sure this isn't a dream. You can't feel physical pain in a dream, and this pain... this pain is just way too real to be thought up, or dreamt about.

Two, I'm huge. And covered in fur. I'm a giant dog, or a wolf. Woof, woof.

Three, for reasons unknown, I can't stop thinking, and I can't control what I'm thinking. For instance, I'm thinking over and over again "where's Sam?"which is ridiculous, because I know exactly where Sam is. I'm also thinking about myself, naked...and being pleased with that image, in a way that people aren't usually pleased with themselves. I'm also thinking things, like What the hell, or But she's a girl... and I can't understand why. There's about three or four different sounding voices all going off in my head at once, and I can't control any but my core thoughts.

And, to add a fourth reason, another giant dog-wolf has emerged from behind a few trees, and is now standing in front of me. And I growl.

I growl. So, as you can see, I've gone completely insane.

I hear in the distance, and the thoughts of all five of my new voices, a howl. A howl, apparently meant for Sam.

The wold in front of me whimpers, and he seems to know me. He lowers his head to the ground and looks at me, like he's confused. I just stand here, afraid to move because of the insane state I'm in, and because moving might make the pain worse.

Just then, another two voices join my head.

Because I'm not crazy enough.

But I don't even have time to register this thought, because the breathe is knocked out of my lungs, as I hear the voice in my head, one I would know anywhere, and I hate myself for driving myself so incredibly insane over this break up as to hear his voice in my head now.

But...how? The legends...

I can't seem to move, frozen in place for different reasons now, I can hardly think - my core thoughts a jumbled mess, and all I can do is listen to the voices I have no control over.

I don't get it, was there ever a girl before?

Well, don't just sit there, Help her, Sam...


Dude, this is gunna make phasing so much more...

No way. No freaking way, Leah?

...Seth? Why is Seth in my head? Why are Seth and Sam in my head?

Its just the pack mind, you'll get used to it.

Thanks for clearing the air there, buddy.

Sam, you need to explain this to her. She thinks she's gone insane.

I love how my voices are all talking about me like they don't know I'm here.

We're not your voices, we're our own voices...gah, hard to explain. Sam...?


I couldn't help but whimper. And then it came out sounding all dog-like, and I cut the sound immediately. Tres annoying.

Leah, this is Sam.

Yeah, I figured that much.

Listen, do you remember learning of the tribe legends, being descendants of wolves to fight off the cold ones?

How could I forget that? Those stories were drilled into our heads when we were kids.

They're true, Leah. Except...apparently it doesn't happen to just males...we'll need to discuss this with the Elders. But anyways, we're werewolves, Leah. All of us have gone through it, Jared, Paul, Embry, Jacob, Seth, Quill, and I...and now you. It's a genetic thing, passed down from our parents, and was triggered by the ... the Cullens moving here, the vampires that live near Forks.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is a dream, just, a special sort of dream where I canfeel pain. Because I don't feel like I'm insane anymore, I feel like I know who I am, and I recognize now that these voices in my head are Seth, Sam, and a couple kids from La Push - Paul, Quil, and Embry. Embry is, apparently, the one sitting in front of me.

And I almost puke, because behind the explanations, I can hear Sam thinking about how awkward this is, or at least, how awkward it's going to get, and I feel nauseous.

Worst. Nightmare. Ever.

Because, really, wouldn't it just absolutely suck to be forever hearing the thoughts of the ex that you're still ridiculously in love with?

...and cue the awkward silence.

Leah, Seth decides to inform me of a little piece of information that I hadn't picked up on yet, we can hear your thoughts as well, like you can hear ours.

So, I cancel out what I said earlier. Now I'm in the worst nightmare ever.

And I try not to, but I hear it from all the kids in my head, thinking about Sam and my situation. And things I don't want to hear about are pushed into my head, everyone thinking about how much Sam loves Emily. And I just want it to end, because I can't handle turning into a giant ball of fur and hearing about Sam and Emily, and it's all just the most horrible torture, and I feel like ripping something to shreds.

As I'm clawing at the earth underneath my paws, Sam decides I might need a little time to adjust to my possibly-not dream, or possibly-not insanity, but possible new reality. Embry scampers off, and suddenly, there's only two voices in my head, and I'm too grateful for the silence to be furious at Sam for being in my head in the first place, let alone everyone else.

I see through his mind the trees he passes, see and hear that he's tracking me. He comes to a halt in front of me, and sighs, his big wolf-shoulders heaving. And he looks me in the eyes and thinks about what I'm just starting to believe, while watching what I look like through his eyes, and feeling all this pain, and he collapses on the ground in front of me like he's exhausted, and the words make everything final.

Leah, you're a werewolf.

Hope you enjoy, I know it's short but...yeah, its 4 AM..i'm going to bed :P