Disclaimer: Even thou I love Ninja Turtles, I do not own them. They belong to Mirage Studios and Eastmen and Laird.
The Mark
Chapter 1: The beginnings
Training with the ninja tribunal was tough and hard and Leonardo new first hand that that was true. Leo watched his brothers Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo and the other acolytes as they made their way to their next lesson with the mighty Ninja Tribunal, this lesson with Juto, ninja master of weapons.
As soon as they arrived in the training area, they got a lecture about weapons from Juto. Leo could hear Raph's muttering when Juto called them 'maggots' but was silenced when Juto made the spirit forge appear. "Now who dares?" asked Juto.
Soon everyone but Leo had got a mystical weapon from the spirit forge. Leo was the only one left. Holding his breath Leo plunged his hand into the flame.
Nothing happened. Suddenly the flame turned blue. Leo gasped first as a sign of amazement then as a hiss of pain. Something had bitten him on his hand. Leo's brothers heard this.
"Leo are you…" Before Don could finish his sentence flames engulfed Leo. He felt a hard, cold thing hit him and sent him flying into a nearby wall. "Leo!", shouted his brothers, as they rushed towards him.
"Are you okay?" asked Mikey helping Leo up, but as soon as Leo lent on his right arm he gave a yelp of pain and fell back to the ground. "I think I may have broken…."before he could finish Leo looked at his right arm and his eyes widened.
"Leo?" asked Don worried about Leo's expression of pure shock. "What's wrong?". "What the shell?", whispered Leo, turning his arm so everyone else could see it.
There was a loud gasp that escaped everyone's mouths, except for Juto who was to busy worrying about the spirit forge.
Because there, on Leo's right arm, extending from his wrist to his elbow, twirling around his arm, was a bright red dragon tattoo.
Hoped you liked it. Please don't bite my head off, It's my first story/chapter!
Please Review!