Chapter 14 One Dies
The music was loud and everyone had shown up to the dance. Belinda had changed into her costume and was staying close to anyone that looked like a chaperone. Making sure that her cell phone was clipped to her waist. The gym was mostly dark with lights going everywhere. Belinda couldn't tell two people apart, any one of them could be an actual monster. Belinda wandered around until she came to the snack table. A lot of people were gathered around it, passing around what looked like cookies. Belinda didn't think it was a problem until she heard someone say,
"Wow these cookies are great! You made these Sam?"
"With some help," a sweet voice said.
Belinda stopped cold. There passing out cookies, was Shock. She was wearing her regular witch's clothes now, no mask, and no makeup. Shock smiled at everyone then set her eyes on Belinda. Belinda's eyes were wide with horror slowly her hand reached for her cell phone, to find it wasn't there. Shock excused herself from the crowd and walked over to her. Belinda stood her ground; Shock couldn't do anything to her in a crowd like this. Shock smiled innocently and said,
"Hello Belinda, did you loose something?"
"What do you think you're going to do Shock? There are too many witnesses to do anything drastic," Belinda muttered.
"Are there?" Shock whispered, then announced to everyone, "Dose everyone like the cookies?"
An enormous "Yes" came from everyone in the gym. Shock's smile broadened, "Good."
Shock snapped her fingers. The music stopped, everyone stopped dancing, no one talked, everything was quiet. Belinda saw the crowd's eyes glaze over and they stared with vacant faces. Everyone had been put in a trance.
"Now what were you saying about witnesses?" Shock laughed.
Belinda made a break for the doors, only to find them bolted shut. She ran to the back door but was stopped by a devil.
"Leaving so soon?" The devil laughed, "I think not."
"You… you're… Laurence," Belinda stuttered.
"Ugh, I hate that name. Call me Lock."
"B…but you're buried under the tree. Where Shock was talking in the woods."
"What's left of me is, the same way that what's left of Shock and Barrel is in a grave somewhere."
"You think she would have figured that out," said a skeleton who was stuffing his face with everything on the snack table but the cookies.
"Barrel," Belinda said weakly, "you said you weren't going to hurt me."
"I'm not going to," Barrel held up Belinda's cell phone, "I already made my contribution, and who do you think made most of these cookies? Shock's the one with the rest of the plan."
"And what a plan it is," Shock said, "Allow me to demonstrate. Lock, switch the music to playlist number 13." Lock went, Shock then announced to the crowd of hypnotized dancers, "Alright everyone. When the music plays, dance to the song. You all know the steps."
Lock finished changing the music and a very loud version of the "Macarena" began to play, immediately everyone hypnotized started dancing in perfect harmony. Lock, Shock, and Barrel burst out laughing. There was nothing more satisfying than making others look like idiots. While they were laughing their guts out Belinda desperately tried the back door, locked.
"Don't bother Belinda," Lock gasped between laughs, "I jammed them shut. Why don't you enjoy the show."
The song had now turned to the chicken dance and the entire gym started flapping their arms. The trio burst into a new round of laughs.
"This is awesome!" Barrel said, "How did you do this?"
"Remember when I made that potion of suggestion?"
"Yeah," Lock said, "We gave it to Barrel and suggested that he should stick candy up his nose. He listened to us until that piece of caramel got stuck and he snapped out of it."
"How could I forget?"Barrel said, "I think some of that caramel is still back there."
"Well if that worked on the half-dead, this is what it dose to those with an actual heartbeat. The potion affects them better," Shock explained.
After the song changed to the hokey-pokey, the trio turned to Belinda, who had gotten a metal chair and was trying to smash the door down.
"Oh give it up Belinda," Shock said.
"Never! You are not going to kill ME!" Belinda screamed as she threw the chair at her.
Shock smartly side-stepped the flying chair and said, "Who said anything about killing you? Thanks to that nagging little voice at the back of my head that now deserves to be called a conscious, I can't kill you. And since a witch is her strongest on Halloween no matter where she is, I thought I'd do something special," She motioned Lock to stop the music and the dancers stopped dancing. Everything was quiet again, "You see if there's one thing I know about you, is that the most important thing to in your life is yourself. What you look like, how others see you, that's all that matters to you. So I thought to myself 'What would happen if she couldn't make herself pretty?'". Shock gave a malicious smile and cast a spell on Belinda. Belinda yelled in pain as he face became covered in warts. Shock laughed maniacally before saying, "My second thought was 'She'll tell everyone' so I then thought, 'What if she didn't talk at all?'" Belinda raised her hands to try to protect herself but it couldn't stop Shock's second spell, which tore and destroyed Belinda's very voice. Belinda lay shaking on the ground, silently screaming, then violently thrashing her arms and legs around in a tantrum.
Shock turned to the crowd heading toward Belinda, "Alright everyone, one last performance. Everyone gather around Belinda, there just like that, teachers and chaperones in front. When I snap my fingers again you will all come out of the trance. You will see Belinda and be scared because there is something wrong with her. From now on you will never believe what she tries to tell you about me being a witch or any other monsters. You will just think of tonight and think she's crazy," Shock turned to Lock and Barrel, "Unlock the doors. Barrel get out of here, Lock start the music on track 7. Ready? Three… two… one…"*snap*
The crowd broke out of the trance. A round of gasps came from the teachers when they saw Belinda on the floor. Shock was first to speak, "Oh my gosh Belinda what happened?"
That snapped the teachers out of their panic and soon they were calling 911 and trying to get Belinda off the floor. During the mayhem that followed Lock and Shock backed away towards the door. Belinda saw them go. Ugly, silent, and now half insane, Belinda swore that one day she will have her revenge. And she knew just where to start. Through the crowd she saw a familiar mask staring at her, this was her chance. She got up, took out the knife she had hidden, ran to the owner of the familiar mask, and plunged the knife into his chest. Many people screamed at once, but Shock was the loudest. The students ran screaming out the door. Belinda tried to laugh, but even that had been destroyed.
The boy with the skeleton mask crumpled to the ground, gasping, holding on to the knife stuck in his chest. Some of the teachers tackled Belinda to the ground while the others tried to control the students. Shock was by the boy's side in an instant. Shock supported his head on her lap to make it easier for him to breathe; she took of his mask, to see Kevin looking back at her. Before she could say anything Kevin gasped,
"I.. I knew you'd be here, I c..came to give it b..back," he placed Shock's locket in her hand, "I w..wanted to, b..but I didn't look inside. w..wouldn't it…"
Kevin's breathing started to tremble, Shock began to cry and said, "Would you like to see what's inside it, before you… you…"
Kevin nodded slightly. Shock held back a sob and opened the locket for him to see. This time the memories came softly, each floating into Kevin's mind. His face was in awe as he realized the secrets of what lies after death. The memories only lasted seconds and soon they stopped coming. When the last memory faded Kevin's chest started heaving, he was having a heart attack. His only reaction was to put his mask on again, his skeleton mask. The same mask that another skeleton boy had worn as he died. Kevin's heart gave one last beat and was still.
Sirens filled the air around Shock. She didn't hear them. Being half dead, she could only hear the silence of where a heartbeat used to be. She sat there crying until someone touched her shoulder, Lock. Seeing that it was too late for Kevin, the teachers wrestled Belinda out the door. The police were coming to arrest Belinda for murder, and insanity. They would ask a lot of questions to a witness. Shock carefully got up, setting Kevin's head on the floor. Lock lead her to the back door; but before he opened it he heard a sound. Shock heard it too, the distinct sound of metal on flesh.
They both turned around, to see Kevin pulling the knife out of his chest. Lock and Shock ran next to him. Kevin held the bloodied knife at his side.
"S…Sam," Kevin stuttered as he saw Shock, "I feel weird, right here." He placed his free hand over his heart; he kept it there for a moment. Then his eyes grew wide, "Sam. Why has my heart stopped beating?"
"Because it doesn't want to anymore," Shock said, her voice heavy, "You're one of us now. Kevin, you're dead."
Author's Note:
Bet you didn't see that coming! Muahhahahhahahahahahaha! But seriously, who do you think gets the better end of the deal Belinda or Kevin? The next chapter is the last so comment and let me hear your angry and or glad voices :D!