This story takes place one year after where the Vampire Knight TV show ended. Here is a brief description of what's going on…
There is tension and conflict in the world of vampires. Civil war had broken out among them, an now all vampires must decide which side they will take – what they are ready to fight for and protect…
It all started when groups of vampires decided they are tired of killing like cowards – always hiding in the deepest, darkest places. They questioned why they, the superior, had sunken below the weak, vulnerable human race. After all, humans are just food. Rebellion began.
Now, two groups of vampire have emerged: the Destroyers, wanting vampires to be the dominating race and humans the slaves, and the Preservers, believing that the best way is harmony between humans and vampires – and who protect the humans from the wrath of the Destroyers. The Preservers now are led by Kuran Kaname.
New characters that I created:
Aliah – A major character in the story. Comes from "the Land in The Clouds".
Kristina – The dark and cunning leader of the Destroyers. Of unknown origins.
(These are just some major ones; there will surely be more. BY THE WAY, as a heads up, this story doesn't have just humans and vampires)
Our story begins in "The Land of the Clouds" where a young angel is given her punishment for something she has done…
Well now that that's taken care of… INTO THE STORY WE GO!