Yay! Summer vaca started! Now I have lots of time to work on this story…
Oh, and congrats to me - I'm an 8th grader now!
It took a long time to get back to writing partly because I had hit a writer's block and partly because I was taking the SAT (which was friggin LONG!)
This chapter is in here to show the conflicts of the vampire world –
And… Kaname lovers – this is your chapter.
A Growing Distance
What if you had to choose between love and responsibility?
It was a cloudy midnight, in which the full moon could barely be made out in the sky. Although the moon usually had a calming effect on Kaname Kuran, stress and tension plagued his mind as he brooded by the tall windows of his bedroom. Behind him, Yuuki was still resting, her breath even and soothed as she lay curled up in the silky sheets they had shared. Despite a full year of vampire life, Yuuki still often slept during the night – a human habit that she refused to let go of.
Ever since the two lovers had left Cross Academy about one year ago, Kaname couldn't help but wonder about certain things every time he looked Yuuki's way. Had she really, truly wanted to be a vampire? Did she ever miss her old, carefree life?
Was she happy in her life with him?
Their love for each other was unquestioned – for they both knew how much they needed the other - they were inseparable, intertwined. But Kaname couldn't help cringing at the fact that perhaps he was unwillingly going against their bond – perhaps he was endangering and jeopardizing it.
The reason was simple, really. Kaname and Yuuki had wanted a tranquil life, without complications or obstacles, or interruptions. But they both knew that was nearly impossible, for Kaname could not run from his responsibilities as a Kuran, as a pureblood vampire. The couple accepted these duties and obligations and began the delicate process of settlement into the life that was meant to be theirs- the life of pureblood vampires.
But the civil war completely changed everything. More and more vampires were slowly beginning to resent the humans they had to constantly hide from. Humans were their victims. Since when did the predators hide from their prey?
Now, these "Destroyers" were diminishing everything – and before long, the whole world would see vampires as deadly, horrible beasts. What had once been only a myth would suddenly come to life before humanity's eyes. It was a terrifying thought, but if nothing was done it would soon come true.
That was when Kaname had to make a decision. He was a Kuran. He was a leader. When things went wrong, he was the one to stop them – for he had immeasurable power. He knew that the position of power would undoubtedly be given to him, and he would have to lead all vampires who hadn't fallen in with the Destroyers.
However, he now had Yuuki to worry about. What would happen to the delicate threads of their relationship, the gently constructed bond they had built ever since they had met? Kaname Kuran held these things in his mind for weeks, pondering the outcomes using all his judgment. This was the very decision he wished he would never have to make.
But he did make it, knowing that choosing either path would hurt him in some aspect. He couldn't let Yuuki down, but he couldn't let down the whole human race either by refusing his duty.
In a mere three months since leaving Cross Academy, Kaname Kuran had gone from "Kaname-sama" to "General Kuran."
Kaname remembered the evening when he had told Yuuki his decision. They had been walking in the lush garden behind their beautiful palace-like dwelling, as if everything was at peace in the world. The garden was like an illusion of bliss and serenity when in reality the world was quite the opposite.
Kaname remembered the jovial light he had seen in her face then, he remembered how she had been content to simply hold his hand in hers and walk among the flowers.
"Yuuki," he had said, "I am glad to see you are so happy here."
She smiled. "How could I not be happy?"
Kaname said nothing, but smiled back weakly. Yuuki looked at him for some time and said, "You seem distracted. What's wrong?"
"It's nothing really, my dear…"
"No," said Yuuki firmly, her smile disappearing, "Tell me."
They had stopped in the middle of the garden. Everything around the couple was silent. Kaname breathed in deeply.
"Yuuki," he began. "The world is becoming very dangerous – for vampires and for humans. The vampire Council has failed, the vampire hunters are dwindling, and because of that, there is a new problem arising. It may very well mean the destruction of the human race, and ultimately our own."
Yuuki, hearing all this for the first time, whispered, "What is it?"
"Civil War," replied Kaname. "It's been thousands of years since we had one, and I feel this is going to be the deadliest yet."
Yuuki's eyes were wide. "What does it mean, Onii-sama?"
Kaname looked at Yuuki for a long time. Then he held out his arms and she rushed into them, realizing that the real reason he was here with her in the garden was so that he could break some kind of news to her. Bad news.
As Yuuki buried her face in his shoulder, Kaname felt saddened about what he was doing – what he had to do.
"Yuuki," he said softly, "tomorrow I will become the official leader of the Preservers."
"The Preservers?" asked Yuuki, lifting up her head.
"The vampires who fight for peace in the world."
Yuuki gave a meek laugh. "Fight for peace…" she echoed. "A strange way to put it."
Kaname smiled. "It must be done, my dear."
Yuuki nodded. "I know…"
Silence. Kaname waited.
"What will you do, Onii-sama?" Yuuki inquired.
"I must travel and negotiate with other nobles. Most of our opposition is made up of lower vampires, Level E for example, but their numbers are growing rapidly. If we don't do anything, they will deplete the human race."
Yuuki thought of Yori and the others at Cross Academy and shivered.
"I will most likely send out spies to bring me information. Our enemies lurk in the dark and are hard to find. All we know about them is that some woman named Kristina leads them. We don't know where she's from or how she became their leader, but she is very dangerous."
Kaname looked down at Yuuki, who had been listening intently the whole time. He took her hand in his and kissed it. "There is much to do as a general, my dear," he said, "I believe there is about to be much havoc in the vampire world and in the human world. I will be very busy and I will carry lots of responsibility. Things will be… hard. However…" he paused and Yuuki held her breath, "if you do not wish that I become the leader, if you strongly feel it would be best to not…"
"No, Onii-sama." Yuuki cut in firmly. She had made her decision and would not change her mind. Kaname knew how adamant she could be, but he was not expecting her to so readily except the huge change that was soon going to take place. Her eyes shone determinedly as she continued, "Fight them. This is a big war. I can't keep you away from your duty as a Kuran. Our duty. Fight them and win." Her stance was defiant and strong, just like she had always been.
Kaname smiled and kissed her hand once more. "For you I will, Yuuki."
Three months had passed between then and now, and Kaname was already beginning to see more and more clearly the magnitude of the task that was before him. Just a couple days ago Kaname received word of one of his spies being tracked and murdered by none other than Kristina – who was showing herself as a cunningly evil leader.
Kaname had been able to establish many alliances with noble families, but somehow he had the feeling that it wasn't enough. Nothing was enough.
And most prominent of all, he felt a deep, sinking feeling that he was neglecting Yuuki. There was so much to do, so much to plan and defend – there was so much at stake. In the midst of all this, he was slowly slipping away from Yuuki. He knew she felt it too, but it was to be expected.
"Onii-sama?" said a quivering, sleepy voice behind him.
"Yes?" replied Kaname, rising from his place by the window and coming beside Yuuki on the bed. "What is it?"
"I had a dream…" whispered Yuuki in a dazed voice, "a dream… a dream…"
"What happened? Are you alright?"
Yuuki shook her head slightly. "Yes," she said, "now I am… I think."
Kaname waited until she sat upright. Then he spoke, "What did you see?"
Yuuki shivered. Dreams had haunted her many times in her life. Kaname saw fear in her eyes and her lips quivering in fright.
"It was just a dream, my love," he whispered as he held her shuddering body in his arms. "It was no more than a dream."
"No, it wasn't," Yuuki said, "It was real. I could tell it was."
"Tell me what you saw," Kaname whispered into her ear.
"There were trees, and a girl, and a…it was so strange…" Yuuki took a deep breath, "I was in a dark forest. It was about midnight, and I felt very cold – I was still in my nightdress. I walked around to see if anyone was around. The trees surrounded me and towered over me like giants…
"Then I saw someone in the distance, a young-looking girl in a pretty blue dress. She was standing still and looking around anxiously. Then she saw me and began to run away. I ran after her calling 'Wait, wait! Tell me where I am!' through the trees.
"I followed her deep into the forest. I could always just barely see her, bounding across the ground in her bare feet. I yelled, 'Stop! I just want to talk to you. Please!'
"She froze right there and slowly turned to face me. She had dark hair and shining blue eyes, and she was a bit fragile-looking. But…" Yuuki trailed off.
"But what?"
"She was… not human." Yuuki said.
"She was a vampire, then."
"No, she was not a vampire," Yuuki replied, "She didn't have any fangs. But she had a sort of otherworldly appearance. She seemed to almost… glow. Very faintly, though. She did look human from far way, but close up I wasn't so sure…
"She said 'What do you want with me?' in a strange, musical voice and before I could say anything in reply, something… something sprang from the darkness behind the girl with a cold, insane laugh.
I was running as fast as I could to get away," said Yuuki. "But I didn't get very far. I tripped and fell on a tree root or something. I looked back and saw... I saw a black figure wrapping itself around the girl – its arms curled around her waist and it put its head by her neck. I then realized it was about to suck her blood…"
The Kuran bedroom took on a dark silence.
Yuuki continued slowly, "The dark figure's head then began to move up and down. It was drinking. I cringed and tried to get up but I was caught in the roots and brambles.
"Then, I looked at the girl's face. Her eyes were closed, and her head, resting back on the figure's shoulder, was bent down in submission. She gasped as the vampire smothered her, destroyed her. Her eyes opened and in them I saw tears. Her eyes… they were so sad. I could hear her soft crying from where I lay on the ground.
"I smelled the blood as it surged down her neck. It mixed in with her tears and stained her blue dress. 'Stop this!' I yelled, 'It's too much!' The figure's head looked up from its bloody feast and it rasped, 'Can't stop now… it's too sweet…'
"I noticed the girl's eyes had closed again, her face was covered with shiny tears… and her body was limp and lifeless in the vampire's arms.
"Then I woke up," Yuuki finished simply.
Kaname gave her a small smile. "Do not let this dream disturb you, my dear," he said gently. "It's a dream. It isn't real."
"But it is!" cried an exasperated Yuuki, "It is real! What I saw in this dream happens every night! I know it! People die because of vampires. Onii-sama, you have to stop them. You have to end this civil war soon, please…"
"Yuuki," Kaname said softly, "Vampires will always feast on humans, on their blood – that's the way it is. I cannot go against our natural bloodlust. But I agree the civil war is bringing out the worst in us. I will end it as you say."
"Promise me," whispered Yuuki.
"I promise, my love," he whispered back. Then he kissed her.
The night was quiet as the Kurans delved into deep thought about what was to come – about what they would face. The wind blew inside the room from the window and stirred Yuuki's brown hair.
After a couple moments like this had passed, Yuuki spoke, almost inaudibly, "Onii-sama, I'm scared…"
Kaname answered, "Don't be. You will always have me, Yuuki. No matter how far away or detached I may seem, I'm always there for you."
"Always," Yuuki said with a smile, "I know."
WHEW! Gosh that seemed like a lot. I hope it didn't stretch on laboriously for you guys – I've read fanfics that do that and I practically fall asleep.
You know, I'm getting a bit tired of this serious stuff in my story. I think I might slip a lighter chapter in there somewhere.
BTW- I'm sorry if I seem to jump around too much between chapters.
Next chapter that won't happen…
So… maybe some reviews please?