Disclaimer: I don't own the Sisters Grimm. I don't mean to insult Michael Buckley by including him in this.
"NOOOO!" Sabrina woke up screaming.
"What's wrong, liebling?" yelled Granny Relda, racing through the door. The rest of the family was close behind her.
"I had a horrible dream," gasped Sabrina, choking down her tears. "Our entire lives were written down in a series of books by some guy who's obsessed with fairy tales. Tons of people were reading it... They knew everything about us, and it was all written in my point of view, so they knew what I was thinking! It was terrible!"
"Everything?" asked Puck, who suddenly looked very pale.
"Yes. Every single EXTREMELY PERSONAL detail," muttered Sabrina, who was as pink as Puck was pale. (A/N: Say that three times fast.)
"Don't worry, it was just a dream," soothed Granny. The family left the room, and Sabrina soon fell asleep again. When she was sound asleep, a man with a pencil and paper stepped out of the closet.
"Or was it?" whispered MB, and tiptoed out of the house.
Okay, it's a little surreal... but I was bored the other day. So sue me.
Actually, don't. Please.