HEYYY! im not that great at this stuff and not good at fighting scenes but will try! i think i will give a shot at Harry potter wich you can reviw and tell me your ideals! i have a list of ideals for it on my home page so PPLLEEESSEE check it out!
I DO NOT OWN NARUTO! if i did i would soooo own sasukes body! WWHAHAHAH! ^_^
Naruto has finally done it he has gain the village's trust and respect but there are times were he wishes he could have made life a little easier for him his wife Hinta, his son Arishi named after his grandfathers middle name and his friends such as, Sasuke, Garra. To go in time and keep all the horrible stuff lessoned. So that is what he was working on for that night. The nine tales fox's or less commonly know by him as Raven.
Well Raven had told Naruto if he wanted to go in the past and also be able to take Arishi with him. He would do it for him but instead of him saving his father he will become his younger self's adopted Father. Naruto would be come the new SS Class Seals Master. (Juria is an A class Seals Master and Moito is an S Classed Seals Master.) He would be the highest ranked Seal Master in any place he wents.
Raven was now starting the process. After Raven did this he would be sent back to demon ream. Only when, Naruto summons him. (He had the Fox's, Wolf's, Bird's, Snake's and Frog's. also the animals will remember that he signed and does not need to again.) Naruto and Arishi will also get immortal life along with better healing and better scenes: like feel, touch, hear, see, smell, taste and so on…Naruto's whisker marks are gone and he looks like cardboard copy of his father except he wore a blood red long sleeve that clung to him like a second skin almost and dark blue ninja pants with the right upper leg had a ninja pouch. He wore a white Hokage coat like his dad only his said: Sixth Hokage SS Class Seals Master: and black ninja sandals. Two year old baby Arishi look just like his dad expect his blue eyes were like, Hinta's violet Huegu eyes. He wore a smaller version of Naruto's expect it said: Next Hokage with a little red fox pitcher sleeping at the bottom under a cherry blossom tree in bloom. Raven took him to demon world tell Naruto explained what was going on to the Hokage. Once that was done and things were calm he would summon Raven to give Arishi back.
"Hang on Kit this is going to hurt.
Naruto blacked out just as everything turned bright.
"See yah latter Kit and good luck."
Five weeks before Naruto is born and One week before Obito is killed…
"Moito Sensei."
"Yes Obito?"
"Who do you think he is?"
"Well… all I know is he had a leaf ninja band on his left arm and wore Hokage robes…but the thing that gets me is what it said on the back…"
"What did it say Sensei?"
"Well Kakashi…the thing is I think his from another time some how…"
"How's that possible?"
"Well for one his Hokage robes say Sixth Hokage SS Class Seal Master…which as far as I know there is only S Class Seal Masters and there are maybe two counting me…next he had a Leaf Village band…also he looks like a copy of me expect the red tips in his hair and I think that if he is then his my unborn child in nineteen to twenty-five years."
PPLLEESSSSSSSSE TELL ME what yah think kk! ^-^ love yah all! THINKS!