
With Naruto in the hospital


"Hmm where am I-

-Naruto, opened his eyes only to shut them aging—

-"damn lights"-

-He reopens his eyes to see a white bed room—

-"God damit I hate hospitals. Is it me or do I see WAY to many times were I wake up and I'm in a damn Hospital room!-He cross his arms and pout's (hahahahahah) -"I need my Raman damit and I swear fox's if this time has none of my presses Raman and I'll kill you my self-Naruto stopped in mid sentence to see a few people he knew and heard about right in front of his door. His first Sensei Kakashi, his Sensei's two team mates…Rin and...Obito…-

- 'It's not too late I can even save Kakashi from least one death.'—

Behind the three is The Fourth Hokage his dad…Jirrai that old pervert and the Third Hokage or you could say a good grandfather to me.

"Hey. Sensei your right he could be your son"

"Obito is right brat this guy even has yours and Kinshasa, wild taste for Raman."

"O hey Pervert-Sensei it's great to see you again" Naruto's eye's had a shin in them.

"Damit have respect for those older then you brat!" Naruto just grinned at his old Sensei.

"It looks like you teach some more in the further hey Purvey-Sensei…hahahahahah…." Moito look Naruto's way.

"Naa just me… - Naruto get a sad face and whispers but they could still hear him…-because you died killing the leader Pain when I should have done it…"Naruto look up back up to them and smiled a tried old one. He stares at Moito's shocked face and looks to the others to see them worried.

"don't worry most of you will be long gone before it happens in fact Kakashi Sensei and Jirrai Sensei are the only one around at the time that was close to him besides the Fifth Hokage Baba-chan…-by there faces he could she they did not under stand…Lady Tusenadae.."

"Really and She came back?"

"And my student was your one of your Sensei's?" Moito ruffed Kakashi's hair fetchingly.

Yes but he was the fames for being the copy ninja. Also extremely late and having the lamest excuses like and I quote: I was on the road of life! Naruto throw his hands in the air to make his point what the hell. "But the resin he was usually really late. I found out when we were Joniens together with Iruka Sensei." Naruto looked strait at young Kakashi and said…

He was two hours late on a good day because the death of his Father who die of suicidal after he felled a mission. Kakashi looked shocked, "so that hasn't happen yet good maybe I can help you save him too." Kakashi nodded his head back in answer. 'Which in, Kakashi, form means thank you.'

"His best friend who what you said was like a little brother…now Obito it's not that shocking if you know the Kakashi in about twenty one years." Right…Moito?"

Moito just smiled. He knew how Kakashi and Obito cared about one other even if they annoy the hell out of each other.

"As I thought there just like, Sasuke and my self. Should have know why we were the only ones Kakashi ever picked." Naruto looked at the three and spoke directly to them.

"I bet Kakashi is all rules and acts like his too cool for little things.

"You got that right!"

"OBITO don't be mean to, KAKASHI-KUN."

"Hun. Not really too fan girl but still your too much like Sakura." Naruto shook his head lost in the past.

"Yah we tried to talk her out of that" Moito whispered in his ear.

"Hay I resist that!"

"Dined!" Obito and Kakashi looked at each other and could not help laughing tell they fell down back to back then got up like nothing happened.

"Oh and Obito I bet you like to play pranks on people specifically the Huegu mane branch or the Uchiha Clan hmm? Maybe even rush in to things?"

"Yes defiantly!"

"BIG… time!"

"Hay!" Naruto, smiled down at Obito and but his hand on his shoulder. I think it's funny that I use to rush in things too much just like you. And that I have some thing in coming with an Uchiha. You're more deferent then most of them EXPLY Sasuke Uchiha the last of his clan and my best friend more on that latter all right!"

" if I'm right how he never told Obito who died because of the Rock ninja on his mission, Rin and the most of all Moito Arishi Nizamike the Forth Hokage and husband to Kishana M. Usumike Nizamike and father of Naruto Usumike Nizamike.

"Oh, gran-I mean Third Hokage-sama, you are right she did come back not willingly at first but I convict her when I was twelve years old to be the Fifth after dad and then you died fighting Orochimaru but lets weight tell were in safer walls before I say anymore hmm?"

"Oh and Fourth Hokage-sama its great to final meat you" as Naruto bows to Moito before standing back up and showing his fathers families smile.


"New it!" big gin (Jirrai)

"….." (Kakashi)

"WWWOOOWW" (Obito)

"Really?" (Rin)

The third just smiled at the young man. 'He must have thought he was the Hokage of this time scene he knows the further Hokage's it would seem he thought it was around that time."

Naruto silently cursed under his breath. He continues to speak without really paying it any mind to what he was saying. 'I should have known he wasn't Hokage yet I mean even Obito is a live. I bet that boy loving pedophile Orochimaru hasn't betrayed the village…dam…dam…damit all… the—

"Whell my boy why don't we check you out so you can tell us that story in the offices hmm?" Naruto looked up to him a smiled.

"Yes I would love to catch up on things to and learn more about all of you then just hearing about you. Some of you are dear to me while others are still are I just did not get to meet you in my life time." Naruto got a far away look in his eye as they stepped out of his room once he got dress.