1) how it begans
A)start the story at the end of 5 year after padfoots death (fall what ever)
2)Dark Lord
D) still Dark but kind to his servers or lover or family.
3) Headmaster?
E) or your idea-He and Voldy could be lovers-but, may not always agree or see eye to eye
He could be some type of creature also. He uses magic to give him the hairy "Merlin" appearance. He really looks more Tom's age.
Fawkes isn't really his. He belonged to the founders and chose to live at the school until his new master's birth.
He could choose to be Harry's Familiar and has been Harry's since his birth. But, he stayed at Hogwarts to keep an eye on Dumbles.
4)Harry's Parnents?
C) Unknown Person or unhuman Vanpire, Dark elf, Dark Veela or light Veela-1/2 dark elf and/or Vampire...maybe royal family
5)is the vision about Harry and Tom right or just a lie?
I think it could be a misinterpretation. It don't mean what they think it does.
6)Harry's anamages form
A) a Hybrid Snake and Dragon
He could have two-black Panther
Draco/Harry only PLEASE-no extra mates-PLEASE
Draco light Veela-because it's ironic
Good Malfoys
Harry could know who he really is all along, but, keeps it a secret. Fawkes tells him everything when he was small. He keeps it to himself( he tells Draco and close close friends) Only public knowlege when he recieves inheritance at Sirius's will reading, because others are in the room. Sirius and Remus could know he was adopted. When he starts changeing around his 16th birthday, his REAL family starts showing up. If he's Royal, he could even get guards...anything extra to make Dumbles life hell.
If Harry lives with Dursleys, Fawkes could help make things easier for him.
Fawkes magic could make the cuboard bigger inside(think of tent Weasleys used at Tri Wizard Tournament. It was about the size of a pop tent, but, was a full house inside) Or make them put him in the bedroom sooner and magically make it an apartment for Harry.
He could teach Harry about magic. Bring him books, toys, potions and supplies, etc.
He could use magic on the Dursleys. They leave Harry along. He only has normal chores any other kid has.(pull weeds, take out trash, etc.) He makes them buy Harry nice clothes and good food... He don't care about Christmas, birthdays, etc., because he brings Harry all that...It could be said he spoils him...maybe...No, His Human is Never spoiled. All those, books, toys, candy, and other things, was absolutely necessary items Harry HAD to have! So see Harry isn't spoiled...Nope, not at all. His human is to perfect to be spoiled!
Harry can do well in elementary school. And, the Dursleys don't care due to Fawkes magic on them.
Harry(due to his bloodline)could have perfect memory. He could remember everything he reads and learns or hears.
Then when Harry does get a letter for Hogwarts, he isn't ignorant of all things magic, like in the books. If Snape asks those questions first day(like in books), he will answer every question right...no matter how many he asks.
Harry be the smart one...not Hermione. Just because she was smart in the books, don't mean every author has to make her the genius! She could be smart...just not as smart as Harry or Draco even...maybe not even top 5 or 10.
Hermione could be his friend
But, it would be great if maybe Ron wasn't. Again, just because JK made him a best friend, don't mean nearly all here has to.
That meeting always seemed a set up anyway. The Weasleys were witches and wizards that lived in the magical world. But, they arrived on the muggle side of the station, yelling about 9and 3/4 and muggles? Then on the entire train, Harry had the only open space?
He seemed more a "Boy who Lived" glory hound most of the times. Right off the bat he wants to know about the scar?
The Weasleys could work for Dumbles. Fawkes told Harry to avoid them(he is hears and sees things in Dumbles office). Plus, Fawkes has told Harry how to get through the platform, so he don't need their help. Then, on the train, he could change his looks(he knows how). Ron can't find him and doesn't know what Harry even looks like until he is called to the hat. Ron keeps pushing himself on Harry, but, Harry don't let him. And he really can't match wits and brains with Harry anyway.
Slytherin Harry would be great.
Fawkes could have taken the Marauder's map from Fich and given it to Harry-magically improved(with rooms Marauders didn't find on it..like all the Founders rooms...every single room and hidden place in the castle)
He could secretly get the Slytherin students on his side. That keeps them from being a deatheater later and not Dumbles puppet!
Fawkes could secretly take Harry to Gringotts when he is young(long before letter time) Harry can get control of whatever is due him from any REAL family, plus what the Potters left him. And Dumbles never knows. Nobody can touch anything that belongs to him. Dumbles can still have Harry's key and send it by Hagrid for shopping.
Harry DON"T have a brother wand to Voldy. Please somebody start changeing that. This is Fanfiction...not the book.
Harry buys magical trunk...extra rooms( for excess books, potions, big wardrobe, etc.)...spells on it. Nobody can open it or enter it unless he allows them to.