A/N: This came to me last year. Lol. I wrote this last year, I've been looking for it lately. It's going to be seven chapters and yeah.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter one: Sirius Black and James Potter

"James!" Sirius growled, looking down at what he was wearing. A pink froofry dress with lace had replaced his school uniform and his usual brown shoes were turned into white high heels, and a pink bow tied his shaggy hair up in a hidious bun. He was angry, thanks to James Potter, his best friend.

Sirius kicked the heels off to the corner to get a better running start. He ran, wiping sweat off his face, some make-up coming with it. He ran after his friend, who was skipping down the hallway in victory, and tackled him to the ground with a growl.

The two sixteen year old boys started rolling around on the floor, yelling things at each other that I vowed not to repeat, which drew attention to them, which they were used to. They rolled on the floor wrestling for a few minutes. Then, James pinned Sirius down.

Sirius squirmed and wriggled, trying to get free but not succeeding.

"James!" He screamed, "James! Le'go! I'm prego!"

A Hufflepuff girl burst into tears and ran away with two friends behind her as James and Sirius rolled around on the floor, this time in laughter as people walked passed them giving them suspicious looks.

A/N: Anyways, reviews are always welcome!