The following is a letter from James to Poppy. It is really random and a one shot deal. I came up with the idea and wrote this during my English class. Enjoy! Please Read and Review!

Dear Poppy,

This letter is to help you remember me whenever I am away and not with you. Read it and carry it with you along with my love.

The first time I saw you, something seemed to happen. We were only in kindergarten, but I somehow knew that one day we would be together. What I did not know was that this would be possible. I mean come on, I'm a vampire and you are a human. How could we be together? Enough of that. Let's get on with the more happy stuff.

We quickly became friends, but I never did believe that we could be any more. We both lived on the same earth, in the same town, but we were from different worlds.

`Those elementary years were fun and we were really able to enjoy each other's company and I was given the chance to be a human kid. I sometimes wish that time would of stopped and we could still be playing little kid games together, but we continued to grow older.

We have always loved the same strange music (at least other people think that it is strange) and understood each other.

My parents never did understand my obsession with you and why I could not treat you like I did any other person, but I knew that deep down their was a connection that could never be destroyed and I was right.

As middle school came to an end and we began high school something seemed to happen in those halls and boring rooms. I felt something that I had never felt before. It was strange seeing you date guys and knowing that I could never be one of them. To compensate I started to date to, but I had other much more demanding reasons. Still all the same the jealousy was hard to fight.

Then it happened. I had started to notice some differences in you. One was that you were thinner than ever and you ate very little. I did not know what to do and no one would give me any advice because it was illegal for you to know about the Night World.

That day that you bent over in pain and your mother took you to the hospital, I knew it was worse than I expected. Then you called with the news. Cancer. You did not have long to live. I had to make a quick choice. Again no one would give me advice or help me.

I mad the hardest and most difficult decision of my life. Tell you the truth and get you to see that there is a chance for you to live.

The night that I came to the hospital I was still undecided. Then I saw you in that bed and knew that I could not let you die. I knew that I would die too. We were and still are soulmates.

Your brother caught me that second time, and threw me out. When he came to his senses he decided to help me. I know that you wish you could see him, but for now all you can do is write to each other.

I don't know what I would do without you. It has been almost three years and it is still fresh in my mind. I'm not sure what compelled me to write this letter, but I want you to know how much I love you. I think that this letter is also for someone later. Maybe once we are long gone someone will find it and realize that anything is possible through love.

Love You FOREVER and EVER,

James, your one and only soulmate

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