A/N: I hope you like this chapter! I know I did! I had sooooo much fun writing it i even teared up a little bit. (yes i'm a whimp. Just deal w/ it) I think it's the chapter you've all been waiting for, I've been planning it since the i thought of the story. It may seem kind of short to you, but in my mind it seemed a lot longer. Anyways... Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own...still.

Never Again

Percy's POV:

I couldn't make my self stop staring. My eyes refused to leave the sea of scars etched into her arms. It wasn't because I felt the need to judge, it was more that no matter how long I stared or traced the wounds with my figures it just wouldn't soak in.

Annabeth. My Annabeth. My beautiful Annabeth had done this to her self. Because of me. I'm a monster.

I'd left her alone and broken hearted and she'd crumbled to pieces. Even now in the outline of her pale face I can see traces of muffled sadness. The worst part of this whole fucked up mess is that I left out of pure anger and spite. I was selfish and jealous because I thought she was in love with Luke. I told her I hated her to hide the fact that I was so in love with her that possibility that he still had a hypnotic effect on her hurt me more then anything.

She'd took everything I said that day on the hill seriously and the words enveloped her, tainting her soul so deeply that permanent damage was done. I don't know what her exact motivation was, but whatever it may have been; she felt the need to harm herself, to take the pain away. I hate my self for this, for letting her dye inside. From now on I vow to do anything I can to fix her. I will not loose her because of my heartless mistakes.

Once again I can't help my self from tracing the marks on her wrist. She whimpers in her sleep, startled from the minuscule amount of pressure I applied. Oh Annabeth. A single tear trickles down my cheek. I wipe it away in haste. I need to be strong. For her.

Annabeth's POV:

It's the same nightmare I always have since he's been gone. I'm floating deep in the ocean, suspended beneath the waves. There's an eerie light illuminating the space around me, but I can't see the surface where it's coming from. No sea life swims from where I can see; there isn't even a rock in sight. Just deathly still water and a blanket of brown sand stretched across the floor.

Then out of the corner my eye I catch a glimpse of something moving. I could swear its Percy. I desperately try to swim after him, using all the strength I can muster, but I find I can't move my arms or legs. There pinioned too my side and no matter how hard I attempt, I can't move them. I never know weather the movement was Percy or not, because whatever it was has long vanished into the distance.

Suddenly everything goes black. All my senses have been impaired to nothingness except for my hearing. And what's ringing in my ears is the cold mocking tone of Percy's voice screaming "I hate you" over and over and over again. It doesn't stop.

And that's when I wake up screaming and sobbing.

I curl my self into a ball and cry knowing my cabin-mates have grown accustom to my whimpers and they will just ignore me. I wish he were here. I wish he were here….


I know that voice anywhere.

(Still Annabeth's POV)

I hesitate before I dare to look up, knowing that I'm probably hallucinating. I don't think I can take it if I see him then he disappears again. Why would he be here anyways?

Then I remember everything. The iris message, jumping the water, not to mention near drowning. Someone must have dragged me out of the waves and now I'm so out of it I'm seeing things. Even worse, I'm seeing him. Great. I would have much rather died. I can't do this any more. I can't live. It hurts too much. As soon as my tortured mind lets him disappear, I'll make sure I die.

I risk looking up. The image looks just like him, every detail perfect. His messy black hair nearly flops in front of his luminous green eyes. His brow is knit together, face laced with concern. I can just make out the outline of his rippling abs through his t-shirt. I didn't think I remembered him so well. It's so real I have the foolish desire to reach and touch him, but I don't even dare because I'm still harboring the fear that he'll disappear. I should let him leave, the longer I look, the more the whole in my chest opens up again, and the more the searing pain spreads through my every limb.

"Go away! You're not real and the sooner you go the sooner this can be over! I can't take this pain anymore and my mind bringing your image here is not helping. Just leave so I can end it!" I manage to say through chocked back sobs. I want to reach for my razor.

Percy winces as if my words hurt him. "Annabeth," he breathes, his voice less then a whisper.

He proceeds closer to me, slowly approaching the bed. I'm frozen in my spot, my mind unwilling to let me move. He nonchalantly sits next to me on the blankets and tenderly places a hand on either side of my face. I want to scream. His touch is exactly as I remembered. Soft and caring…Stop it Annabeth! He's not real! I attempt to avert my gaze unable to process how close he is. I refuse to face the lingering smell of the sea he brings with his every move.

As he strokes my cheek with his thumb, he leans his forehead against mine, sealing all space, and says, " Annabeth, look at me." I grudgingly obey. God those eyes…

"I promise you I am real. I'm never leaving you again. I love you so much, and I will never forgive myself for all the pain I've caused you. And don't ever think of killing your self ever again you here me?"

I couldn't speak.

His words hit me like lightning and I find my self at a state of total break down. Sobs rack my body, as I fall into Percy's arms. I can't make myself stop crying. He Holds me in his arms and rocks me back and forth gently as I let tears fall freely into his chest. He strokes my frame and whispers, "Shhhhhh it's okay". I need him so bad. I need him to hold me. I need to soak up everything of him I possibly can. I love him.

A/N: Hope you guys liked it! I will post soon. I'm on break and my evil math teacher gave us this HUGE math packet to study for the midterm. it's mandatory:(. But I'm a procrastinator and i love to write, so I'll probably update more soon anyways. R&R
