I'm back with the second chapter of my story (no duh). I was thinking and a song that could go with this story is called Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I'm going to put it in later on in the story, not in this chapter though. That's the proper name of it if you want to look it up on YouTube. Misty is still as bitchy as usual and Ash isn't helping. The rest of the story is in Dawn's POV! Please read and review!

Chapter 2: A battle with a rival.

Me, Ash and Misty were continuing our way to Hearthome City. We had left Brock at the Pokémon Centre because Nurse Joy needed help around the centre and Brock wanted to stay with his new girlfriend for a while longer.

I still can't get my..um.. saviour I suppose you could call him. He just came out of nowhere. I try to forget it that it was only a once off and that I'd probably

I walked on ahead of Ash and Misty, who were cooing over each other. Every time I heard them I hoped that they've walked into a tree and lost their memory or something. I'm still waiting.

"OW." Came Ash's voice from behind me. I smiled. It was about time.

"Are you all right Ashy?" asked Misty.

"My head is sore." Said Ash. I shook my head. His head was always sore by the way he's acting.

"It's Dawn's fault. Don't worry about it." Said Misty kissing his forehead.

She was definitely looking for a fight.

"How is it my fault? He walked into the tree. I don't control nature." I said.

"Because I said so. Problem?"

"You bet there is. When my foot ends up in your face don't go crying." I smirked.

A small laugh came from behind me. I recognised that laugh from anywhere. Paul.

"You interrupt me at the worst time." I said turning to him.

He was leaning against the nearest tree looking at me argue.

"What are you laughing at Paul?" I asked, annoyed that my winning argument was interrupted.

Paul stood up properly and turned to walk away.

"Hey Paul!" I called, not sure if he was going to respond.

He stopped. "I challenge you to a battle." I said confidently.

Paul turned to face me, smirking. "Fine. One Pokémon each. I'm in a hurry."

"And you think I'm not? I'm really getting annoyed fighting with redhead over there." I replied taking a Poké Ball out of my bag.

"MY NAME IS MISTY!" Misty said. Well, shouted.

"Whatever. I don't really care. Anyway, let's get this started." I said calling out Piplup.

"You shouldn't have done that." Paul said casually throwing his Poké Ball which released Elekid.

I gritted my teeth. "Damn it. I forgot you had Elekid."

"How would you know in the first place?" asked Paul.

I felt my face heat up. "I've seen you battle Ash. I've taken notes so that I'd know what my strategy would be when I face you." I explained. It felt easy to talk to him. Pity he's such a non-friendly person or we could be good friends, I think. Hey, that hasn't stopped me liking, no wait, fancying him.

"Okay. One Pokémon per trainer. Whoever's Pokémon faints first is the loser, which will be Dawn." Called out Misty.

"At least I can be friendly, even with people who aren't the same to me." I retorted.

"Is this a battle or another argument?" asked Paul.

"What do you mean another?" I asked curiously.

Paul turned his head down. I smiled.

"Paul, are you blushing?" I asked.

"Let's just start this. Thunder Elekid." Commanded Paul.

"Whoa. Bide Piplup." I said caught off guard.

Piplup started to glow and thunder didn't effect it much.

"Yeah. Whirlpool now." I said cheerfully.

"Thunder punch." Paul said.

"Dodge." I called in a panic but was too late. Piplup was paralyzed.

"No! Piplup!" I shouted waiting for Paul's final blow.

"Your finished." Paul commanded smirking.

He walked away, Elekid following him. I watched him go in amazement. He didn't praise his Pokémon for winning or anything.

"Prepare for trouble!" a woman's voice said from behind them.

"Are you serious?" I said turning towards the Meowth balloon.

"What's that supposed to mean?" James, the blue haired male of the two and a Pokémon, asked, losing his temper.

"I'm after battling Paul and I'm not in the mood to put up with you lot." I said rubbing my head.

"Aw. I think that a little twerp is heartbroken." Jessie said.

"I AM NOT! At least I have a chance of ending up with a boy than you being a witch. And I don't try to end up with my work partner." I retorted. Where did all that come from?

"Why you little. Meowth. Give that little twerp's Pokémon a punch." Jessie shouted. A metal fist came out from the bottom of the balloon and launched at Piplup.

"Noo!" I said running in front of Piplup and down onto my knees to shield him in my arms. I didn't care how hard I was going to get hurt just as long as Piplup was all right. I threw him over to Ash, who caught him.

Out of nowhere a figure wrapped his arms around me and jumped up into the trees. He set me down on a branch. He indicated that I should stay there.

"Ok. Will you come back up to me when you're done?" I asked.

He nodded and jumped down off the branch. He threw a Poké Ball which released Torterra.

I watched in awe as himself and Torterra beat Team Rocket.

"Give him a hand Ash!" I shouted down.

"In case you haven't noticed my hands are a bit full." Ash shouted up to me.

"Well then toss Piplup up to me. I have a Paralyze Heal in my bag." I said.

Ash stood under the tree and threw Piplup to me. I caught Piplup in my arms and cradled him like a baby. I rooted through my bag and found the Heal.

I sprayed it over Piplup and he was able to move again.

"Piplup!" he squealed.

"I'm glad you're ok. That fist looked hard." I said smiling.

"Piplup!" He squealed again and hugged me.

My, um, saviour jumped back on the branch and sat down.

"Dawn! Are you alright?" asked Ash.

"Yeah. You and redhead go on. I'll see you later at the centre. Get me a room of my own and you and red can stay in the one room of your own." I called back down.

"Ok. See You later." Ash said walking away with Misty. I know her name, I just like calling her red because it's funny.

"That's twice you saved me. I owe you. I just wish I knew who I was owing though." I said.

He didn't look at me.

"I guess that that's not going to happen." I said guessing what he meant.

He said nothing.

"I know why you're not talking. You don't want me to recognise your voice. Would it hurt if you just told me and I kept the secret?" I asked.

He took a pen out of his pocket. He looked at me. "Oh. I have paper here." Dawn said taking a sheet from an old contest ad out of her bag.

He wrote swiftly and handed the paper to me.

It's you that I need the secret from.

"Me? Why?" I asked giving him the paper.

Because I know another secret.

"What secret?" I asked.

If I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it?

Finished. I have no idea when the next chapter will be up so keep an eye out. Talk to you soon please review! ; { ]