Disclaimer – This is Stephenie Meyer's universe. I'm just playing in her world for a bit.


There was an impromptu poker session going on in my room. There was hardly any elbow space with the number of wolves and vampires crammed in closed quarters. Surprisingly, there were only good natured ribbings going around and no premature phasings. When Seth dared Emmett to eat a handful of M&M's, Emmett ate each M&M one by one, chewing each one and then opening his mouth to show that he's actually eaten it as Collin and Brady cheered him on. Things looked almost like a weird Fear Factor episode and Garrett from the Denali clan looked positively sick as Jasper laughed with Jared and Paul. He then smoothly won that round of cards. Nahuel was excitedly filming everything with his new toy, a camcorder passed down to him from Emmett.

Before long, Bella knocked and stepped into the room. "Hi guys, sorry to break things up. But I guess you should all start taking your places outside now."

Embry dropped the cards he was holding and went slightly pale. "Oh shit! Is it time?"

"Yeah, why are you panicking?" Quil asked.

"I dunno. Jake man, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm cool," I laughed.

"Jacob, can I talk to you for a minute?" Bella asked softly. The room cleared almost immediately as I nodded. Bella took the chair across from me and smiled tenderly.

"What's up Bells?"

"Can you believe where life's journey has taken us?" She sighed.

I smiled. Hard to believe that once upon a time, I didn't want Bella to marry Edward. Hard to believe that I wanted Bella to terminate the pregnancy that resulted from that marriage. Hard to believe that in minutes, I will be marrying the result of that very pregnancy and marriage. It is a wonder what strange paths life takes us through and where it leads us.

"Are you happy, Jacob?"

"Very happy, Bella."

"Good, now get off your butt and go marry my daughter." She got up and started making her way to the door. Bella has always been my best friend. As much as she wants the best for Nessie, she cares about me too. I knew she was deliriously happy with this marriage between her daughter and me.

"Hey, mother-in-law."

With a strangled sound, she spun to face me, looking horrified until a giggle burst out of her. "Oh my God! I didn't think of that! That sounds horrible!" We both laughed.

"Thanks for choosing Edward all those years ago," I said, suddenly serious.

She smiled softly. "You're very welcome."


"Are we ready? Are we ready?" Aunt Alice flitted by everyone, making sure that every fold and pleat of every outfit was perfect. Every curl and wave of our hair was in place. When she started on every petal on our bouquets, I knew I had to stop her.

"Aunt Alice, relax. Everything's perfect already."

"I'm overreacting aren't I? Okay, okay. It's time. Are you ready? Where's Edward?"

"I'm over here Alice," Daddy said softly from where he'd been moodily leaning against the wall for the past half hour.

When we got to the back entrance of the Resort, I peeked out at the beach. I was satisfied with how everything looked. There were some minor changes from my original idea, I had accepted the suggestions that Emily, Kim and Rachel had given me. I watched Jacob for a moment as he stood tall and proud on the platform, laughing with Quil and Embry. They wore matching tan suits, but somehow Jacob stood out. The color suited him so well. I loved the way the jacket stretched over his broad frame. I loved how the creases of the pants flowed down his long legs to fall over his shiny brown leather shoes. I liked how he had gelled his chin length hair away from his face. Neat and tidy for once and it gave him such a handsome and distinguished look. My breath hitched. I'm marrying this man. He is finally going to be all mine.

Daddy pressed a kiss to my forehead. "He's been all yours since the day you were born," he smiled down at me.

"I know. Thank you for accepting him, Daddy."

Daddy smiled. "It was very easy accepting him, sweetheart. I've always known that you were both meant for each other."


I strode out to the jetty like platform with Quil and Embry, stopping to shake the hands of the guests already gathered, and some hugs and kisses from various wolf girls and relatives. I took in the full effect of the setting as I walked. Nessie has really done wonders. She is such an artistic genius. I know it's my wedding and all, but damn I was impressed. James Island stood like a backdrop behind the platform and there were multiple medium sized driftwood bonfires lit in a semi circle, surrounding everything in a blue light as the setting sun threw shadows and streaks of light all over. With muted electrical lights strategically placed and the soft mist coming in from the sea, the entire setting had an ethereal quality.

I got to the platform and shook the judge's hand. We were using a judge to marry us, as neither Nessie nor I were especially religious. A judge seemed appropriate for our beliefs. I turned to check out the seated guests. Billy sat by Charlie, both of them looking very emotional. I wondered if they were thinking about Nessie and me getting hitched or the fact that after close to forty years of friendship, they were now going to be related. I saw Nahuel, sitting between Emmett and Jasper and looking excited. I shook my head. That guy never ceases to amaze me. Embry is his current idol, since he was the one willing to take him out and introduce him to a rather wild lifestyle. I guess Nahuel's current mantra is 'I want to grow up and be just like Embry'.

I noticed a few 'non-family' vampires in the crowd. Some with Carlisle and Esme, and some with the Denali clan. Although my brothers were keeping a close watch over La Push and Forks, I knew that the 'non-vegetarian' vampires were respecting the Cullens and would not try hunting in the vicinity.

When the music changed, I straightened up and watched the entrance as a sudden hush fell over the guests. Rachel floated out slowly. I watched her smirk at Paul before she reached out to lightly squeeze Billy's shoulder as she passed him. Then she looked up at me and winked. I grinned at her and almost missed Embry's "Holy shit!"

I looked up to watch Leah Clearwater slowly glide down and walk towards the platform. Gone was the usual bitchy expression. Today she looked relaxed and happy, as she smiled softly at me before taking her place beside Rachel. For the first time ever, I thought I saw the person Sam must have fallen in love with before he had imprinted on Emily. So Leah was the surprise bridesmaid. Sometimes I never know how Nessie's mind works. I wondered when and where they hooked up and became pally enough for Nessie to chose her to be her bridesmaid. Nessie never ceases to amaze me.

And then I forgot everything, as I watched Nessie glide down the path on Edward's arm. They looked more like an older sister and younger brother than father and daughter, but they made a striking couple. Both of them slim and tall, the unique bronze hair color, the sharp nose and the elegant curve of their chins and cheekbones. The resemblance was uncanny. The official story spun for all my relatives and some of the guests who were not in on the secret, was that Nessie and Edward are brother and sister, but that Nessie was raised by another foster family until they found each other years later.

God she's gorgeous. I wanted to laugh. She went on and on about getting a simple dress and I had been a reluctant spectator during most of her arguments with Alice on how simple her dress was. Nessie's dress was nothing like the frothy lace concoction that Rachel wore or the yards of satin that Kim had been swathed in. It was a simple dress alright, falling gently to flow over her curves and swirl around her ankles. Somehow, watching Nessie walk down the aisle, she didn't look like she was clad in a simple and unadorned dress. With the slight mist surrounding her, she looked like an angel. My angel.

I wanted to look at Bella and Esme, would they be crying vampire tears? I wanted to look at Billy and Charlie. Would they be teary eyed too? But I couldn't look away from Nessie as she smiled brilliantly at me. This was it. This was it.


I clung to Daddy's arm as we walked, a little worried that I'd trip and fall. I knew I was very excited and I always get klutzy when excited. But somehow, just watching the expressions flitter across Jacob's face was enough to keep me steady. The rascal, cheeky look wavered as we got closer and when Daddy kissed my forehead and placed my hand in Jacob's, he had a very serious and solemn look. He kissed my hand before we turned to face the judge.

The weight of the day hit me suddenly and with an impact just as it was my turn to say I do. My voice shook and my eyes filled with tears. I remembered all the fear I had that Jacob couldn't possibly love me when he had been loving me all along, all the fear I had that he would imprint on someone else when he had already imprinted on me, I remembered all the jealousy I felt when random women made passes at him but he's always had his eyes only on me. All of my dreams and wishes were actually coming true today. I looked up into Jacob's equally damp eyes and I smiled as I said "I do."

And then it was his turn. Jacob smiled tenderly down at me as he said in a loud and ringing voice, clearly for everyone to hear, "I do." I felt that my life was complete.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife."

I had goosebumps as I heard those words. I am Jacob's wife and he is my husband. I heard people cheer and whoop and clap all around me, but all I could focus on was the beaming face of my husband. MY husband.


"You may now kiss your bride."

I hadn't looked at anyone else since Nessie started walking down the aisle and I've yet to look away from her glowing face as I cupped her face and placed a soft and gentle kiss on her lips. She closed her eyes and surrendered herself to me and as I raised my head up again, I watched her spiky lashes flutter open.

I smiled as Embry and Quil pounded me on my back, laughing and congratulating me but I never turned away from my wife. And I then heard the judge say, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Black."

I liked the sound of that and I pulled Nessie back into my arms to kiss her again, deeply this time as I heard all my wolf brothers yip and howl loudly as the rest of the guests stood up and clapped. I let out a loud whoop as well. Hey, what can I say, we're wolves.


I am Mrs. Nessie Black, I'm Nessie Black, I'm Mrs. Black, I'm Jacob's wife. These thoughts ran over and over through my mind as I was hugged and kissed and squeezed by my family and Jacob's. Everything was a blur. I laughed and I cried and I giggled and I blinked. We were rushed about around the beach for a quick photography session. We posed with my family, we posed with Jacob's family, we posed with the wolves and their other halves, and we posed and we posed until everyone was called into the Resort for the dinner reception.

Aunt Rosalie dragged me away to quickly freshen up my makeup and then I was in Jacob's arms once again. I couldn't eat, only managing the few bites that Jacob fed me himself.

I barely remember listening to the toasts as everything was a blur, but Daddy's carefully worded toast remained in my mind. It should have been the father of the bride's speech but he had done such a good job wording it, that it could have passed as a brother to sister speech to Jacob's unsuspecting relatives. I was in a daze for most of the speech, only registering certain parts of it.

"I have never dared dream or hope for someone like Renesmee in my life. Her very existence has been a miracle which has brightened and blessed my life for these past nine years. And almost every step of the way, I've had to share her with Jacob. But somehow, I've never felt resentment over that. Perhaps it was an intuition of sorts, but I accepted that they were made for each other. Today I watched her marry the man of her dreams and am filled with pride and confidence that they're embarking on a wonderful journey filled with love and happiness that can only come as man and wife. May the two of you always treat each other with love, compassion and kindness. I raise my glass to toast Nessie. She's dreamt of this day since she was a little girl and now her dream has come true. Renesmee and Jacob, I wish you much love and happiness in your new life together."

There were by loud gasps from many of the wolves when every member of my family drank from their champagne glasses.

The only other speech that registered in my mind was Jacob's speech when he thanked all our guests.

"I wish to toast everyone gathered here. Your support and love through the years has been one of the important factors that smoothed the way to this special day. My new wife and I – I like the sound of that," Jacob laughed and this prompted everyone else to laugh as well. "My wife and I thank you for everything and I wish that you may all have the joy and happiness that the two of us have been blessed with today."


The speech session, when it started was full of humor. Nessie clung to me the entire time and I knew she was in a world of her own. I could tell from the random images I kept getting from her. She was not aware that she was projecting her thoughts to me and I kept squeezing her hand every time she thought of something especially sweet. God I love this woman.

Quil gave the first toast and in a way it started off the earlier round of toasts in a fun manner. "I googled 'How to deliver a great best man speech,' and I found out that I'm supposed to sing the praises of the groom and tell you all what a great guy he is. Unfortunately, I can't sing to save my life and am a horrible liar." Everyone laughed. And when the laughter died down, Quil continued. "Nessie is a wonderful, gorgeous, kind hearted and talented person who deserves a great husband. Jacob, my man, thank goodness you snapped her up before she found one."

Everyone laughed as I pretended to punch Quil.

Then Embry made his toast. "Let's toast to the good things in life. Freedom, irresponsibility, the cute girls in bikinis. Jake buddy, these are just a few of the things you'll be giving up, but we're sure you'll be getting much more in return. When you find out what exactly, be sure to let us know."

And from then on, it was one wolf or a vampire, standing up to give us funny advice and suggestions on how to handle married life. I've never really enjoyed being the center of attention, but somehow, on this day, I loved everything that was happening.


When the dancing started, Mr. and Mrs. Black were called onto the dance floor for the very first dance. When I had hired the band, I had given them a list of songs to play for each dance; songs for when I danced with Jacob, and when I danced with Daddy. So I was surprised when the beginning strains of Roberta Flack's 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face' started. From the grin on Jacob's face, I knew immediately that he had something to do with the change of songs.

I cried again as we danced, as I listened to Jake softly croon the words into my ear, as we swayed to the music. When the song ended, just before Daddy walked up to claim the next dance, I whispered to Jacob, "You surprise me Jacob. I thought I had picked the right song, but you picked the perfect song."

"The words are exactly what I feel for you, babe. I always knew that I'd have my first dance with you as my wife to this song."

I could only stare at him. How did I get so lucky?

"May I cut in?" Daddy asked.

Jacob nodded and kissed the back of my hand before handing me over to Daddy.


As I danced with Bella, I watched Edward and Nessie. Edward had his burning man expression on his face and Nessie clung to him as if she'd never see him again.

"Bells, do you think they're overly dramatic? They're acting like they'll never see each other again."

"Give him a break. His baby just married a wolf."

"And your baby didn't?"

"My baby just got married to my best man. So I'm totally cool about it."

"Oh, there's Seth, let's get his opinion on that," I laughed as Bella lightly smacked my arm.

I danced with Rachel, I danced with Alice, I danced with various wolf girls and I also danced with Rosalie. Then I had no choice but to dance with tiny old ladies who were supposedly related to me. The whole time, I kept watching my wife. I smiled as that word flowed over me. My wife. I wanted her back in my arms where she belongs.

"So do I get to dance with the groom?"

Ah, Leah. I wondered when I'd bump into her. Shrugging I held my hand out and she accepted as I led her to the dance floor. We swayed to the music for a while before I had to ask. "So how did this come about?"

She remained silent for a while, and then she sighed. "I've never given her a chance. Ever. And then when you cut me off so completely, I finally started thinking. Hindsight's a bitch," she laughed and then went silent for awhile. "I realized that I've never really seen you happy until she came into your life and when the two of you finally got together, I was too blind to see how much you both loved and needed each other."

I shuffled uncomfortably. Am I supposed to say something?

"I only wanted you to be happy, Jacob. Honest. I explained myself to her, told her everything and do you know what she said?"

I shook my head. With Nessie, anything was possible.

"She said 'Call me Nessie, all my friends call me Nessie.' I was such a bitch to her and she considered me her friend."

I watched as Leah furiously blinked away her tears. "She's been a great friend these past months and she's helped me grow a lot – emotionally. I just wanted to tell you that I was wrong about her. I'm really happy that you married her. She is extraordinary, in a very good way. I just hope someday, you and I can be friends again."

I smiled at Leah. "Hey, any friend of Nessie's, is a friend of mine."


We were spending the night at the bridal suite here at the Resort and driving up to Seattle the next afternoon to catch our flight to our honeymoon destination. The venue was still kept as a secret from me, but for me, any place with Jacob by my side was enough for me.

When my dance with Uncle Emmett ended, he gave me a bear hug, lifting me off my feet. I clung to him. As cold as his arms were, the love flowing from him warmed me. "I love you, kiddo."

"I love you Uncle Emmett."

We didn't have to say anything else. It was rare when Uncle Emmett got serious. And this was one of those few times.

Uncle Jasper was a little more eloquent. Telling me that I was always more than a niece to him. I was a precious gift that all of them were blessed with but had never dared to hope for.

Grandpa Carlisle hugged me tight. We didn't need words. I knew what was in his heart. Grandpa Charlie was silent too. He was uncomfortable dancing, but determined to have this dance with his only granddaughter. His eyes were as wet as mine. He pressed a kiss to my forehead when the song ended, trying discretely to sniff.

When Aunt Alice signaled me to say that it was time for me to leave, I knelt by Billy's wheelchair. He held both my hands and beamed at me before pulling me close to press a kiss to my forehead. "Welcome to the family, my daughter."

"Thank you, Billy."

"I think it's time you called me Dad."

I smiled. "Thank you, Dad."


I watched silently as Bella and Nessie hugged and spoke softly to each other. I didn't want to intrude on this mother and daughter moment, so I kept my distance, even when Nessie started sobbing. They were soon joined by Esme, Alice and Rosalie. I watched that emotional gathering for a while until I noticed Emmett watching me. I expected one of his signature smirks, designed to irritate the hell out of me, instead he looked solemn. He walked up to me and wrapped me in a bear hug, lifting me off my feet for a second. Then he patted my shoulder and walked away.

Esme came up to me and hugged me tight and congratulated me again. Then she told me to go rescue my wife and take her away as she was getting a little too overwhelmed. I did what she said.

When I approached Nessie, Rosalie turned to me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I was surprised. That was the first time. She squeezed my hands before she walked away into Emmett's arms.

Alice was uncharacteristically quiet. She stared at me for a little while as I stared back. "You never let me do your hair or anything, yet you look good."

"It's hard to improve perfection," I grinned.

"Idiot!" she laughed before she smacked me lightly on my arm. Then she pressed herself to me in a quick hug and whispered, "Be happy."

Edward walked up at that point and he shared a group hug with his wife and daughter. Then Bella looked up and waved me over to them, pulling me into the group hug. Edward soon led Bella away.

I stood there, looking down at my bride and I held out my hand. "Well Mrs. Black, you about ready to start on the rest of our lives?"

She swiped at her tears with the back of her hands before accepting my outstretched hand. "I was born ready, Mr. Black."

We both laughed softly as I led her away. Life has brought us a long way. But this was the destination. Me and Nessie. Together – For the Rest of Forever.

A/N – There you go. The End. Phew! My first writing attempt, ever!

I have to say this, I read up a few wedding speeches online to get ideas. So some words in the speeches aren't mine.

Now, I want reviews. I want to know what you think of this chapter, what you didn't like about it.. everything. Tell me tell me! Your reviews are the only kicks I seem to have these days.

And to everyone who's ever reviewed. Thank you. Your words were the motivation and inspiration that I needed to write. Thank you for keeping my spirits up and encouraging me to keep writing.