Ok, so this is my first fanfic ever! Don't be mean :) hehe. Hope you like it. I have more written and plan to write even more if people are at all interested.

Cameron was sitting in an empty room, near the nurse's station filling out some paper work when he finally spotted her. He inhaled and exhaled slowly watching her from a distance. They had been married for just over two months now, and Chase couldn't help but feeling something was already wrong between them. Over the past week they had been on completely separate schedules. He had come down on his lunch break each day during the week to find that she had already taken hers, or claiming that she couldn't get away.

It's not that he doubted how hard she was working. He could see in the lines under her eyes how tired she was. Every night she was either asleep when he got home, or she would fall asleep before he managed to finish brushing his teeth. He knew he too well though to know that being tired and overworked was the whole story. She was defiantly hiding something from him.

"How long of you been standing there?" she said slightly taken aback when she exited the room to find him standing there staring at her, or rather starring into space.

He let out a small smile and sigh. "Long enough to realize how tired I am and how much I want to go home and crawl into bed with you," he said moving forward to put his arms around her waist, stealing a kiss. She pulled back a little embarrassed from the show of affection in the middle of the ER. Yes, they were married... but still, there were patients and other staff around.

"I can't leave yet. We have a couple of sick nurses, so I have to stay to help out."

"You have to? Or you want to?" He asked eyeing her suspiciously.

"Is there a difference? I'm needed here. That's all that matters." He didn't look convinced.

Seeing the needy looking on his face she ignored her own rule and leaned forward and kissed him softly, but passionately. This only made him want more. They hadn't had sex in over a week, and frankly, all day he was having visions of undressing her and caressing her naked body against his own. "Look I have my car here anyways, I promise not to stay to long".

"Dr. Cameron!" one of the nurses called. Cameron gave Chase a small smile and turned on her heels towards the nurse that was calling her.

Chase stood for another moment as he watched her go and tend to a patient feeling dejected.

About 20 minutes later Chase was on his way home when he stopped to get gas for his car, when he realized her forgot his wallet in his locker. At least he was pre-paying and hadn't already filled his car. After cursing out loud and getting a dirty look from an old lady, he picked up his cell to leave a message for Cameron at the nurse's station so she could grab it for him before she left for the night.

"Dr. Cameron has gone home for the night," the nurse told him.

"Are you sure? She said she was staying to help out, not long ago."

"I'm Sure Dr. Chase. She said she couldn't stay that something important came up, and to call another doctor that's on call." Chase thanked her and hung up, smiling to himself. She changed her mind and was coming home after all. He decided to stop and buy her some flowers to surprise her when she got home, but then cursed out loud again, realizing he still didn't have his wallet.

When Chase got home he took out a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. He lit a couple of the candles Cameron liked to keep around and sat down to watch television until she got home.

The time passed slowly, and Chase kept glancing at the clock, shifting uncomfortably. It was now almost midnight. Where was she? It had been over an hour since the nurse said she left. He picked up the phone and called her cell, but it rang several times before going to voice mail. He didn't bother to leave a message. He put the wine away.

He stood up and went over to the window to glance outside. He was getting downright nervous. He started to bite the inside of his cheeks. Maybe she was too tired to drive and something happened... He went back to the couch and sat watching the news trying not to think at all. He had to wait it out.

Chase was awoken by the sound of the phone and he quickly picked it up, glancing at the clock. 1:03 Am. "Hello?" he said quickly.

"Hey, sorry I got held up at the hospital. I just saw that you called. I'm on my way home." Chase was silent, however, confused and dumbstruck by what she just said.


"Ya... Are you still at the hospital now?" he wanted to hear he reaction. ..."Because I left my wallet and..."

"I already left" she jumped in quickly. "I'll see you soon, ok? Don't wait up".

Chase hung up the phone slowly, got up and blew out the candles, sitting back down on the couch.

When Cameron got home Chase was still sitting on the couch watching, or rather not watching television.

"You didn't have to wait up for me," she gave him a small smile as she walked into their bedroom.

Chase stood up abruptly, straightening his back, and pulling his head back a little trying to hold in his emotions before following her into the bedroom. He was beginning to feel slightly overwhelmed by confusion, anger, sadness... God! Even he wasn't sure what he was feeling towards her at this moment.

"What's going on with you?" he asked from the doorway, leaning against the frame.

"Nothing? What do you mean?" she frowned slightly. "I'm just going to take a shower. I'm gross from the ER," she eyed him carefully. "What makes you think something is going on...?"

He shrugged and walked into the closet to get something to change into.

When Chase heard the water start in the bathroom, he went over and sat down on their bed. His heart was actually aching with the realization that something was going on. She was lying to him. Again. Just like when she postponed their getaway, right before he was going to propose. He looked at her the bathroom door and then went over to her purse and searched through it pulling out her cell phone. He looked at the recent calls, but only his number was on it. He dropped it back in. He then saw the receipt from a diner he didn't know. It wasn't for much, but still. Why would she hide this from him?

He felt a bolt of electricity go through his heart, right down into his stomach when the thought came to him that she was cheating on him. It seemed to make sense. Especially the lack of sex. Usually she couldn't get enough, jumping him for quickies at work, or as soon as he walked in the door. Over the past week she suddenly lost interest with him altogether. She was getting it somewhere else... He felt like he could punch his fist through the wall.

Cameron turned on the shower but didn't get in right away. She was totally oblivious to the odd behaviour Chase was giving her. She had too much else on her mind.
Opening the box she managed to sneak into the bathroom under her robe, she took out the little stick and looked at it, biting her lip.

Once the test was complete, she wrapped it in a tissue and placed it in a drawer and got in the shower.

She had been mulling over doing this test all week. At first when she realized she missed her period she was terrified. The thought of being pregnant only two months into their marriage was very frightening to her. She could barely figure out her own emotions, so she avoided Chase as much as she could.

However, tonight she spent a better part of the night in the maternity ward watching the small babies, before going to a diner to have coffee... decaf, just in case. She was getting older, and it seemed there was no reason that a pregnancy wouldn't be an amazing joy to their life right now.

A pang of guilt hit her that she lied to Chase about working tonight, but she needed to be ok with this before she looked at the test, whatever it may be... and before she told him. She knew he would be ecstatic, and she wanted to make sure she could share in his joy. Sighing as she washed her hair, the image of telling Chase made her smile.

When she got out of the shower she couldn't seem to bring herself to look at the test. If it was indeed negative now, after toying with the idea all week, it might break her.