Sorry I know it's been a while. My disapointment over Cameron leaving, or temporarily leaving House took away my drive to write. I know it's short but I wanted to get something out there. If you forget what's going on, check the last chapter... and read and review!
Chapter 27-
That night, Cameron waited as long as she could, fighting sleep, but Chase did not return before she fell asleep sometime in the early morning. Cameron knew this, because she tossed and turned all night waiting to feel the weight of his body getting into bed with her. She wanted him to pull her in close to him, and tell her that he forgave her, and that everything was going to be all right between them. But she knew that this could not happen. It was not ok.
She felt so sorry and guilty for what she had done, and the secret she had kept. She had considered all of the possible reasons for hiding such information from Chase, in the hours after he had left, but the truth was she couldn't think of any, other than the fact that she hoped by not speaking of her past pregnancy problem, that it wouldn't happen again. Almost like a jinx. The situation had exploded in her face, and she was going to do anything in her power to make it right with Chase.
Cameron awoke to the feeling of Chase sitting on the edge of the bed. She opened her eyes to see that it was almost 5am. She closed her eyes again pretending to still be asleep, trying to think of what to say to him.
She felt him rise, and knew that he was slipping out of his clothes, and then he pulled back the covers and climbed into the bed with her.
What he did next surprised her. She felt him move behind her and spoon against her body, pulling her back tight against his chest.
"Robert?" she asked quietly.
"Shhh..." he hushed pulling his arm tighter around her. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. She wrinkled her nose at the scent. It was quite strong.
"I'm sorry," she whispered to him. "I never meant to hurt you."
"I know," he whispered quietly.
She twisted around in his grasp so she was facing him. She could barely make out his face in the dark room. "Why are you so good to me?" she asked pressing her lips to his chest softly. "After all I've done..." She continued to kiss softly down his chest.
"Stop. Please, you don't..." he begged feeling guilty.
"I want to make you feel good," she breathed quietly against his skin.
"Allison, it's late... ooohh," he moaned and she grabbed his hardening shaft. Before he could object again, she pulled down his boxers and disappeared under the covers, slipping him into her warm mouth.
Chase couldn't keep his eyes opened, it felt too good, and he felt so guilty. The combination of his tiredness, guilt and drunkenness was not helping him to keep control of the situation. He wanted to stop her, tell her what he had done, but he couldn't manage to find the words.
"God Allison, please stop," he finally begged more seriously. "I have to tell you something..."
Cameron didn't get the urgency of his statement, not realizing that he was actually trying to confess to her.
She slid up his body, and straddled him just above his shaft.
"Unless you want to tell me how much you want me to fuck you, I think it can wait," she smirked sexily, catching his bottom lip between her teeth.
Cameron realized what she was doing. The same thing she always used to do. Use sex as an escape from having the deal with her feelings and emotions. She knew despite Chase coming home, and giving in to her seduction, they still needed to talk, but taking advantage of his drunkenness, she knew she could bring them physically together in the hopes of not having another big fight.
As Cameron slipped off her underwear and slid onto Chase, she ground herself against him, moaning, letting herself get lost in the feeling of him being inside of her. She came quickly without a build up and the surprise and intensity of her orgasm hit her, making her slow her grinding against him. Frustrated, and wanting to finish, Chase flipped them over so that he could finish himself.
He moved in her hard and fast, taking out his frustration of kissing another girl in their passion. He was so overtaken, at one point, Cameron cried out from what seemed to be pain, rather than pleasure, causing Chase to slow down and shower her breast and neck with kisses, as he moaned how much he loved her. As he finally came, he cried out burying his head between her breasts, and for just one moment he forgot how he betrayed the women he loved.