Here's my latest story! This story i wrote years ago and only just decided to put ot one.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the tmnt characters but do own the characters you never heard of

New Faces Chapter 1: Crime fighting and a Meeting

"Put your hands up!"

The voice sounded through the bank. Another criminal is there with a gun. "Give me all your money!" shouted the criminal pointing the gun at the bank teller. The teller gave him everything. The robber ran out the bank with the money and the bank fell silent. Outside the sound the robber's laugher rang everywhere. The robber was still laughing when a chain hooked him up and pulled him onto the roof of a building.

The robber looked around. His eyes widened at the sight of four giant turtles wearing masks of red, blue, purple and orange. They were caring ninja weapons and didn't look like they were going to help him.

" Well, well look what we picked up", said the red masked turtle cracking his knuckles." Another bank robber to smash!"

The robber gulped. Next thing he knew was he was hanging off a pole by his underwear.

"Dude that's what I call a mega wedgie!" the orange masked turtle chuckled. Then they faded into the night.

Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael walked through the New York Sewers

"That was a bit harsh, Raph", said the Leo.

"Hey, he asked for it, Leo", said Raph.

Leo sighed. Donnie nodded. "It was a bit cruel Raph", he said.

Meanwhile Michelangelo skateboarded through the sewer. "This is awesome dude!", said Mikey. When Mikey had reached and entered their home he slumped on the coach next to his brothers.

"My sons!", said Master Splinter when they were all settled. "You are working better as a team lately. Now I think you're ready to meet someone!"

"Who?", asked Leo.

Then out of the darkness came a foot ninja. The foot ninja walked over to Splinter and whispered something into his ear.

"Of course", said Splinter. "You may take off your mask, Alexandra!"

The foot ninja pulled her mask off to reveal a thin beautiful blond girl about 15 years of age with blue eyes.

"You may go and change Alexandra".

Alexandra walk a away into the darkness.

"Boys Alexandra has through many bad things earlier in her childhood so be nice to her", said Splinter. "I can't control her"

"What things Master?, asked Donnie.

"When she was 6 her parents dumped her on the streets to die. I found her in the sewer half frozen 9 years ago. I taught everything I know. She is a ninja like you", explained Splinter. "She's different to normal people and she'll tell you if she wants too. So treat her with respect . She has a very bad temper." Splinter walked away to his room.

Alexandra came back so quietly, wearing a black shirt and black trousers and black boots. Her hair was hanging loosely. She had every ninja weapon strapped on herself even a knife strapped on her boot. Her belly showed and she had her belly button and ears were pierced. The boys stared at her.

So Splinter told you everything", said Alexandra flatly without smiling and seeing that their eyes where still on her added "Take a picture it will last longer"

" Oh! Uh Please to meet you Alexandra", said Leo holding out his hand.

"Call me Alex", said Alex shaking his hand back.

Raph who had been holding his laughter for a while couldn't hold any longer."

What's so funny?", asked Alex.

"You're funny! No way could you be a ninja. You'd probably be scared of breaking a nail!", Raph chuckled.

Alex's eyes turned into slits and her face turned red. Raph was laughing so hard he didn't notice.

"Ah, Raph", said Donnie but he was to late.

He had barely finished the sentence when Raph was flying back and he smashed into the wall. Alex had kicked him at a great speed and with great strength. Before any of his brothers could have helped him Alex had picked him up by his belt so his eyes looked into Alex's.

"Don't you ever laugh at me again punk", Alex hissed. "Or I'll pound you into mincemeat and eat you for dinner".

At that she dropped him and started to walk away disappearing into the shadows

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