This is a character origin story that links to my story, New Faces.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the tmnt characters but do own the characeters you never heard of.


The Origin Of Alexandra

Alexandra was born , to two rich parents who lived in New York City . Her life was good until her parents suddenly lost interest to her. Alexandra's parents started to ignore her. They made her clean the house, cook until they finally decided to get rid of her. So Alexandra, at the age of 6, wondered the streets of New York. On one faithful day Alexandra almost got run over by a armoured van. The van missed and smashed into a pole. Alexandra backed away from the scene, but fell through a open man hole on the road. She fell and landed in a pool of murky water in the sewer. She climbed out half frozen and shivering. Lumps of goo from the pool still stuck to her. What she didn't know was this goo came from a vile that came out of the van. Alexandra fell to the ground and fell asleep still shivering.

When she woke up, she found a large rat in a robe kneeling over her. Alexandra was scared at first, but then saw the kindness in the rats eyes. The rat sat her down telling her not to be afraid. Alexandra soon found out this rat was Master Splinter. Splinter started to look after her by bringing her pizza and other foods and drinks. Alexandra started to learn the way of the ninja from Splinter. She trained for over 3 years. She even taught herself extreme skateboarding. She would skateboard from her homemade ramp to the sewers of New York. During that time she learnt of the turtles, Splinters sons, and made herself a home. She also told Splinter about her life, but when she mention the goo Splinter looked uneasy. About a year after the beginning of her training Alexandra started feeling strange and she discovered the goo was toxic waste. She got special powers that were both powerful and strange.

A year later she moved in, to a place Splinter had discovered underneath his own home. At the end of her training period Alexandra was a master of all the ninja weapons and of her special powers. With Splinters blessing Alexandra started travelling the world catching criminals and killing monsters for rewards. Soon her room had everything anybody could ask for. After the defeat of the Shredder by the turtles, Alexandra was asked by Splinter to go undercover as a Foot ninja. She had been undercover for over a year and a half when the turtles defeated the stone generals. She stayed undercover as a Foot ninja for another 2 months. At the end she had found out everything about Karai's warning. She told Splinter everything. By that time she was 15 years old.

NOTE: This is what Splinter told his sons, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo after meeting Alexandra.

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