Hey Minna. I know you're thinking 'A New Story' and I also know that I have quiet a few stories to finish writing. Me being the 'great' fic writer that I am just had a new idea.

Okay this story is pretty well original.
Summery: Usagi died after the battle with Chaos and was reborn in the Gundam dimension.

Vote for pairing:
Hiiro/ Hotaru

I have nothing against Michiru and Haruka being together it's just that I needed a change so I how you understand.




The reason Usaig isn't there is because... You'll find out later in the chapter same goes for Setsuna



Usagi, Michiru, and Hotaru: 16
Haruka, Hiiro, Duo, Quatre, and Wufei: 17
Trowa, Setsuna, Milliardo: 19

Well on with the story.

"Trowa, Setsu momma hadda baby. Come see!" a happy little girl with dirty blonde hair up to her waist said. (Okay, okay so they are a 'LITTLE' OOC but they are kids after all) Setsuna and Trowa smiled at the girl.
"Okay Ruka we're coming!" they said in unison. Haruka giggled and ran towards the room where her mother, doctor, father, and new baby were. When she walked in, closely followed by Trowa and Setsuna, her mother and father smiled sadly at them.
"'Kaasan what's the matter?" Setsuna asked walking over to her mother and new sister.
"Nothing honey, nothing at all." Her father said gently. Setsuna could tell they were lying and so could Trowa but they didn't press it. Her father glared at the doctor.
"Ummm *clears his throat* what is her name so I can put it into the computer when I get back to the hospital?" The doctor asked slightly nervous.
"Usagi Hikari Barton." their mother said. The doctor nodded and quickly left at the glare their father was sending his way.

~*~*~ Present Day ~*~*~
Haruka, Setsuna, Usagi, and Trowa were sitting in their room at one of the safehouses. Usagi was only 10, Haruka 11, Trowa and Setsuna 13. A man in a white lab coat walks in. Usagi looks up and smiles.
"Hi 'tousan." Usagi said happily. All this time she never knew the man was just an old family friend who took care of them after their parents were killed.
"Hello princess." the man replied. He knew the day would come when he would have to tell her that he wasn't her father but for now he would be.
"Hello Peter." Setsuna said. Trowa and Haruka just nodded at him.
"Hello kids." Peter said. (I couldn't think of a name for him and I didn't know his thing so from now until someone is kind enough to tell me his name it's Dr.P) "Today you will be meeting a few friends of mine. They will be bringing their erm... kids." Dr.P said. They all nodded. After that was said they heard voices. From the sounds you could make out that there were kids there who were all well mostly male. Dr.P looked up when he saw his 'friends' and 4 boys and 2 girl.
"HELLO!" Usagi shouted happily.
"Hello, Hiya, Hey, 'ello." were the responses she received from a blonde boy, a chestnut haired boy with a braid, and aqua haired girl and a black haired girl.
"Hello Peter it's good to see you again." said one of the doctors.
"Yes very good to see you." another agreed. Dr. P nodded.
"I would like you to meet Hiiro Yui *a boy with wild hair stepped forward* Duo Maxwell *the braided haired kid stepped forward* Chang Wufei *a boy with black hair in a ponytail stepped forward* Quatre and Michiru Winner *a boy with blonde hair and a girl with aqua hair stepped forward* and Hotaru Tomoe *a girl with black hair stepped forward*." Dr. J said.
"Pleasure to meet you all. I would like you to meet Usaig Hikari Barton *a silver haired girl with hair in a braid waved* Trowa, Haruka, and Setsuna Barton *a boy with brown hair covering his eye nodded, a girl with dirty blonde hair nodded same goes for the girl with green hair*." Dr. P said. The kids then became fast friends and were inseparable from then on.


Well minna I know it's short but this is just the beginning. This is your only chance to vote so pleeeeeease review. Yes, I am aware that it isn't very fair but I really want the story to get interesting ya know. So R&R and I would appreciate it very much if someone could please tell me the name of all the doctors and what pilot they are with.