Chapter 7
I decided to actually write in the ball


When everyone got there the ball was in full swing.

"I see Ami. I'll be back." Quatre said and left to go get Ami who he asked to the dance after he found out about it.

"They soo got it bad." Michiru said.

"So do you and Trowa." Haruka said.

"So do you and Wufei." Trowa said.

"You know what we all got it bad. Now lets check all these people out to make sure Peacebitch isn't in any danger and stay here till it's over so I don't have to hear anymore of anyones shit." Usagi said. Everyone looked at her.

"Damn you're moody." Haruka muttered.

"You get like that to Haruka so I wouldn't be talking." Setsuna said. Haruka glared at her. Setsuna grinned.

"Can I have the honor of your first dance?" Milliardo asked Setsuna.

"Of course." Setsuna said and the two left and went on the dance floor and well danced. (DUH!)

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?!" Usagi yelled causing the guy who were staring to turn and look somewhere else.

"Usa let's go for a walk shall we?" Hiiro said and before she could object he pulled her out of the ballroom and outside.

"Ooookay." the rest of the group said.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Who care right? Anyways uhhh a LOOOOOOONG time later ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Hiiro and Usagi talked for a while and Relena stayed safe. The G-Boys and Milliardo stayed with the people they went to the Ball with and today was the day of ALL their weddings. (SCAAAARY! hehe)

"I can't do this!" Usagi yelled and started pasing.

"Usagi we have waited for this for 2 years (told yas it was a loooooooong time later) for this. You are going to do this." Ami said.

"If you can kill people and blow up bases you can walk down that isle and get married." Setsuna said.

"Shut up!" Usagi told her and stopped pasing and sat down. Suddenly her eyes widened. "Girls... I hate to do this but... I think my water just broke."

"NANI?!" all the girls yelled.


"NANI?!" was heard throughout the church. All the guys looked at eachother and ran towards where then hopefully soon to be wives would be.

"Girls what's going on?!" Duo yelled into the door. Hotaru opened the door slightly.

"Usa's water broke." Hotaru said calmly.

"NANI?!" All the guys yelled even Hiiro and Trowa.

"Exactly." Hotaru said.

"Taru get the car she is going to deliver this baby here if we don't leave soon." Setsuna said.

"Okay!" Hotaru said and ran out the door and to the car. She drove the car to the front and honked. Setsuna, Haruka and Trowa carried her to the car and Hotaru hauled ass to the hospital.

Usagi was rushed to the delivery room where she gave birth to twins. Zero for the boy and Selene for the girl. During the whole thing Usagi was threating Hiiro's very exsistence and saying LOTS of very nasty words causing the doctors and everyone in the hearing range to blush except for Haruka who was grinning proudly.


Eventually okay okay so the day after they ALL got married and blah blah blah. No they lived Happily ever after whatever. Oh yea and they defeated the enemy which happened to be Relena. You all know that was fun. I will let you think of your own ways to torture Relena.


There we go this fic is done! Sucky ending? Not what you were expecting? Well review and leave me some comments. JA!