The Future Isn't Brighter Than The Bones:

Chapter 2: Angela vs. Booth

Temperance Brennan's POV:

Booth and I were in his car, driving back to the Jeffersonian. He was paying attention to the rode while I was looking out the window. I saw a mini van stuffed with kids, a Porsche, and two people bump into each other on their way into a Shaws.

"They told me the bones would be at the lab in about an hour. You want to catch a bite to eat?" Booth finally spoke.

"Fine." I muttered.

"You don't have to." Booth told me.

"I know, I want to." I told him.

"Okay Bones" Booth said, showing off his charm smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

Cam Soroyan's POV:

So, the gang and I waited for the bones to show up. It was a very long wait. We ended up discussing 'box office crushers' (I qouted Angela Mason). Angela Mason thinks Twilight will be the best at the box office.

Finally, the bones got here. Angela (Mason) and I ran up to them before they got to the platform.

"Male, Caucasian, about, ehh... Twenty-five."

"Okay. I think I have enough tissue for DNA, and might be able to get a fingerprint." I told them.

"Take the right hand, it's the meatiest." Angela said, while examining the other hand.

"No trauma... Anywhere." Angela (Mason) said, almost shocked.

"None at all?" I asked.

"None. Nothing that touched a bone." She replied.

"I conquer." Zack said.

"Okay, then I need someone to help me with my work. Cause now it's all up to the meaty-part."

"I can do the tox-screen." Angela (Mason) said.

"You know how to do a tox-screen?" She questioned.

Angela Booth's POV:

Cam showed me to the room that they did tox-screens in. It looks really different in the future.

"Okay, so you said you know how to do a tox-screen?" Cam asked.

"Umm... Not with this equipment." I replied. "I used very advanced technology."

"Oh... Okay."

"I'll help you anyways though. Just tell me what to do and I will do it."

"Okay." She smiled. Cam and I did a tox-screen and got a print quickly, the part that was hard was the DNA. Even I think that the organs are completely disgusting- well these ones were.

"Obviously this person smokes." I'd said, barely touching one of the tinted black lung.


"This is gross even for me." I told her.

"Don't tell me your going to throw up?"

"Not unless we somehow get on a boat." I replied.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Nothing... I get sea sick really easy." I replied using improper english, or at least I think its improper english.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my parents walk through the door. I gulped. Truth time.

"I'll be right back." I said leaving without getting a reply from Cam. I walked into the main room of the Jeffersonian. "Hello." I said as I went up to my parents.

"Hi, what are you doing here little girl?" My dad asked. I grimaced I'm fifteen!

"I'm an FBI agent." I replied. He burst out into laughter. I sighed. I knew I would have to do this- I pulled out my badge.

He looked at it in shock, "What the-" He started, reading it.

"Yeah, read it and weep." I muttered.

"Excuse me?" Booth said, all snobby-like.

"You're excused." I replied. I've never been afraid of my dad, so why should it change now? Except the fact I'm a complete stranger to him now.

Dad was fuming. I did one of those cute *slash* flirty waves and went back to Cam.

When I walked in she was looking at me, "What did you say to Booth that pissed him off."

"I told him to 'read it and weep'." I replied, trying to sound innocent.

She looked at me, shocked. "Are you out of your mind?" She asked me.

"I'm actually quite intelligent." I replied.

"Booth can and will kill you." She told me. Oh, I already knew that.

I smirked. "Right." I replied.

"He almost shot Zack and Hodgins." She told me.

"Yeah. I know. But I'm not a wimp. All you have to do to stop him is kick him in the-"

"That won't stop him" She told me.

"He has balls of steel." Angela Montenagro said walking in.

"Eavesdropper." I muttered.

"I got curious." She said, trying to be innocent. That was my thing.

"I think you should run Angela."

"Which one." Angela and I said at the same time.

"The younger one." Cam said.

"Excuse me, are you calling me old?" Angela asked Cam, all sassy-like. God I've been watching the wrong things on TV and now I'm saying 'sassy'. All actions have consequences. Remember, I told you that.

"No, I meant the Little Angela." Cam rephrased.

"Now are you calling me big?" Angela asked.

"She means me; now shut up." I said.

"Oh, I see why Booth wants to kill you. You have an attitude."

'No. Booth has an attitude." I said. Cam and Angela smiled.

"It's your grave." Cam said.

"I would say something back; but I can't think of anything, so... Oh!" I said kind of awkwardly.

To Be Continued...