Well, here's the next chapter, corrected by meneldur...the tenth to be exact so if you want do give an extra review...feel free to do so!

Chapter 10: To Freedom

She finally stopped, straightening her skirt she took a deep breath, the first signs of nerves I had witnessed the whole night, then setting her shoulders straight, she nodded at the two servants in front of the door and without knocking she opened the door…


I closed my eyes when I entered the room, for it was brightly lit, and when I opened them, I saw two men blinking in shock at my arrival, while the third frowned. For a moment I felt taken aback, I had expected to face my father alone, but in retrospection, this was probably a good thing. Except that the man who had frowned was Flauvic, and he seemed to be expecting me. Curse it; he had probably known I was up to something because of the necklace he gave me.

'Meliara! What are you- knocking-' Galdran's voice snapped me into focus.

I laughed I couldn't help it, my emotions were going high, and Galdran looked so shocked and out of his usually gloating countenance.

'Do not worry, Father Dearest, I have not lost my mind, merely expressing my jubilation at your first human emotion: shock.'

I felt rather than saw Vidanric shift his feet, and I imagined the poker face he had in place,

'Your highness, Lady Meliara has, well, lit fire to the royal stables; I relieved the guards of their duty and escorted her to you.' Shevraeth chose to say.

There was absolute silence in the room, and I was riveted by Galdran's face colour change, to a purple hue to be exact. Then in a low dangerous voice he bit out:

'Gentlemen, it seems I have some family matters to discus-,'

'Oh no Father, you are not going to get out of this scandal. Imagine the slur I represent on your 'clean' slate already. Besides, as much as you or they hide it, you know the real situation here. Tell me Grumareth, do you look as gormless as you do now in battle- oh forgive me, I forgot, you wait in the barracks while your soldiers fight the peasants.'

'Meliara, that is enough, you do not know what you are doing, I heard about Lady N-' I flashed my eyes at him, and he took a step back in alarm:

'Don't- don't talk about her Galdran. I cannot stand insincerity and coming from you-'

'You cannot mean I poisoned her?' there was actual surprise on his face as I replied in a low cold voice, the three Lords in the room forgotten,

'I told you not to talk about her. Tell me, had you planned to poison Mora as well? Is it a satisfaction to you in some sick twisted way to kill all my mother figures? Or was it to punish me for striking at your hypocritical current pet.'

Galdran drew up on his short full height and roared:

'How dare you!'

I didn't flinch as I looked back at him coolly.

'Oh I dare, because there is nothing more you can do to me. You have already tried to murder my friends, are planning to execute my horse and have embarrassed me for being the daughter of a well known tyrant.'

I did not see it coming, as my head was snapped to the side by the force of the blow, I smiled; I had done it, driven him to the brink.

I heard Flauvic appeal to him, 'Uncle!' but I gave him a swift glare as I righted my head, puzzled he fell silent, he could probably sense my satisfaction through the necklace.

Giving a courtier laugh to Galdran who seemed a bit taken aback by his own anger I said:

'Really father, as a connoisseur of torture, you should know it is more effective to hit the same side of the face twice. Now what will you do to exercise that rusty weapon of parental authority?'

'Lord Shevraeth, FLauvic, escort her to the dungeons for the night, my daughter needs to cool her head. Grumareth, go add a law to the royal archives. Public Executions are to be obligatory to immediate royal family members. Since you seem to have started this disobedience since you saw that traitor's death warrant, I shall make sure you enjoy it.'

I ignored him, I had gotten what I had wanted, and my cheek was now throbbing quite painfully. Keep a cool head Meliara, you're nearly there.

As I walked off, head held as high as a Merindar's could ever be, I could feel Flauvic's lean frame radiating anger, while Vidanric's face, when I had turned around, was as unreadable as ever. We got to the end of the wing before Flauvic really lost it. I had expected it, but it did not make it any better.

'What in Remalna's name were you trying to do Mel? Kill yourself?!'

I knew he didn't expect an answer, so I stayed silent. I was surprised he was losing his temper in front of Shevraeth; that was dangerous. Flauvic was always unruffled and calm, but when he did get really angry, it was scary, and I was nearly always involved.

'Of all the things you could have done, you tried to change everything by angering the most powerful man in this realm?! What did you expect him to do? You undermined his authority! What did they teach you in Sartor!'

Giving a pointed look at Shevraeth I answered in Sartorian:

'Diplomacy is successful in a peace filled country like Sartor but here in Remalna-'

He followed my suite, replying fluently in Sartorian:

'You are not going to give me an excuse with those eyes of yours.'

He said bitingly while looking at my earnest gaze.

'How do you think I survived so long with the Merindars and the rest of the court? You are signing yourself for a warrant of misery. Galdran doesn't easily forget. You humiliated him, that he cannot control his own daughter, it will be all over court tomorrow.'

We had reached the staircases, and I gave him a wicked smile before taking the first step. But Flauvic was still really angry, it usually took him a few hours to get back to his calm feelings, and did not smile back as he fingered the earring which was connected to my necklace by magic. Suddenly his hand froze, and he stared at me in comprehension. face blanching.

'Meliara…Meliara, there is no way you are doing that, you are enough trouble without-the stables, your sarcasm… how could I not think about it before.'

'Flauvic, it's the only thing that might make father see reason, and if it doesn't I shall just continue on that path, I will not stand in the little gilded cage he has prepared for me here.'

'Meliara, you are mad if you think I will let you do this.'

'What? Will you confess to my father for the crimes I haven't committed yet?'

I snorted, and then my chuckles died as I saw the entrance of the palace dungeons, with the guard at the entrance. Although looking shocked he allowed us through, giving the key to Shevraeth, who I had forgotten through his absolute silence. I looked around, the light from the flickering torches lined against the wall, memorizing the way as much as possible for I had never been in a dungeon before, the justice in Sartor having been meted out differently. We reached the end of a stone carved corridor and Vidanric opened the door to one of the cells. I stood before Flauvic, even he was taller than me, i thought with a pout.

Flauvic took hold of both my hands before I could move past, and said, still in Sartorian:

'Meliara, I was already looking into the poisoning when I felt your mood and heard about the news.'

I looked at his hands warily, wondering if he was going to lie to me,

'Mel, it wasn't your father, I haven't figured it who the poisoner was, but he killed the spy which your father had planted to…watch over you.'

In my heart, a knot I didn't even know I had relaxed. Clasping my arms around him I hugged him tightly knowing it was the last time for a long time Flauvic could protect me.

'It does not change anything, but I am glad, although I do not know why I should be.'

Flauvic's arms tightened around me as he whispered in Remalnan in my ear.

'I will stop you Melli.'

I smiled sadly, he could not save me this time. Pulling away, I looked into his eyes, raising his hand he placed it on my cheek and I felt the pain the slap had caused me leaving although I imagined the bruise stayed, then turning to a frowning Shevraeth, giving him an exaggerated curtsey, I could not resist a final gibe:

'Give my father my best, you may now lock me in. Goodbye, King's fool.'

I had said 'King's fool' in Sartoran. It made me feel slightly better for the daunting task ahead.

I counted to a thousand before I moved from the crouch I was in. Giving a cursory glance at the door to check if any guards were out, I started stripping the dress I had on me, Mora would have killed me as I let it pool at my feet on the dirt. Underneath I was dressed for a fight, tight fitted leggings, a tunic, also in black, clasped by a belt, the one Yustenveas gave me when I had saved her life the first time. I had even managed to bunch my cloak under the wide skirt; it would hide my hair which was too bright to pass unnoticed. It was a wonder Shevraeth hadn't noticed, of course I was nobility so he hadn't searched me. His mistake I thought, as I checked the daggers strapped to my thigh, with the custom made strap. I debated whether to remove Flauvic's necklace, I decided not to, it would stop working as soon as I was far enough anyhow. Time was running out, the diversion I had created with the fire to reduce the number of guards in the dungeons would soon elapse.

Striding to the door, I muttered an unlocking spell and immediately fell to the floor when a burning pain flashed through my head. Cursing silently, I tried again, and found myself on all fours again. Flauvic. It must have been him, somehow he had blocked my magic, thinking that would stop me. And he knew I wouldn't have time to figure out how he did it. I smiled grimly, he had underestimated me. I removed two small pins in my hair. It took a minute long, I was a bit rusty, and this was so far from the Golden Summers playing with Yussie and being taught tricks by Finiar, one of my knights. As soon as the door clicked open, I slid into the corridor, a shadow in the shadows.

Now I only needed to find Bran. I reached the entrance without too much trouble, but then I looked at the interlacing possible tunnels and knew I would be lost for ever. I waited with baited breath trying to think of a way when finally, the first real piece of luck flashed my way as I saw a returning guard, wiping sweat of his brow.

'AH, you retuned Goron.'

'Damn Princess, the fire spread to the outer walls of the palace, the others are still at it. I guess it is true she's gone crazy in that foreign country.'

'Well, I'm glad I got entrance guard duty.'

Goron sighed, and the other reassured him with:

'Don't worry, your charge is over tomorrow, and you can go back to polishing swords in the palace, I heard from Kilter he's being executed, you don't even have to feed him today.'

I frowned, so it had been made public. I silently went after him as he trudged deep into the recesses of the dungeon. Finally he stopped in front of a reinforced door, giving the other relieved of duty guard a nod, he then sat down, leaning against the door. I looked at the guard, thinking, while the other started to walk back to the entrance. If my magic worked, I could have put him under a sleeping spell. But now there was no choice. Stepping out of the shadows, I flew at him Sartoran style. He had the time for a 'what?' before he was knocked unconscious. Patting him down I easily found the key. This was too easy. How had no one tried it? Oh right, the only people with access to the palace were courtiers and courtiers were good-for-nothing-hypocrites. All the while I was trying the five keys into the lock, the fourth gave a creaking sound as it turned in the rusty lock.

I cautiously opened it, worrying. Imagine if I had got the wrong door, I was done for for certain. But my uncertainties were groundless, a man with the reddish brown hair I would recognize anywhere was huddled in a corner, coughing in his sleep. I quietly rushed forward, placing my hand onto his mouth, I called out:

'Bran, Bran! Wake up, we don't have time!'

His feverish eyes opened and I wasn't sure if he could see me. Gritting my teeth I pulled him with all my weight and tried to support him to the door. But he was of a much larger build than I was, resulting into both of us on the floor. Muffling my curses, I sat up…and slapped him across the face, twice. His eyes focused and he said in an incredulous voice:

'Mel? What?'


I whispered although no one could hear us, 'I need to get you out of here.'

He struggled weakly, 'No Mel, save yourself, I can't.'

I looked into his worried blue eyes and ordered him:

'Get up right now, I did not risk everything for you to fail me now. Come!'

Meekly accepting my shoulder for support we walked uncomfortably up the corridors, his shallow breath and my panting the only sounds. Just before getting to the entrance, I stopped him, and whispered:

'Wait here.'

Breathing deeply, I snuck up on the tired guard, making sure I did not use my daggers. Galdran should really increase the guards within the palace itself. The guard didn't even turn around as I hit both his temples, rendering him unconscious immediately. Turning around I saw a surprised Bran, and gave him a small smile he could probably not see with the dim light, but dawn was fast approaching. Helping him walk past the entrance, I looked around, no one was in sight. We walked quickly towards the nearest entrance. If a courtier took night strolls around here we were doomed. But luck continued to shine on us as we hurried through the cool night air. I guided him to the stables giving them a wide berth. When we were a few hundred of feet from it I left him telling him not to move.

I quickly slipped through the fighting men, still fighting a fire that would take hours to take out; I had started it with magic after all. I glimpsed Finiar issuing orders, my diversion had worked perfectly, keeping my bodyguards occupied, the guards tired and the horses at easy reach. I slipped between neighing horses that had been moved even farther. I quickly found Dom, with both the katanas I had attached to his saddle. I had prepared a horse for Bran but he was in no condition to ride, we would have to ride together. Casting attentive glances around me, I led my stallion round to Bran, who was shivering in the night air. Boosting him onto the saddle, I jumped in front of him.

Casting a last glance at the unfamiliar palace I stirred my horse to a gallop, out of this royal house, out of this cage, to rebellion.

So, the plot is really moving faster right, so how about you tell me what you want to happen in the next chapters...afterall, I have no idea what they're are going to do next. Should they get caught? Should Bran die? Tell me in your review...