Hey guys! Not one for long authors notes at the top, sooo...my authors note is at the bottom!

New Story


Chapter 1: Ticklish Much Emmett


It was, for the most part, a peaceful day. I was laying across Edwards lap, watching Romeo and Juliet for the, like, millionth time, Alice was upstairs in her closet playing dress-up, Jasper was contentedly burning any Civil War books that had any incorrect reference to the South. Carlisle was at work, Esme was out shopping, and Rose and Emmett...well...they were upstairs doing Edward knows what! I decided to ask.

"Edward?" I said it quietly, because I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

"Hmm?" He replied. He sounded really out of it.

"What are Rose and Emmett doing?" Well, there was no turning back now.

"Well, Rose is-" He never got to finish because Emmett cut him off, yelling from upstairs. "Not what you think my perverted little human sister. Not what you think!" He laughed his booming laugh.

Edward, who was still under me, stiffened. "Do NOT call her perverted! Don't!" He yelled back. It was quite scary. Emmett, being Emmett, just laughed some more. Edward stood up, causing me to fall over.

"Ugh! Don't leave." I said. I had been really comfy. Now Edward had gotten up and ruined it. He went to sit back down. "Oh forget it!" I complained unhappily. "Just go kill Emmett or whatever you were going to do!"

He frowned. "Emmett, now I'm going to get you good! Not only did you piss me off, but you made Bella unhappy as well." He said it very quietly. It scared the shit out of me when he talked quietly like that. I heard Emmett squeal from upstairs. Alice and the rest of them, except Emmett, came down as Edward was going up saying "Ready or not Emmett, hear I come!" I started giggling. I couldn't help it.

Alice said, "Bella, if you thought that was funny then wait till you see more!" The tree of them sat down. Rose sat next to me, Jasper sat on the ground, and Alice sat on his lap. I knew Alice had, had a vision. All of a sudden, I heard Emmett squeal again, and heard Edward growl. It was a very impressive growl, might I add. Then, I heard Emmett say, "Rosie! Help! Eddie boy's after meeeeee!"

"You're on your own boy." She laughed as she said it.

Then I saw one flash of red and white(Emmett) coming down the stairs, and a flash of black and white(Edward). Edward leaped at Emmett and, landing on his back tackled him to the ground, face first. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING could have prepared me for what I saw next. Edward rolled Emmett onto his back and begun...tickling him! And the whole time, Emmett was squealing and trying to get away! It was HILARIOUS! I've never seen anything funnier in my life! Alice, Jasper, and Rose were all rolling on the floor laughing their friggen asses off! I even ended up falling off the couch, tears streaming down my face, not able to breath! At some point Edward stoped tickling Emmett and we all just sat there trying to catch out breath. My sides hurt like hell and I couldn't seem to get enough oxygen in me.

The room satrted spinning around me, and everything went black.

Okay, so. I'm not sure if I like the way that this chapter came out, but I have idea's for this story, so, I'm going to keep writing it and see if I start liking the way it turns out. So, as always, please read and review.

In You Can Tell Us Anything, Renesmee, related news, the next chapter is going to be short, but I'm almost done writing it. Then I just have to type it and post it! But, that should be done really soon! So, yeah! Press the little button down there and leave me a review!