Chapter 6



Before Jasper and I could enter the combat plaza, suddenly he stops me and says that he wants to discuss something with me.

"Bella, before we get inside the combat plaza I have to discuss a really important thing with you" He said a little nervous.

"What is it, Jasper?" I asked echoing his nervous state a little.

"Twice a year Maria likes to recruit new vampires for her army. She doesn't have a specific season of the year to do it; she just does it when the number of newborns decreases drastically." He answered.

"Sorry, but I don't get it." I admitted.

"Bella, yesterday she sent Peter and Carrie Anne with the purpose to bring her new humans here so we can change them." He said.

"Oh, I see, when will they be coming back?" I asked.

"They should be here in any moment." Just as he said that, Peter and Carrie Anne came inside the combat plaza, and approach Jasper.

"We could find around eighteen humans. From those eleven are men and seven are women, their ages vary from nineteen to thirty. How should we accommodate them?" Peter asked.

After a few moments of thinking, Jasper finally answered "I want all the men in one room and all the women in another. Also, I want all the remaining newborns lock in the vampire proof room." Jasper instructed to them. With that they flew away.

After they left, curiosity took the best of me, and as many other questions started getting the better of me, I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Who is going to change them, Jasper?" I asked.

"Well, the ones that will be changing them are Peter, Carrie Anne, you and me. We will have to change two at least each of one. " He said as he sends me a calm wave.

"What? Do I really have to do it?" I said a little scared.

"I'm sorry, darling. They are Maria's orders. Since you show the control of a ten year vampire, I'm sure that you will do it perfectly fine, and I will by your side all the time." He assured me.

"Alright, I'll do it, but you have to show me how to do it." I needed instructions since this is my first time that I turn someone into a vampire.

"Alright, come on, is time to do it."

While we were walking towards the rooms where we are going to change these humans unto vampires, we bump into Peter. Jasper told him that he wants him to take care of the men while he and I would take care of the women.

Before we enter the room where the women are, Jasper warns me that it won't be so pleasant inside, and he will be next to me if I need him.

As we enter, I understood what he meant when said that it wasn't going to be pleasant. Inside the room, they were a lot of chains with handcuffs which are made of vampire flesh. The women were laying on the floor with handcuffs on their wrists and ankles. They were screaming and begging us to let them go, an incredible amount of fear and pain made me fall to the ground, immediately Jasper was holding me and sending me waves of love and happiness.

After a few minutes of letting myself come back, register what I was about to do and getting my confidence up, Jasper took my hand and send a wave of calm.

"Bella, you have two choices. One, I do it first and you watch. Or two, you do it first and I indicate you where to bite, and how to sealed it with venom." He said.

"I prefer if I watch as you do it first." I answered.

"Alright, watch." He said as he sunk his teeth at her neck.

Once he finished with the first woman, she started screaming and shaking. Although at first I thought I couldn't do it, I gain some confidence and sunk my teeth at her neck, unfortunately her blood tasted so sweet and I couldn't stop. Jasper had to pull me away, one mistake he did was that I was facing him while he was holding me tightly into his chest and I bite him, which made him to pin to the wall with my face against it.

"Don't breathe, Bella, don't breathe." He ordered me.

Instantly I stopped breathing, and focused my mind on how much I love him. Seconds later I show him that I was not going her, and he started to release me slowly.

"I'm so sorry, Jasper. I shouldn't attack you, I…" I started, but he cut me off.

"It's alright, my darling. This was your first time, so you don't have to be sorry about it, you will see that with time and practice you will get better. Why don't you go clean and relax in our room while I finish with the rest? He asked, although it sounded more as an order.

"I will, see you later." I said giving him a smile.

All too soon, I was already cleaned up, so I decided to pace the room waiting for Jasper. Suddenly I was hit by a great amount of pain, fear, and madness that threw me to the floor once again. Luckily in that same moment Jasper was coming in and ran to where I was.

Instantly he scooped in his arms and carried me to the bed, where he laid there with me. He tried to sooth me by stroking my face, holding me closer to him, rubbing my back. But those feelings kept making me weak.

"Jasper, what is wrong with me?" I asked him.

"Bella darling, nothing is wrong with you." He told me.

"Then, why suddenly my level to feel emotions increase?" I asked.

"I don't know, Bella, I honestly don't know." He told me.

"It hurts, Jasper. It hurts too much." I cry on his shoulder.

"I know, Bella. Soon, darling, soon it will be over. I promise." He assured me.

After several hours of unbearable waves of excruciating pain and fear, and after rolling on my side of the bed, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Jasper, please. There must be something that you can do to erase or at least decrease the amount of feelings I'm getting, I honestly can take it anymore." I beg him.

"Well…I can send you into a state of lethargy until the entire newborns wake up, but once they wake up, they will feel rage, distrust, fear, and they will be extremely thirsty and aggressive. So, I think the best idea is that you start immediately to control your new level of your empathy power, and of course, like I said before, I will be by your side to help you in anything you need." He told me as he kissed my forehead sweetly.

I didn't want to waste more time, so I ask him if we can start practicing on controlling my new empathy level, and we did. After a couple of hours, I was feeling much better, so we return to the bed and felt into conversation. We talk about random thinks of what we remember from our human life. Suddenly I incuriously paced my hand where I had bit him on his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Jasper. I didn't mean to do it. I…" But he cut me off again.

"My darling, what did I said?" He asked.

"You said that it was alright, but I still feel responsible for hurting you." I told him.

"Bella, that is and will be the only scar that I will have proudly forever, unless…" He trailed off.

"Unless what?" I asked.

"Unless you bite me more than once." He said.

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