Hi, is anybody still there? I am so terribly sorry for not having updated sooner. I feel awful. The truth is real life is such a pain. Literally seem to have no time to do anything, but I've decided it's time to finally update. Final year of uni suckkssss, my dissertation is due in two weeks and I've just got my laptop back after I broke it with viruses. Ooooops. I love my little bubble with Fanfiction here and I don't want to lose it! A lot of the authors whose work I adore haven't updated in a while either and I guess it's fair to say that I must be inspired by them because every time I used to read their updates it made me want to write my own work and give them something back I suppose. So please favourite authors of mine if you are being lovely people and reading my work…get cracking on your own because I for one canny wait for the next chapter! Hope this chapter is okay, I won't promise to update by a certain date just in case I fail and disappoint. But I do promise to try harder!

Enjoy and once again I am in no way affiliated with McFly and gain no profit from this work besides a wonderfully fuzzy feeling in me belly when I get me some tasty reviews (:

Three days had passed since Harry had experienced the epiphany in the hall way. Three days of tense phone calls between Harry and his family. Three days of tense meetings with Fletch still trying to determine which girl was responsible. Harry was by no means back to his usual bubbly happy-go-lucky self but he was also nowhere near the emotional wreck that he had been over the last few weeks.

Tom, Danny and Dougie still ensured that one of them was always stuck like glue to their drummer. Only when one of them had ensured he was settled in the warm and safe confines of his bed did they then creep out and rendezvous with the other band members to discuss their friend. Each one was utterly impressed with the way that Harry was dealing with it all now compared to how he had been just a mere handful of days before.

Harry however was not as impressed with himself as the other boys seemed to be. He was furious at the man for what he had put him through over and over again. He was becoming afraid of the intensity of the anger that he felt towards the man and he had taken to starting to fake being asleep just so that the night watchman would finally leave him in peace. Then, once alone, he quietly snuck from the comfort of his bed and retrieved his laptop that always sat close by. From there he googled the man, he found every story written in the magazines and tabloids that was slating Harry for having ruined the band and being the sole reason that the band had stopped performing and producing songs. Harry was baring the blunt of the blame for taking the other three band members away from twitter and supercity and the fans in general. Harry started to create a deep self loathing of himself and tears would silently break from his eyes. Every bad story that Harry read made his resolve for revenge stronger and slowly, but surely, it began to consume him with a rage that bubbled and boiled and in time, would explode from him in a terrifying manner.

Yet every night without fail just as Harry was almost arriving at breaking point he would hear the small, soft sound of feet approaching his room and he would swiftly shut the laptop lid, replace it from where he had found it, wipe his eyes and wet cheeks, then once again submerse himself in a duvet cocoon and wait for one of his best friends to join him.

This night it was Danny who opened his door softly and peeked inside to check on his friend. In the faint light that shined around the blinds that tried to cover the window Danny thought he could see the faint outline of water on Harry's face. Sighing slightly at the unexpected yet depressing sight he continued to stealthily make his way over to Harry's bed. Once there he arranged the duvet better around his friend and leant down to Harry's ear to whisper gently, "Harry, you are one of, if not the strongest person that I know in the whole world. As scared and hurt as you are you'll make it back from this. We're all here with you all the way and we love you mate. Now I'm going to get in beside you and we're going to sleep well okay?" Obviously he didn't expect an answer because he thought Harry to be asleep but just wanting to warn him that the body beside him would be a familiar and welcome one.

Tonight though it seemed like Harry no longer wanted to pretend and instead opened his eyes, looked at his freckly friend's face and whispered, his voice gruff from the tears he'd gulped back in restrain, "Thank you for everything Dan. I'm sorry that I'm putting you all through this."

Danny halted in his tracks, half way to climbing into bed and hearing Harry speak so negatively. He thought they were past this. Gently reaching out and taking a grip of Harry's cheek he moved the drummers face to meet his eyes and quietly but firmly assured him saying "There is nothing that we would do for you that we wouldn't want to. You are family to us all mate and without a doubt you would do the same thing for us if roles were reversed. I almost wish they were because then it would mean that I wouldn't have to see you going through this terror and not be able to stop it. We want to help you because we love you. We just wish you could understand that in that thick head of yours mate." Danny ended his little tirade with a small chuckle. Releasing his hold on his friend's face he wiped away the small tear that escaped Harry's eye and then quickly budged his friend over and the pair snuggled down to sleep the whole night peacefully.

Thanks for reading I'm sorry it was so short but please let me know what you think. I really hope you all enjoyed!