I am a huge fan of Rosalie so I wanted to do a one shot based on why she hated my one shot it goes much farther than just "Oh I was jealous you could have a baby but I couldn't".Hope you enjoy!

"So Bella now that I have told you Edwards made up excuse for me not liking you,would you like to hear the real reason?"Edward had always tried lieing to poor Bella,saying that I didn't like her because she could have babies where as I couldn' that was a lie.

"Sure...Why do you hate me?"Bella was all of a sudden very curious.

"Well there is a story behind it...you of course will not know,nor will you understand."I looked at her,silently asking if she wished for me to continue."Well let me just start off asking if you remeber the story of Royce King?"She nodded,but stayed quite waiting for me to continue.

"Well see Royce,as you know,raped and beat me in the left me there to when I was...Transformed,I decided on revenge went a bit further then I meant it ...killing,"I was trying to use the most appropriate words,so I would not scare her."Royce and his friends I followed that family very I never told anyone this,not even as I followed the family line I realised that a descendent of his,her name was Renee.I followed this woman for a very long time."I paused seeing if she could catch the look on her face she had.

"Well I stopped following Renee after she left Forks.I also heard that Cheif Swan had been married to her,well when I found out that you were the Cheif's daughter.I don't know,I knew he had only been with one since I new you were related to Royce,eve if way down the line,I just automatically started hating Edward fell inlove with you.I figured you were only using Edward for the good Royce had used me."

By the time I finished telling her why I had automatically hated her,I figured she would be disgusted,but when I looked at her eyes they showed nothing more then understanding and forgivness.

"So do you think we could be friends?"I asked timidly.

"Of course Rose.I never hated you,I have wanted to be your friend for when Edward had said you were jealouse of me,I knew he was she we go shopping?"She asked while biting her lip.

"Yes,you two are going you were going to invite me,and I would love to come!"Alice squealed from the doorway.