Chronicles of a Resurrected Priestess

A/N: I would like to note that the beginning of this fic will be before my character and Kikyou are killed. Probably about a year, but don't worry, I won't describe every little detail of that year. I plan to skip the majority of it until their date of death. After that, the chapter will be about my character's life as a resurrected being. I would also like to say that unlike my usual style, I will not be adding any suffixes to the character's names so the only Japanese you will be seeing are names or object's names.

[1]: In case you did not know, not all naginata are double-bladed like the naginata of Kenkon. Hoshiko's naginata is normal in that it is a wooden staff with a slightly curved blade on the end.

[2]: First of all, I have no idea if such a thing exists, but the way I imagined it, the sutra's target freezes (without ice) as they are the moment the sutra makes contact.

I'd also like to point out one more thing, towards the end of the chapter, Kikyou comes upon my character and she smiles in amusement, I don't mean in a sadistic manner, she just sometimes finds Hoshiko to be funny.

It was a nice breezy spring day. On a somewhat steep grassy hill, a young girl with dark brown hair and light brown eyes stood enjoying the breeze. She looked to be no more than sixteen years old, but even though she had a small smile on her face, she looked…tired, weary even. Thus is the fate of a Priestess. The years of silent loneliness and battling seem to finally be catching up with our young Priestess. However, you won't see her pining for a normal life like her friend and fellow Priestess Kikyou sometimes does. That is to say, our young Priestess isn't looking down on Kikyou oh no she sometimes entertains those thoughts, but she has simply resigned herself to the life she was born to. She knows there is nothing she can do to change her life.

Suddenly, there is a distinctive disturbance in the air that brings the Priestess out of her thoughts. Sharply turning, the Priestess sees an ogre type demon charging for her! Getting into a better fighting position, the Priestess raises her naginata [1] and is able to stop the demon's club from bashing her skull open. With a mighty push and a grunt from the effort, the Priestess is able to push the demon away from her and slash it across the chest. Unfortunately for her, that slash wasn't as deep as she had first though it would be. With a pained roar, the demon swiped at her, catching her in the side and throwing her to the left. With a winded cry, the Priestess struggles to get to her feet before the demon can get to her. While scrambling to get to her naginata, the Priestess doesn't see the demon raise its club and bring down catching her shoulder dislocating it. With a shriek, the Priestess went down again, clutching her right shoulder with her left. Though with quick thinking, she dodges yet another swipe and runs behind the demon while pulling out a sealing sutra. Concentrating hard through the near blinding pain, the young Priestess recites the spell, adds a little bit her spiritual power and tosses the sutra at the demon, getting it on the shoulder. It's not the most ideal place, but it will work. So without further ado, the Priestess grabs her weapon and thrusts it into the demon's heart swiftly. [2]

After pulling out her weapon, the young Priestess drops it onto the grass next to her and falls to her knees clutching her shoulder once again. A few deep breaths later, she hears light footsteps and swings around to look behind her only to discover Kikyou looking at her. With a relieved sigh, she sits back down being careful not to jar her shoulder. After a moment's silence passed the young Priestess greeted the hill's only other human occupant; "good afternoon Kikyou…"

"…Are you all right?"

"Oh I'm fine for the most part, though I think that troublesome demon dislocated my shoulder," the younger Priestess grumbled.

"Well, let's go back to the village and see if we can put your shoulder back into place," Kikyou said with a small amused smile before turning and going back the way she came. With a heavy sigh, the young Priestess grabbed her naginata and followed Kikyou through the small stretch of forest that led to Kikyou's home and the young Priestess' temporary home.

"Big sister Kikyou, big sister Hoshiko you're back!" This was the greeting the two young women were greeted with, courtesy of Kikyou's little sister Kaede when she spotted them entering the village. With a small smile, Hoshiko patted Kaede's head (ignoring her pout) and greeted her with a little laugh, "hey kid" before continue to follow Kikyou to her hut where she would put her shoulder back into its place.