Heyy guys! Sorry, sometimes, it copies the same chapter and its very frustrating so if you see it just be patient. It is coming soon k?
Well this is the show. Long chapter took forever to write so be easy on me ok? haha so here it is.
I do not own Inuyasha or the song, that rins sings by jessica rabbit in "framing roger rabbit" Or lugias song, or love game or fire burnin'. You'll see !
Here it is! Hope you like it!
Chapter 3- The show
The others laughed and Ayame was next to speak. "Aww, I'm next? Well, mine doesn't involve any deaths or murders or jealousy. Just basically impulse and anger." She looked at Kouga and winked only this time putting her hand on the side of his cheek, caressing it. She stopped moments later turning to the others, smiling when Kouga wrapped his arms around her waist. The others did the same except for Rin and Sesshoumaru, who were looking in each others eyes intently.
End of flashback*
"Now let's see, where to begin?" Ayame said while glancing at Kouga. He was staring lovingly back even though they've only known each other for half- an hour.
"Well, since Sango is from the south, and Kagome is from here in the west, I'm from the North. The northern mountains to be correct. My grandfather is the elder, or alpha as wolves would call him. My parents died when I was little so he raised me and took good care of me. But he's very stubborn and I think that's where I get it from. He told me he wanted to make the pack stronger so that we would be safe. You see, we had a good amount of wolves but alot of them were old and not as strong as they used to be.
"He told me that we could become stronger through marriage and I immediately disagreed. I don't like arranged marriages, it lacks love. I want to marry and have passion, lust and friendship in my marriage. Not to mention plenty of kids. But all you get in an arranged marriage is boredom. Everyone is hoping for an heir to the tribe and admirers. I don't want that, it's too much pressure on my shoulders. I was supposed to marry the leader of the southern wolf tribe. I had heard alot about that specific tribe.
" How they ate humans, stole from other tribes and acted like savages. Not to be rude or anything. Besides, I was already in love and waiting for another hand in marriage." Ayame sighed and rested her chin on her hand.
"His name was Kouga, and even though we had only met once, I was in love. You see, when I was twelve, I was being chased by demons, and I had nowhere to go. I was far from the mountains, and it was in the middle of the night. I tripped and fell, and I waited for my death. But it never came, I hear this voice telling me to get up and that it was ok. I stood up and looked and I see a wolf demon, he was so handsome. He looked my age but I didn't know. I hurt my foot so he carried me all the way back to the mountain, he was so sweet. The moon was full and it seemed to be shining on us.
"I told him alot of things that night and he told me that one day he would marry me. I was in love, and after that night, I was determined to find him again. No matter what. He looked like he wasn't from the north so I guessed that he was from the south. But after I ran away from the north I went to the south, just to see if he was there.
"Of course he wasn't but everyone was saying that their leader ran away too. I was happy that my tribe wouldn't be the only one to suffer. I believe that one day I'll see him again, and he'll see me in this outfit. But right now, I'm perfectly content."
Kouga was surprised she remembered what happed 10 years ago. But he was glad she was commited to him and him alone.
Ayame smiled at Kouga and rested her head on his shoulder growling quietly. Kagome smiled at the two, then turned her head in Rin's direction, seeing what they were up too. Kagome was in shock.
Right before her eyes was Rin kissing Sesshoumaru! Fortunately, Rin's arms were around his neck and his arms were securely were around Rin's waist gripping tight. Sango took notice of Kagome's expression, and followed her gaze, a few moments later Ayame did the same. They all had the shocked expression even the men.
Sango and Ayame then got the same idea. An evil grin crept across their faces and the turned to Kagome who got the same plan. They all nodded in agreement wihle Sango started,
"One..." she said slowly, while turning to the kissing couple.
"Two..." Ayame followed, while turning her head to Rin.
Kagome finished it. "Three." She said.
'RIN!' They all shouted in their minds.
The next thing they saw was a very spazzed Rin jump up from Sesshoumaru's lap and land hard behind his chair flat on her face. After a few moments she got back up, pissed.
"WHAT THE HELL!? I was having a nice conversation! What do you guys want?" Rin yelled. She really drew attention and some guys were even whistling. She looked at all the men in the place and said,
"Haha, sorry boys, I kinda got a little mad. But wait until the show to show your affection k?" She then realized, that the show was in 10 minutes!
Rin turned around and told the girls and they all screamed!
"RIN! This is your fault! Okitake will be soo mad! We gotta hurry and get ready!" Sango said climbing out of Miroku's lap, but not without having his pervy hand rubb her bottom. She turned around so fast, Miroku was ready for the pain. He heard the slap, but it didn't hit him. She clapped right in front of him, and gave a wink. This time he was blushing.
Sango started walking and the others followed.
Kagome turned around and said to Inuyasha,
"I will DEFINITELY see you later dog." She gave him a very sultry smile, and he watched her hips sway as she left. Ayame turned around part way so she was side glancing at Kouga.
"I'll come and get ya later ok Kouga?" She giggled and ran off leaving the stunned wolf pondering over how she knew it was him. Sesshoumaru looked over his shoulder only to be welomed by Rin's awaiting lips.
"You can bet that we'll being doing this again soon." She said, her voice full of seduction and lust. She turned and swayed her hips as she went. Sesshoumaru's eyes followed her all the way to the door she entered.
Sesshoumaru turned back to his table, only to notice all the guys smirking. He knew what they wanted to ask and he didn't say a word. He just replayed the conversation that took place a few moments before.
'So, you can read minds?' Sesshoumaru asked, expecting a spoken answer. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.
'And I can also put my thoughts into others heads for more...private conversations. I can still hear other minds but very faintly, like they're whispering. But right now I am completely focused on you.' Rin said in a seductive voice.
Sesshoumaru then realized something. She can read minds..
'That means...' He hesitated. She smirked and said,
'Yes, I never knew my neck was so mouthwatering. No one has really ever wanted to bite it, but I kinda like the sound of it.' She giggled and stared into his eyes like she was looking into his very soul.
'If you don't mind me asking, why did you turn away from the rest when Sango was telling us what happened?' He saw her eyes go wide and looked away. He wondered if he shouldn't of asked at all. She took a deep breath. Deciding that she was going to tell him and him alone.
'I was there. My family traveled around alot, and at the time we were in the south. I was suspicious of the lord but I didn't say anything. I called the Demon slayers to see if they could do anything. They killed the demon but not the lord.. I watched everything. The murders, Sango's rage and sadness, and the death of her dear family and brother. I felt so horrible. The lord's son finally killed the lord though. We also gave them a proper burial. When I woke up I found out that Sango was alive but already left.
'I can't tell you how many times I apologized when we met again. It was me who called them, me who brought her brother and comrades to their death, and me who caused her so much grief.' Sesshoumaru could tell that Rin loved Sango as a friend, and wouldn't change it a bit.
'It wasn't your fault, I can assure you. Look at me.' Sesshoumaru lifted her chin to make her eyes meet his. They stared at eachother for what seemed like hours. Then Rin asked with a smug look,
'So you like that I'm a demon?' she licked her lips, then showed her fangs to him. He was curious to see what demon she was. He couldn't smell or even sense what kind she was and in unnerved him.
'Well, since I can see your dying to know, I'm a half demon.' Sesshoumaru's smile faltered, leaving only a dissapionted face. Rin gently slapped him and he looked up.
'You didn't let me finish. I said I'm half-demon. Half dog demon and half galaxial demon. So I'm like you. Aren't you half dog demon and half celestial demon? She asked with a grin. He was in shock. For three reasons:
One, She was half dog demon. Thats why he craved for her.
Two, she was galaxial, which is the stars and universe while he was celestial, the moon.
Third, She was kissing him.
He didn't stop her though, and he deepened the kiss. It was filled with so much lust and passion from both sides. His inner beast roared in satisfaction and said
"we must claim her now! We must claim our mate!" Sesshoumaru was surprised, his inner beast rarely ever came out. He actually really didn't think he had one. He then noticed that Rin had opened her eyes and pulled back in shock.
Rin then smirked and said.
'Hmm, well then if he says we shouldn't wait, they we shouldn't.' Again, Sesshoumaru made no move to stop her. He was enjoying himself, and most importantly so was Rin. Rin started to think in her mind that something was wrong. Something was going to happen and she knew it...
And that was it. He never knew that a woman could comtrol his actions. Then again, if it was Rin doing it, he wouldn't mind it a bit.
Ayame and Sango were pushing Rin through the door, trying to speed her up. Rin was giggling the whole time until she saw a table in front next to Sesshoumaru's table, with the chair empty. She knew something was wrong, and she wasn't staying to find out.
Kagome noticed Rin's sudden stiffness and asked,
"Rin? Whats the matter?" Rin's face turned into a menacing frown, and she pointed towards the same table she had been staring at.
"He's not there. He never misses a show and you know it. I don't like the looks of this." Rin walked threw the door and went to her dressing room. Kagome and the rest sighed and went to their rooms as well. The show was about to start.
The lights dimmed further down, the stage grew brighter, and a rather skinny man with a brown pony came out dressed in a traditional blue kimono.
"Gentleman, welcome to the "Goddess Temple". Tonight will be a very good show. Any man who wants to come closer to the stage can, but no touching the performers, unless they touch you." He said sternly. All the men whistled at the sound of touching the girls.
"For our first entertainer, I am proud to present the she-wolf herself, Ayame, otherwise known as BLOSSOM!" He announced and the curtains withdrew, unveiling Ayame, who looked like a true goddess. Kouga was speechless.
Ayame was wearing her reddish/brownish locks down with a white lily above her right ear. She wore a long emerald green dress that hugged her curves, and pushed up her breasts. It was tied around her neck, showing off her fabulous cleavage. The dress went all the way to the floor, but was split right in the center showing off her legs. With black stilletos, emerald earrings with a ruby necklace, she was perfect in Kougas eyes. Not to mention the fingerless green gloves too.
She started playing the flute, (Imagine Lugia's song(:) which had all the guys at the table confused. But then they saw it. Millions of petals, swarmed around her while she played her beautiful flute, the melody was sad yet soothing. She walked to the edge of the stage, with the petals dancing all over the room and set her gaze on Kouga. When she hit the high note Kouga was lifted in the air by the petals, they brought him to Ayame. She finally finished her song, on a harmonic note, leaving every man in the room stunned at her talent. She had Kouga so close, with her arms around his neck.
The crowd burst into applaud and whistles and cheers. They loved her. She bowed then left, giving her flower in her hair to Kouga. She went back through the same curtain she entered . The same man named Okitaki, reappeared.
"Wasn't she wonderful? Not to forget beautiful. Now Let's bring out our next performer. With her fire cat, you all know her as inferna, please welcome the hot headed Sango!" He stepped off, just in time. If he had stayed on he would have been burned by the flames rising on the curtains.
Out came Sango doing a front flip landing in the splits with her right leg in front of her. Her fire cat in her full cat form, Kilala, jumped over her head to roar.
To Miroku, Sango was stunning. She had on a purple corset, strapless, with black lacing, and black ruffles above the breast. She had it cut off so it showed her stomach, which was slender and slick. She had on a long light pruple skirt that reached her ankles. It had no restraint so it flowed everywhere, when she twirled it followed. Like Ayame's, Sango's hair was also down, flowing all the way to the small of her back. No shoes were needed, for she was on Kilala the whole time.
A song started up, and everyone recognized it in an instant. It was Miroku's favorite song, Fire on the Dance Floor by Sean kingston in america. Sango was standing on Kilala's back with one leg in the air and fire blowing out of her mouth. She was spinning and the fire was swarming all around her, getting closer and closer, until she was covered in it. The fire then vanished in smoke while Kilala was doing her own tricks. Sango go down and headed towards Miroku, while twirling and finally landed in his lap.
She grabbed his hand in hers, which was very warm, and led him towards the stage. She then back flipped over his head, while doing somersaults with the fire following her every move. Sango brought out a scarf and lit it with the blazing inferno, and landed behind him, whipping the scarf around his neck. She then turned him around and pulled the scarf down until their lips were almost touching...she leaned closer and closer until...
She pulled away and giggled because the music had stopped. Miroku was left standing there with his lips out, head leaning and arms out. He was embarrassed but sad at the same time. He went back to his seat while Sango bowed and exited the stage with Kilala.
Okitake announced that they would take a short break before the next act. The lights returned to normal and the men started talking about the previous girls and what more was to come.
Sesshoumaru wasn't really paying attention. He was eyeing the man that had just entered the building, and who was being escorted to the table next to him. He had dark eyes, almost black. His black hair was in a high tail, and he was in a black suit, with a spider necklace. He knew this man, he was Naraku Houen. His company was the second best next to Sesshoumaru's father's. He tried to ignore him but he spoke up after he was seated.
"Hello, nice place huh?" Naraku asked. He had a sly smile that couldn't be trusted. Sesshoumaru turned and nodded. Naraku wasn't satisfied so he said,
"You know, these performers are very popular. Especially the last performer, Rin, they call her the Angel. She is also my mate." He said it so confidently. Sesshoumaru eyes widened. He couldn't believe what this man had said, he was RIN"S mate? He highly doubted it so he decided to question him.
"Really? Rin was our waitress, and I saw no mark on either side of her shoulders." Sesshoumaru smirked in his mind knowing that that's the only way you can have someone be your mate. He recalled all the times that human and demon men had hit on Izayoi, but when they saw the mark on her right shoulder, they all scampered away like the cowards that they were. But Izayoi would never cheat on his father, she loved him too much. Inuyasha was proof of it.
Naraku eyed Sesshoumaru suspiciously for a moment, then said with a smirk on his face,
"I marked her in a way no other man ever will. And besides. It doesn't matter whether or not she is my actual mate. I plan to change that tonight. I plan to marry her, and make her my wife." Naraku was then in his own fantasy about Rin, thinking impure thoughts that would even appaul god. And it takes alot to appaul him right?
Sesshoumaru pondered over what Naraku had said. He couldn't get Rin out of his head again. It was like once he started thinking about her she wouldn't go away. Like she was a disease spreading throughout his entire being. It was starting to scare him a little.
Then the lights dimmed back down, resuming their darkness. Okitake came back out and clearly said,
"Hey men we're back! I hope your ready, because it's about to get a little bit warmer in here. And no, it's not Sango, please welcome, the gorgeous, the magnifecence, the gypsy, Kagome!" He quickly jumped of stage and waited for the show.
Everyone was excited, the music was getting louder and louder, they all knew this song too. Love game by Lady Gaga. Inuyasha knew that it was Kagome. He didn't know what she was doing though.
Kagome stepped out, her hips swaying with the music, and her eyes locked on Inuyasha only. Inuyasha eyes popped out!
Kagome wasn't wearing no light colors at all, she was wearing a sexy midnight blue sexy dress. It had no straps, pushing up her breasts, all though she didn't need it. Her hair was down, curled at the end. The dress barely reached her mid thigh, showing off her lengthy legs, and with her very high black heeled boots that went all the way to her knee, showing her legs more sensuas. Kagome seductively walked over to the 'special' table while every man got closer to the stage and hooted, whistled, and cheered. Waiting for her to start.
Kagome reached down to Inuyasha's ear and pulled, yanking him on the stage. When the words came in the song Kagome started. She slid her body up and down, teasing Inuyasha. Then she arched her back, giving her body the ability to roll. She turned around and backed up a few steps then did every sexy dance move you can imagine. Alot of the time was spent grinding and playing with Inuyasha, she did splits, twirled, even shaked and slapped her butt to the mouthwatering men.
To finish it off, Kagome jumped onto Inuyasha and wrapped her legs around his waist. She then let herself go so that she was dangling from his waist, her hands on the floor, her hair sprawled out and her devilish smile. After the music stopped she bowed then left the stage. But not without giving Inuyasha a blowing kiss and a wink. He pretended to catch it and sat back down. He would see her again no matter what.
Before Okitake could even announce the next performance, all the men went to either sit or stand by the stage, trying to get as close as they could. Sesshoumaru saw Naraku brush some dirt of his suit a little, and putting a little cologne on. Sesshoumaru looked away, a little disgusted with the man.
"Well, gentlemen, the one you've all been waiting for, she has been called many names here. But one cowers all the rest. She is, the Angel, RIN!" All the men shouted and cheered waiting for her to come out. But nothing happened. All the men quieted down and very faintly the could hear a little jazz.
The next thing they see is a very nice leg come out from the curtain, then followed by very nice breasts. They all hear a voice singing and they knew who it was. Rin, the Angel.
"You had plenty money nineteen twenty-two," The curtained opened to reveal the very sexy, beautiful and showy Rin. All the men in the room gasped at her appearence.
Rin smirked. She had on a long, glittering strapless black dress, with a slit on her right side, going up almost all the way to the top of her thigh. She had black opened toed heels, with a tie around the ankle. Her hair was straightened then smoothed making it look almost like silk. She had her bangs covering her right eye, which made her look mysterious. Her black gloves went just abover her elbow. Her singing was incredible. Sesshoumaru now knew why everyone called her the Angel. Her voice sounded as if it was from heaven itself.
"You let other women make a, fool of you," She walked across the stage to the wall with the spotlight on her. She had her back to the wall and slid down, her dress inching up. "Why don't ya do right? Like some other men, do." She left the wall and made her way to a man that was standing up trying to get closer to her. She lifted his chin with her foot, and then shoved him away sending him into his seat.
"Get outta here, get me some money too." She sang, walking further down the stage. Naraku tapped Sesshoumaru on the shoulder. He turned around and Naraku said,
"What do ya think? Isn't she amazing? I have never missed a show of hers, and I am always one of the men she pays attention too." He had a smug look on his face which Sesshoumaru couldn't stand to look at. Unfortunately, he missed a line in Rin's song. He saw her bending down, resting her hand on another mans cheek.
"Get outta here," She pushed him away with her lips pouting out, "get me some money too." She walked a little slower now.
"Now if you were prepared oh twenty," She slid her leg up making a small hiss, "years ago, you wouldn't be a'wanderin from door-to-door, why don't ya do right, like someother men do." She walked to the end of the stage holding her hand out. Naraku helped her down, with her stepping on a chair. She walked behind Naraku and put her arms around him.
"Get outta here," She slid her hands along his chest and pulled out his tail, "get me some money too." She let him go with a smirk, then walked over to Sesshoumaru's table. She sat on Sesshoumaru's lap while taking off his jacket.
"Get outta here, get me some money too." She lent in, like she was going to kiss him but pulled away. She got up and went around to where she was right in front of him. She laid on her back very slowly, her voice louder and stronger than before.
"Why don't ya do right, like some other men..." She pulled Sesshoumaru over her head so that he was hovering right abover her lips, their lips brushing, she sang,
"Dooooooooooo?" She held the 'oo' while she slid out from beneath him and made her way back to the stage and through the curtain, giving Sesshoumaru a side glance the whole time. The music ended with all the men cheering and trowing flowers on the stage. The next thing they heard was,
"Ahhh! Kagome don't touch there! I'm too sensitive!" They heard Rin cry out. All the men in the room listened with very vulgar looks on their faces, wanting to hear more. Little did all the guys know, was that it was only an act.
"But Rin we have to! You know we have to be good girls or else we'll get punished!" Ayame cried out. The guys were getting excited, waiting patiently.
"I don't want to either! I'm already in my night gown! It's so short and skimpy, and see through!" Sango whined. Miroku just about had a nose bleed. He liked what he was hearing about Sango.
"I am too but we have too! Please? For the audience? Only for a minute?" They heard Kagome ask. The next thing they saw was all the girls in tiny nightgowns come out through the curtain. Rin was wearing a pink fuzzy, strapless of course nighty, with see through fabric. She did have on a bra and underwear, both pink.
Sango, Kagome and Ayame had on the same, only in different colors. Kagomes was a light green, Sango's was white. and Ayame's was blue. Kagome was the first to speak up.
"Thank you all for coming to visit us..." She said, sounding a little tired. Which she wasn't.
"We hope you all had a good time, and liked my drinks..." Sango said in the same tone.
"Will you all come back soon? We hope so..." Again in the same tone was Ayame. Finally Rin said in a very sultry and husky tone,
"Well, I personally hope to see you all..Maybe more privately next time?" Rin was only looking at Sesshoumaru when she said it. In his mind she told him,
'Don't leave. Tell your friends and brother to stay put at the table until I come get you. We want all of you to come back stage. Alright?' She asked very sweetly.
'No problem' Sesshoumaru replied. A grin slowly making its way across his face.
Rin smiled then left along with the other girls. One by one all the men in the now stuffy room left. Inuyasha, Miroku and Kouga were about to get up when Sesshoumaru said,
"No guys sit back down. Rin told me that all the girls would enjoy having us backstage with them. She'll come get us when everyone is gone. Be patient." All the guys looked at eachother and smiled. The girls kept to their word. They would see them again.
Finally after a few minutes the last man walked out the door, everyone was gone. Including Naraku. They then see Kagome walk out towards the table, wearing the same nightgown. To Inuyasha's satisfaction. She got to the table and put her hand on her hip. She smiled and said,
"Well, I personally like all of you and so do the rest of the girls so come on. Your coming backstage with us." She pulled on Inuyasha's arm, never letting go of it. Sesshoumaru was a little puzzled but got up anyway. On the wayto the door to backstage Sesshoumaru asked,
"Uh, Kagome, where is Rin?" Rin said that she would come out to get them. Did he not hear right?
"Well, hmm. She is a little busy so I came out. I think she'll be done with him soon. I mean, how long does it take to bath someone?" Kagome asked herself. She giggled.
Rin was with someone? Who? And why was it bothering Sesshoumaru soo much?
Thanks for reading! Well, sorry if some of you saw the same chapter I hadn't updated yet and i hadn't saved-again!- so my bad! Sorry! But hopefully this makes it up!
If you don't know lugias song or how it goes, then go to youtube, type in 'lugias song' the click on the 5th one to hear the flute ONLY. thats what Ayame is playing sooo.
And to hear Rins song actually sung and how she sings it, go to youtube, type in 'Jessica rabbits song' then click the first one. It also shows what rin's dress and actions look like. But her dress is a different color.:)
Next chapter- backstage- R+R!
and like the girls talents? Want to change them? I don't know about some of the girls talents. Maybe I could redo the chap. Help me? Leave a review and an Idea for a talent for either Ayame or Sango! Thanks!