Ok so this is my first fan-fic and its 3 am right now so sorry if it seems a little strange.

Yours truly,


Disclaimer: I do not own anything even though I wish I owned Dimitri sadly I do not...= [I only own all the screen names…

Well enjoy!

TheApoctylipticAngel: Rose

Pyroboy: Christian

BadassRussian: Dimitri

DefinitelyNotSober: Adrian

DragonGirl: Lissa

Ok so here we go…

TheApoctylipticAngel and PyroBoy have signed in

TheApoctylipticAngel: haha nice name

PyroBoy: you 2 I guess

TheApoctylipticAngel: ….

PyroBoy: …

DragonGirl has signed in


Everyone except for lissa: what the fuck are you on?

DragonGirl: nothing… just 98 packets of pure sugar

PyroBoy: your gonna hav cardiac arrest or some other shit like tht u no?

TheApoctylipticAngel: agree

DragonGirl: FO

Everyone except for lissa: well then…

BadassRussian has signed in

TheApoctylipticAngel: DIMITRI!=]333333333333333333333333333

BadassRussian: haha hello roza … every1 else

PyroBoy: sup

DragonGirl: hi

DefinitelyNotSober has signed in

DefinitelyNotSober: hello rose ;) hey every1 else

TheApoctyLipticAngel: eeeeewwwww

BadassRussian: back off Ivashkov shes mine!

DragonGirl: damn Dimitri u r whipped!

PyroBoy: wtf!?

Everyone except for Christian: wht?

PyroBoy: when the hell did rose and Dimitri start goin out?!

BadassRussian: where the hell hav u been?

PyroBoy: ummm jacking off and fucking lissa

DragonGirl: Christian!

PyroBoy: wht?

DragonGirl: do you hav 2 tlk bout it like tht? Seriously

PyroBoy: well I wouldn't hav 2 if you just came over here and made me shut up

TheApoctylipticAngel: ewwwww Christian u nasty!

TheApoctylipticAngel has been disconnected

DragonGirl: brt Chris ;)

DragonGirl and PyroBoy have signed off

DefinitelyNotSober: looks like its just u nd me now belikov

BadassRussian has signed off

DefinitelyNotSober: well then! w/e I need a smoke...

All have signed out

Well there you have it folks

Ok so this is my first fan-fic and plz keep in mind its 3 am right now n dim tired so my brain is a little messed up anyways plz review if not ill hav 2 send strigoi out to kill you mwahahahaha ok so lemme no if you like it or not and if you did ill update after 5 reviews!