Here's chapter 2. My second OC is going to show himself in this chapter. You'll learn about him as we go. Please review.

This chapter could be depressing at some point, I think.

Chapter 2: New and Old

I couldn't sleep that night.

When I did go asleep I was woken by nightmares.

I woke after been chased by a dark figure and being blasted by things attacking me.

I sat up quickly and knocked heads with someone.

"Ah shit." An easily recognized voice swore.

"What are you doing in my room BB? Aren't you supposed to be with Raven." I asked, clearly pissed.

"You were screaming." He said innocently.

"I don't scream." I answered.

"You do now." BB said walking towards the door.

"Go to bed." I said climbing out of mine and getting dressed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.


"It's raining."

I gave him a look that sank him.

"Oh yeah. You like to train in the rain. It 'makes you stronger' or something like that." BB said as he walked out.

I opened my window and jumped off the window sill. I nose-dived down towards the ground, my arms pressed to my side and my legs were glued together.

Someone or something knocked me off course and I was flying to the side, about to land in the water, back first.

I was caught by a carpet and it wrapped around me. I was pulled to the top of the T tower.

"I didn't think that you hated your life that much that you wanted to kill yourself." Someone said unwrapping me from the carpet.

Thunder hit a nearby tree and set it on fire. I pulled the fire over to me and it landed in my palm.

I held it up to see who interrupted me.


"What do you want Nathan?" I asked my childhood rival.

"I saved your life and that's how you thank me. You haven't changed a bit." He said tutting.

"What's with the carpet?" I asked.

"Just something I get around on." He said smirking.

"Who do you think you are, Aladdin?" I answered.

"Ha ha. I'm able to make things move at will." He said.

"Ok. So you could make me move at will." I said in a question tone.

"Yeah. I'll show you." He said.

He stared at me and then a force pushed backwards off the edge of the tower. He stepped forward and caught me around the waist.

"I should have expected that you'd look for a way to get your hands on me." I said pushing the rain on him harder.

"I don't think you should do that or else you'd fall." Nathan said nearing my face.

"You come any nearer to me and I'll make sure you'll be unconscious going down to the bottom of that tower." I warned.

"I'll get you some other day." He stuffed something into my pocket.

"There's my address. I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

I was about to jump down again until something cold went around my neck.

"I also got you something for when we next see each other. See you soon." He whispered in my ear, sending ice cold shivers down my spine.

I remembered a glass ball in my pocket from when the team beat some guy and I picked up a few of them. I took it out and opened it and waited. A huge flash of thunder came and a pulled some of it down and trapped it on the ball.

"Here's my present to you. You might as well come inside but you have to be gone within half an hour." I said jumping down from the tower.

"Thanks. I always knew you loved me." He said putting it in his pocket.

I was going to reply but thought better.

I motioned the wind to catch us and it threw us in the window.

Of course he landed on his face but it was loud enough to wake everyone in the tower.

"Get under the bed." I ordered drying myself off with the fire.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because the team is about to come in here to see what the thud was and find you here. I don't want them to find you here." I said and shoved him.

"Geez I'm going, I'm going." Nathan said crawling under.

"Oh look. A diary. Come here diary." He said.

I kneeled down and grabbed the diary from him and hid it somewhere else.

"You ok Lauren?" came Robin's voice. I should have known that Robin would be the first one there if something out of place.

"Wha?" I mumbled, like as if I was after waking up.

He opened the door and rushed in looking around. I laughed. He was covered in lipstick.

"Having a romantic night with Star are we?" I said smirking.

I think he blushed, I just couldn't see around all the lipstick.

"You didn't answer my question." He said changing the subject.

"You wake me up and then demand stuff off of me. Is that all the respect I get?" I pulled out the guilt trick.

"Any trouble and alert the team immediately." Robin said.

I walked over to him and shoved him out the door, locking it afterwards.

I turned to go to bed. Nathan stood there in front of me, looking smug. Damn it, I forgot he was there.

He tilted my head up towards him with his index finger and pressed his lips against mine. I tried to push away but he held me tight against him. A blush crawled up onto my face.

After a while he finally let go and I nearly fell because I got used to him holding me up.

"I'll see you around." and he jumped out the window.

I collapsed and that was me for the night.

I woke by the sound of beeping beside me.

"Hey dudes! She's awake!" called BB.

"What you on about?" I asked sitting up.

"You are ok!" Starfire said hugging me tightly.


Robin was leaning against the wall and looked like he was in a bad mood.

"What's got you huffing?" I asked.

"I told you to alert when something went wrong." He said.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"All of that night, all of yesterday, day and night, and the whole of today. What happened?" Cyborg asked.

"I can't remember." I lied. I remember the exact detail of what happened. Whenever I see Nathan he's going to die.

"I need to go out for a breath of air." I said getting you of bed.

I was in the clothes I wore going out to practise.

I showered and changed into clean clothes to go out. I'm not going to bother looking for Nathan. He'll find me.

Toast sounded nice but my appetite completely disappeared.

A drumming noise came from my pocket. My phone was ringing. Ringtone= Know Your Enemy by Green Day.


"Hiya sweetie." Mam.

"What's up?"

"I'd like you to come down to the house please. We hadn't had a dinner together in ages. Plus it's your little brothers birthday today."

"I don't ha-" It hit me.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Can I bring my friends?" I asked.

"Of course. See you soon."

I walked back to the team.

"Hey guys. Are you busy today?" I asked leaning against the door frame.

"No why?" BB asked, wary.

"Will you come to my house for dinner with my family. They'd like to meet you guys. Cyborg, mam loves cooking and could make you as much stuff as you want, no matter what it is." I bribed.

"Then why are we still here?" he said ready to dash.

"Please." I said to Robin.

"Please with a cherry on top." Starfire said grabbling his hands in hers.

Everyone knows that Robin always gives in to Starfire.

"Fine. We have to be back before ten though."

We left, myself happy because I wasn't going alone and I wouldn't run into Nathan, I hope.

Cyborg and BB raced there until they suddenly realized... They had no idea where they were going.

"Where's your house Lauren?" they asked.

"Across the way from the tie shop from the other day." I answered.

We made it there fifteen minutes later. I knocked on the front door. Almost immediately it opened.

"Hiya honey!" she said strangling me in a hug. Between mam and Starfire I'd swear they were distant cousins.

"Dying here."

"Oh sorry. Will you introduce me please." Mam said.

"Robin, Starfire, Robin's girlfriend, Beast Boy or BB for short, Raven, BB's girlfriend and Cyborg, who's girlfriend is off somewhere." I said.

"Have you got a boyfriend?" dad asked, immediately coming to the door as soon as girlfriend was mentioned.

"Of course not." I said in disgust.

"Aww. Why?" he moaned.

"Because I'm not interested in guys like that." I said walking in.

"You will soon honey." Mom said.

"Speaking of introducing, I think you have someone to introduce to me." I said. Crying could be heard from upstairs.

"I'm on it!" BB said running up the stairs and Raven followed. Mom and dad looked a little shocked.

"He'll have that kid quiet in no time." I said going up too.

"Hello little guy." BB said in a baby voice. He had his shoulder wrapped around Raven's shoulder and the baby in his other arm. I stayed out of the room for a minute and looked at the couple with my baby brother.

"C'mon. We'll leave Lauren to have some time with her new brother." Raven said sensing I was there and they left.

BB handed the delicate child to me and left. The baby looked up at me and smiled a smile that reminded myself of me when I was his age.

His big blue eyes were like mam's too.

"I hope you don't end up like your sister. Powers at such a young age doesn't go well." I said cuddling him.

"Lauren." I turned to Starfire.

"Dinner is ready."

"Thanks Star. I'm coming now." I said seeing my brother getting tired.

"Your mother says that his name is your choice." Star said leaving.

Light snoring came from my shoulder.

I laid the baby down in his cot and kissed his forehead.

"Have a good sleep...Nathan." I said and walked down to dinner.

Please review. I really enjoyed writing this chapter.