Alright, I'm back writing more to this story! After a small amount of begging I've decided to write more! This will take place about a year after the memorial service, and I will keep updating chapters that skip to the next year or maybe less. Still Georges POV. But before I start, I would like to hank those of you who have reviewed so far. It gave me much excitement and smiles! Oh, and I forgot to say this last time, but never in a million years will I own Harry Potter no matter how much I want to. J. K. Rowling is that very talented person. Not me.
Thydude- Thanks! You gave me a lot to think about to this chapter.
Chris Grace Ell Mol Ash Audrey- Thanks! I'm really sorry I made Audrey cry! Don't worry, Audrey!
Weasleys forever- Thanks! (p.s. love the name!)
Oh, no, another cry. I'm stuck with my 2 1/2 month old niece, Victorie, and 1 year old "nephew", Teddy. Teddy isn't really my nephew, he just calls me Uncle George because my sister's boy friend is his Godfather, but since Teddy's dad, Remus Lupin, is dead, Harry and Ginny practically adopted him, so I guess that makes me his Uncle. Jeez, that's confusing. And Victorie, or Vic, is my brother Bill's and his wife's, Fleaur, daughter, named after the victory of the war against Voldemort and us good guys. Just two baby's who don't know their past life, the life before them, that cruel life that none us deserved. Especially Fred. Him and I had big plans for the feature. We were gonna make the shop even more brlliant, and I am happy to say that we have succeeded, Ron, Angelina, and I did.
Well, I guess since plenty of the ideas were Fred's, he did too. Even his ghost him helping make the world a happier place. Which, I daresay, it is. The Wizard and Muggle world is so peaceful now. Although, that doesn't stop old Death Eaters and new evil wizards to try and rain on our parade. And that is what brings me here alone. Harry is off on a mission to hunt down Barry Withers, a kid just out of Hogwarts who has killed his parents and brother, Ginny, just out of school, is having tryouts with the Holy Head Harpies on the west coast of Europe, and Mrs. Tonks is on vacation in Ireland, so that's why I have Teddy. I have Vic because Bill and Fleaur are working in Gringotts and Percy and Dad are at work too. None of them are allowed kids at work. Mum is visiting Charlie, Angelina caring for her mum, and Ron (very reluctantly) is on a campaign with Hermione to promote S.P.E.W. So I had to wake up at 6:00 to care for the two who are supposedly "Best Friends".
Never in a million years will those two be even pals. Teddy tried to throw my wand at Vic about an hour ago and it hit her ear which started sprouting vines out of it. That was a mess with a lot of crying and now I hear more.
"Awww, Teddy, what's wrong?"
"Wa wa! I want wa!" Teddy exclaimed pointing at my wand on top of my desk.
"No, no, Teddy. That's Uncle Georges wand. You might hurt Vic again, and I know you don't want to do that."
The 15 month old just gave me this look that clearly said that he wanted to hurt Vic.
"Teddy, come here please."
Teddy waddled over and I picked him up and sat him on my lap in my comfortable orange arm chair.
"Why don't you like Vic?"
"Cause Aunt Gin said she wooked cute."
"She used to call me cute! Now no won wubs me!"
"I love you Ted, you should know that! Hey, I have a secret to tell you."
Teddy's face lit up at me and his hair turned turquoise.
I wispered in his ear, "You will always be number one. And I'll let you pick something out at the shop today!"
"YAY!" Teddy exclaimed.
"You know, you're pretty bright for only being 15 months old! C'mon, lets go down stairs and sort out the shop. The employee' s should be here in about an hour, and the shop opens in two. But first I want you to give Vic a hug and don't hurt her again. You're her older cousin."
Teddy waddled over to the infant lying on the floor and hugged and kissed her. Then I picked her up and we waked down to the shop.
Teddy, of course, picked out Weasley Wizard Wheeze's special chocolate. It's scary how much he is like his parents.
Over the hour Teddy played with Vic while I stocked the shelves and employee in rainbow colored robes today started to walk in. All was going well, just like any other day until a silver otter appeared in the middle of the floor.
Everyone froze and stared at the small silver otter patronus. Then, it opened it'd mouth and spoke in Hermione's panicky voice.
"Harry's in . No time to explain, just grab Vic and Ted and come."
I rushed over and got my wand, yelled a couple of instructions to the 6 workers I had there, grabbed a crying Teddy and Vic and apparated to St. Mungos. Teddy and Vic were purple in the face, for they had never apparated before.
"Oh, no. C'mon! breath!" I yelled looking at the non breathing babies. I was panicking so I started using CPR but it was no use. Then I took out my wand and said, "Anapneo". Finally, Teddy and Vic gave a huge gasp and took in air. My heart finally had a normal beat until I remembered where I was and why I was here.
"Harry, of coarse! C'mon, kids, lets never speak of this. I don't want to get killed by Fleaur or Grandmum Weasley."
As I was running up to the hospital, Vic spit up on me, and Teddy kept trying to squirm out of my arm to get away from the baby vomit. It was like the two kids had completely forgotten that they had almost suffocated a couple of minuets ago.
At the entrance was a box of dropped S.P.E.W. badges. Hermione and Ron must have been campaigning here.
I rushed in and asked the short lady at the front where Harry Potter was.
"Oh! Harry Potter was just brought in by healers. You may go in the waiting room with two others who are in there waiting for Harry."
"Thanks," I mumbled and waked up a couple of steps to the waiting area. When I turned the corner into the room I saw Ron pacing the room and Hermione hugging herself.
Before I could even open my mouth Hermione had stood up and asked, "What took you so long?"
"Hold your horses! Apparently babies aren't supposed to apparate. They nearly suffocated! Anyway, there fine now, so what's up?"
"Well, Ron and I were outside here passing out badges, when two healers holding Harry apparated right in front of us and said to get out of the way. He seemed all right from what I can tell. I just wanted you to come because you have Teddy and Harry is Teddy's best friend and Godfather, so I think he deserves to know what is going on."
"C'mon, Hermione, he's only a baby. Do you really think that he will understand?"
"He's smarter than you think!" Ron piped.
"Well, I guess you got a point there. But really, what if it scares him?"
"Like I said, he looked alright," Hermione said understandably.
"Um, Excuse me Mr. Weasleys and Miss Granger. You may now go to the Third Floor for Potion and Plant Poisoning."
"Thank you," I said thinking why on earth Harry was in there.
We walked in to a normal looking room. Harry was laying on the bed sitting in a very uncomfortable looking position. He was trying to smile at Teddy, but it looked much more like a grimace.
"Uncle Harry! Yay, I get to see you erwy!" Teddy exclaimed and hugged his godfather, who gasped at his touch.
"Harry, what the heck are you doing in here?" I asked.
"Well, it's not that much of a thrilling story. I found Withers in a forest, he's locked up in Azkaban now, and as I was walking back out of the depth of the forest, I went the wrong way and fell in a huge bush of Teether, you know, the rare plant that eats your flesh and flesh- eating slugs form habitats on. Yeah, so all up my legs is skinless, as well as my whole left side of my body. I was able to apparate outside the Leaky Cauldron, why I didn't do that before, I don't know. I was losing too much blood by then to move, but luckily, two healers happened to be at lunch together and brought me here. Now my flesh is being grown back, and I'm getting pumps of blood. It's extremely painful because they had to use flesh- gro, which is just as painful as skele-gro. OW! Teddy, can you please move over?"
"So you should be alright by tomorrow?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah. And, Kingsley gave me a week vacation paid! Well, I guess it really just pays off the medical bills. You hear that, Ted? I get to be with you all week!"
"YAY!" Teddy exclaimed.
"I guess our time is cut short, eh Teddy?" I asked.
"Dat's awright, Uncle George. I wike Harry better anyway."
I just laughed at him. Of course, that was a very Teddy-ish thing to say.
"I'll take Vic tomorrow too," Harry said.
"Thanks, but I warn you, Teddy and Vic aren't the best of pals."
"Hey, I have a question," Harry started, "Where's everyone else?"
"I thought you were a noble git? Why do you care?"
Harry smiled as Ron went into explanation.
"Hermione, can we please stop the spew campaign?" Ron asked as he finished.
"I guess we should, now after all this. And It's not 'spew' it's "The Society of-".
"Yeah, yeah, Hermione, save your breath. We don't care." I said. Then Vic threw up on me again.
Everyone laughed, but Hermione laughed the loudest.
"Alright, Ron and Hermione can watch the kids. I have a business to run." I said cleaning the baby vomit off me.
I apparated back to Diagon Ally, went to the shop, and went back to my normal day. Well, life will never really be normal, of course. In order for life to be normal, I need my twin back. It's not normal to wear only one sock. That's what it's like.
And Angelina's not part of my normal life. She makes it happier and sadder at the same time. I do have a new companion who I love, but sometimes I feel like she doesn't love me. I know it sounds really stupid, but when we were in Hogwarts, Angie, Fred, Alicia, and I would go on double dates. Usually it was Angie and I, Fred and Alicia, but when Fred took Angie to the Yule Ball, I felt like she might have liked him more then. Sometimes I feel like she is still with me just because I am her replacement for Fred.
But I love her. I want to marry her, but I don't know how to propose to her. We share so much in common, and besides, if she really did love Fred more than me, is there really anything she can do about it? It just must be me. I'm sure she really loves me back. At Fred's funeral, when I told her I loved her, she said she had been waiting for me to say that for a long time. Tonight I'm gonna decide how I should propose to her.
I sat at my desk in my room on top of the shop where I usually sit when creating a new product with my sketch book. I started drawing the scene where I would propose to Angelina, but it didn't seem right. I decided to go to bed and start again in the morning.
"I would like a word with you, your Holeyness," was what I heard as soon as I drifted into sleep. Fred was there on my bed staring at me with bid eyes. It was crazy! All of the sudden I remembered what happened a year ago when he came to me, and I knew this time wouldn't be about something good.
"Of course," I mumbled, "this is what you meant by how I wouldn't break the vow. You have come to warn me!"
"Finally, you use your common sense! Now, that word. You think Angelina loved me. Mate, she is crazy for you and I know it. But actually, you're close to breaking the vow, so I want to help you. I saw you were trying to find a way to propose to her, which makes me happy, but, mate, your ideas are lame and crappy," Fred said.
"Alright, your Deadlyness, you have a better idea?"
"Well hit me with your best shot," I said smiling because I knew what his reply would be.
"NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA!" We screamed together.
"Now back to business." Fred said quickly, "I think you should propose surprisingly. Like out of nowhere, in front of a bunch of people, do it. By doing it in front of a bunch of people, I know she will say yes. How about, at her favorite place? Where's that?"
I thought for a few moments on that. Where was her favorite place? Oh, I know now.
"The Three Broomsticks."
"Oh, yeah, that's where you guys first kissed, right? After that game of Spin the Bottle in 4th year! Ah, that was fun..."
"Yeah, and Alicia wouldn't speak to you for a week after that."
Fred shrugged and replied, "She still digged me. Now, you have the ring, I assume? So, buy her a bottle of firewiskey, I know she's a big party girl. Before you give it to her, put the ring in the drink, she'll love it!"
"That's brilliant! She will love it!" I know that will be perfect. It'll be really funny and I can't see anything going wrong with it.
"Great, mate, now do it soon, like tomorrow. And pull a prank on Percy or someone else, I wanna see a funny sight!" Fred whined.
"Wait, are you gonna erase my memory again?"
"No. If I did, then you wouldn't know how to propose to Angelina, would you, Holey? So, have fun mate! I'll be watching you!"
And then, for a second time, I fell in a black hole that didn't end for hours.
When I woke up, I tripped on my underwear and fell on the corner of my wardrobe and hit my eye. It hurt like hell and blood was squirting out of my eye. I couldn't see.
"Dang, where's my wand!?"
Looking out my left eye, I found it on the wardrobe from hell. I healed the cut and siphoned off the blood, but it still stung really bad, and I couldn't see out of my right eye. I went to my bathroom to look in the mirror and see the damage.
"Oh, crud, not today!"I yelled as soon as I saw it. It was blood red and yellow puss was oozing out of it. Angie won't want to go near me with this! I better go to mum, she knows how to fix this kind of stuff.
I apparated to the burrow, but I forgot that it was 8:30a.m., so mum cooking dad breakfast.
"Oh! George, what are you doing here at this time?" Mum asked as soon as I opened the door.
"Erm, I got a bit of a situation with my-"
"Oh, George! What's wrong with your eye, dear? It looks horrible!"
"Yeah, can you heal it? I'm not so good with this kind of stuff."
"Of course, come here."
Mum murmured a bunch of complicated spells while pointing her wand at the cut.
"So how'd that happen, son?" Dad asked.
"Erm, well I tripped and fell on the corner of my wardrobe really hard. I'm bloody awful at healing things, though. It started oozing yellow puss out. Aha! Now I'm the patron saint of accidents! Yes! That's a very good title!"
"George, why does everything have to be a joke for you?" Dad asked.
"It's just my style!"
"Aha, now I'm done. The redness and blindness should go away in about an hour. Now, you better get to the shop, it opens in about an hour."
"Oh, yeah, but that's alright, Ron's manager with me today. Thanks a bunch, mum. See you tomorrow for Ginny's Birthday. It's here, right?"
Mum nodded, gave me a kiss, and I departed back to the shop. The day went well after that, although I now have a scar across my pupil. I was nervous, though, for I had already told Angie and told her to meet me at the Three Broomsticks when she stopped by earlier to buy groceries for her mom.
Ron noticed this and asked, "What's up with all the shaking?"
"I'm nervous for something that you will find out about tomorrow, alright, you noisy git. And you need to order ingredients for the pastilles; Hogwarts students are out next week and they stock up on those while they can during the summer holidays. Get to it!"
Ron scolded at me but did it anyway. The butterflies were starting to erupt in my stomach, which is something I don't usually get. I may be proposing to her by a joke, but this didn't feel as easy-going as a joke.
I dressed up in my nicest button down shirt with my dragon skin coat over it. I checked 3 times that I had the ring. I wasn't going to be like Lee Jordan and forget the ring to my wedding.
I apparated to Hogsmeade and went in to get the drinks early. I walked in to a crowded Friday night bar. A cute, young blonde witch served me. She was trying to flirt with me, so I flirted back to humor her.
"Oh, my, what happened to your eye? You must have done something really brave. A true Gryffindor, I expect? Not me, I'm a Ravenclaw, not as brave as you."
"Yeah, had to fight a gator that was trying to get my son. It got me in the eye, but it was worth it to save my baby. His momma left, you know. I adopted him because everyone deserves a good childhood."
"Aww, that's sooo sweet! I'll give you two free firewiskeys if you let me have the other."
"That's alright, ma'm. I'm kinda on a tight schedule, can I have two firewiskeys? I always like two for myself," I said so as to not hurt her feelings.
"Yeah, don't listen to him, he's taken already, so hands off," Angelina said out of nowhere. I jumped a mile off my seat at shock when I saw her. I landed on a bottle that pushed right into my manly spot.
"Dang, that hurt! Oh, sweets, I didn't know you were here! Look, I was just trying to humor her."
"It's alright, that's what I expect of you. Oh, sweet, firewiskey! Lets get this party started!"
I slipped in the ring while she turned to the bar. Now I was getting nervous.
We started drinking and talking, and I told her the embarrassing story of what happened to my eye. Then, Angie started to chock.
After a few seconds of me sitting there paralyzed and Angie chocking, finally the ring as spat into her palm.
"Will you marry me?" I said holding my breath right after.
"Oh my gosh, yes, of course! This was so unexpected!"
Then everyone around us cheered us on as we started to kiss furiously. This was the greatest moment of my life! Even though there were tons of people cheering around us, I felt like me and Angelina, my love, my fiancé, we the only two people in the world at that moment. It was a long night, and the morning that lead was filled with the worst headache ever.
Later that day at Ginny's party, Angie and I told everyone the news. And, for Fred's sake, I turned the stairs at the burrow to a slide. That was funny watching everyone fall down it unrepentantly until mum went berserk and I had to change it back. So, life is going good now for me, but nothing how I expected it to be. Life ain't normal, and I still don't think it will ever be. But boy, I can't wait for one hell of a wedding! Somehow, I know Fred's gonna make his way to the party, no matter how many rules he has to bend.
Ok, sorry it took me so long! I'll continue if I get um… how about 6 reviews? Pretty please! I really hoped that you enjoyed it and REVIEW! Thanks to all my reviewer that reviewed later too! Love you guys! Bye!