Wow, I'm so sorry to all of my reviewer's. I haven't updated in like FOREVER! I have had so much summer school work and just going places with out my laptop that I haven't been able to update. This will be the last chapter to this story, until I write a sequel (hopefully I do). Pease enjoy and once again, thanks so much for all the reviews. Takes place when George and Angelina get prego with Fred II. Still Georges POV.
"George," Angelina giggled in the sitting room in the Burrow to were there for Mum's birthday party. "Stop tickling me! And, come with me to your room, I've got something to tell you."
I shrugged and followed. I wounded why she would want me alone.
As we were approaching my room, I noticed Harry and Ginny sitting in Ginny's room. Ginny looked sick and was staring scared into Harry's eyes. I just so happened to hear a few words they were saying.
Ginny started the conversation, "Harry, we need to get married."
"Um... well...," Harry said stupidly. Of course, that was such a Harry thing to do.
"Say yes," Ginny snapped.
"Harry, I'm pregnant."
I felt a huge ball drop in my stomach. My little sister is pregnant, and isn't even married! I gave a note to myself to kill Harry later.
I glanced at Angelina, who also over heard. Then, she beckoned me to go to Ginny's room. I walked and gave Harry the most evil look I could muster.
Harry and Ginny gapped at me and Angelina for a few moments until Angie broke the silence.
"I'm also pregnant."
My jaw nearly fell off my face. I couldn't believe it! How could this have happened? Well, actually, of course I knew how it happened, but I thought she was on birth control. Every one in the room just stared at each other.
Then I said something, "I won't tell anyone about you two, if you don't tell anyone about us. Deal?" I couldn't let my family know, especially since the doctor told us no more children because the last one nearly killed Angelina.
Harry and Ginny nodded fast. Wow, this was starting to get awkward.
"Well, erm, we've gotta go," Harry said not holding eye contact.
"Yeah, we second that."
A week had passed since that awkward meeting with Harry and Ginny. I was keeping a close watch on Angelina, I didn't want a pregnancy as bad as the last one. Today we were going to St. Mungo's for her first appointment. And after that, off we go to tell the family. I wonder what mum will think.
After several time asking Angelina if she felt ok, which the answer was always 'yes' thankfully, we aparated in front of the hospital.
We sat in the waiting room, waiting to hear 'Weasley' called out.
"Look at this pregnant woman!" Angie exclaimed, "She looks like she is having the time of her life and about to pop out her baby at the same time! Ok, that is definitely not what I looked like at nine months. "
I kind of ignored all her comments about the pregnant women on magazines. Finally, after a 30 minuet wait, a young blonde healer called out Weasley to room three. I grabbed Angie and walked in.
The room was colored baby pink and blue. There was a shabby wood chair for me, and a big desk/chair/levitating thingy for Angelina. Healer Allison, the same doctor we had for Roxy, told Angelina to pull up her shirt so they could have a look at their baby. Angelina did so, and the doctor preformed the spell.
A shadow sort of came up and all I could decipher was a little dot and other junk.
"Alright, the baby is doing perfect!" Healer Allison squealed, "And if you haven't been doing to bad yet, then I definitely think this pregnancy should be better than the last one. From what I can tell, you are 2 ½ weeks in. So that means your due date is August 20."
I gave an approving nod, and she talked on.
"Ok, your next appointment will be next month, just to check on the baby. And you guys must know a lot already, since this is your second child. Now, any questions?"
"Um, no, thank you, but you say she won't be as sick this pregnancy?"
"Well, we can't guarantee it, but for now, no. If that is all, then see you all soon! And next time, bring Roxanne! I want to see your little girl! Aw, I remember the day she was born! Ok, bye!"
We waved good bye to the fast talking healer, and left the room. As we walked out, we noticed Harry and Ginny walk out of the room next to ours. We walked over to them.
"How are you guys?" Angelina asked.
"Great. The baby's doing good, and our due date is August 20th. How about you guys?" Harry said.
"Um, same exact report. Due date's August 20th and the baby's great," I said.
"Ha, ha, that's so awkward," Ginny stated stupidly.
"Yeah, well, when are you guys gonna say you're prego?" I wondered.
"Oh, well, we've decided that we should tell brothers and sisters-in-law first, then parents. Cause, you know, mm and dad will go berserk. Well, maybe not dad, but defiantly mum," Ginny said with a serious face.
"Yeah, mum sorta scares me," Angie said quietly.
"But lets do it at the same time, so some blame will be taken off us. But, it's not like we didn't tell them a week and a half ago we were getting married. It shouldn't be to bad..," Harry said unsure.
"Ok, we've got to go and pick Roxy up. See you guys later," I waved bye.
"Hey, mum," Ginny started the conversation. We have told my brother's now. I actually cried that night, wondering what Fred would be thinking. I wish I had my brother here with me right now. It was usually us who stood in front of mom, nervous for something we had done wrong. I may be standing here with my pregnant wife, but I felt like the little kid that had to tell mum me and Fred stuck Ron's head into the garden and garden nomes had taken him to their leader.
"Yes, Ginny?"
"We've got something important to tell you."
"All of us," I added.
"Um well, Harry and I,"
"And Angie and I," I also added in.
"We celebrated after we proposed because we were just so happy-" Ginny said until she got cut off by mum's shrieking.
"Yes!" Angie and Harry finally said something.
Mum sat at the table to calm down. Dad was in the room too, and went over to comfort her.
"How could this happen? Harry and Ginny are only engaged, and George and Angelina shouldn't be having any more children," Mum mumbled to herself. Dad looked just as shocked.
"Mum, we're grown up, and you shouldn't worry about what we do!" Ginny said.
"I shouldn't worry? I'm your mother!" Mum yelled back.
"Look, mom, everything will be alright, Angelina and know how to take care of children, we're doing a darn good job with Roxy, and the healer said that this pregnancy should be totally perfect. No worries!" I said.
Then Dad smiled and exclaimed, "Well, that's excellent news! Sweetie, you should be happy! Two more grandchildren, eh? I'm excited!"
We all smiled at dad. He was trying to bail us out of mum's wrath. I always knew dad was the better parent.
"Well, erm, we've got to get going. You know, we've got stuff to do," Harry said.
"When's the due date?" Mum asked quickly.
"August 20th," We all said at the same time.
Then mum smiled and hugged us, and kissed us, and cried on us, and said how excited and sorry she was, and all that kinda junk. Hey, I'm just glad we got that over with.
That night, I laid on my bed with Angie asleep next to me, thinking about Fred. Ever since Angelina got pregnant, I've been thinking a lot about Fred. How would he react to this. I'm positive he would be happy and proud. Oh, wait! Maybe, if I go to sleep now, Fred will come to me! I went to sleep, but by morning time, I didn't see my brother again.
"Babe, can you give me a back rub, or something?" Angelina asked, clearly in pain. She had to wear a red and gold dress for Ginny and Harry's wedding. It was tight, and she HATES tight things when she is pregnant.
"It's not fair! Ginny gets to wear a wedding dress 10 sizes too big and I have to wear a dress 10 sizes too small! Oh, I'm gonna kill Harry and Ginny for this!" I continued to rub the bride maid's back. Man, she is pissed today. I tried to comfort her with words.
"Babe, just think. Two months from now, and this baby's gonna be out! Little Fred Weasley II will be a part of our lives!" We figured out it was a boy a couple months ago and decided right away to name him after Fred. Fred deserved it. Harry and Ginny wanted to be surprised by the sex of heir baby.
Roxy, now a two year old, came walking over in her yellow daisy dress.
"Daddy, I want to talk to my wittle broger!"
"Alright, come here, big girl!" I exclaimed! I picked her up and put her next to Angie's giant stomach. Angie tried to look happy, but it looked much more like a grimace.
"Freddy? How you doin'?" Roxy asked with her ear pressed against Angie's stomach. I couldn't help but smile.
"Freddy says that you tummy smells, mummy. Maybe you should brush your teeth?"
I rolled on the floor in laughter after she said that. Boy, she is a lot like me, even though she looks so much like Angelina. That's what everyone says.
Angie smiled for a second and then closed her eyes, showing she wanted to be left alone.
"C'mon, Roxy, I've got to get you in the car. Angie, I'll bring the car closer to the house for you, ok, baby?"
"Just go."
I buckled Roxy in and asked her a question.
"Are you ready for Fred?"
"Oh, yeah, baby," she replied. I smiled. I knew at that moment she was going to be the best older sister anyone could ever have.
I pulled the car up to the house. We drive because we don't think it is good to aparate with little Roxy and Angelina pregnant. I was practically carrying her to the car. She didn't feel like walking.
As we pulled up to the burrow, where the wedding was, I carried Angie to the bride maid's room to get her makeup on and everything. Roxy and I weren't in the wedding, so we took a seat. I wonder how Harry is doing. Ha, the little git is probably freaking out over the wedding. Well, I suppose he isn't such a little git anymore. I mean, he is getting married! But, he's been around the family for so long, it's almost like he's already been a part of it for years. I kinda felt bad for Ginny, you know, having to be fat on her wedding day. I suppose that's Harry's fault. Ginny's probably fuming right now, like she has been doing for the past 7 months. Some may think that Angelina is a moody pregnant woman, but they have never met Ginny. Whew, that girl has got temper. Not that I didn't already know that.
Roxy poked me and said, "Daddy, can I quay wif Teddy?"
"Sorry, babe, Teddy's in the wedding like mommy, so he can't play with you right now. Why don't you go play with Dom? See's not in the wedding."
Roxy scrunched her nose and replied, "I don't like Dom. She's bossy."
I laughed and hugged her. Boy, she was funny.
"Who is all in da weddin'?" Roxy asked.
"Well, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny are getting married. Uncle Ron's Uncle Harry's best man. Ginny's main brides maid is Luna, but she also has Aunt Hermione and Mummy. Vic's the flower girl, and Teddy is the ring bear. Oh, and Grandpa is walking in with Ginny. Any questions?"
Roxy started at me with her head cocked, and shook her head.
"Daddy, I'm board! Can you tell me a frillin' tale 'bout you and Uncle Fred? I wob those stories!"
"Well, which one do you want to hear?"
"A new one."
"Ok... ah, yes, I'll tell you how we got the Marauders' Map. Yes, it was our first year in Hogwarts. Fred and I decided to 'explore' the castle, and we happened to find ourselves in the Forbidden Forest. Ah, we had great times in there. Anyway, well, we got caught, and were sent to Mr. Filtches office. You're lucky you won't have to have him. He was a mean old bat. Him and his cat. So, while Fred and I were in his office, he was writing up a record of our detention, and Fred started asking him ridiculous questions, which just made him even more mad. So, he went fetch McGonagall. Well, naturally Fred and I had to explore his office. We went looking in the cabinets, and we found the Marauders' Map, which caught our eye right away. I guess trouble makers can see trouble right away. Anyway, after about 5 years of having it in our possession, Fred and I handed it over to our poor friend Harry, who was quite in-experienced at the time in sneaking out of the castle."
Roxy started laughing. She knew I was talking about her Uncle Harry.
"When I go to Hogwarts, can you tell me all da secwet passes?"
"Of course," I said and kissed her fore head.
"Oh, look, daddy! Uncle Harry and Ron are ready!"
She was right. Harry looked like he was about to pee his pants and Ron was grinning. Yep, those expressions are on their faces a lot. Then, soft music started. First, Luna came down the aisle in the red and gold dress. Her hair was up and she looked quite different. No radishes. Then came Hermione, who also looked stunningly better. Then came Angelina. For the first time I realized how much bigger she had gotten. But, she did look happy, and much less moody. Then came Vic. She was so cute, but ran out of flowers before the end of the aisle. Finally came Ginny. She looked amazing, and I think Harry also thought so. He was gapping at her. I almost had to urge to laugh at him. Ginny She didn't even look all that pregnant. Nothing like Angelina, anyway.
The ceremony was short. I felt like there were so many people there. Well, then again, this is Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Harry looked like he was forgetting what to say some of the time. Teddy looked adorable as the ring bear. Then, much to my pleasure, finally came the reception. Ah, yes party time!
It's August 18th. Two days before Fred II is born. I'm extremely nervous.
Angelina and I are going to relax today. Well, actually, it is mostly Angelina. I'm gonna take her to a hot spring! Roxy is gonna stay with Angie's mom. And I'm gonna reeeelax! Ah, hot water...
Angie was clearly excited too. She threw on a giant t-shirt, and we were out!
The spa was only a few kilometers away. Ok, it was like 50 kilometers away, but I didn't tell Angelina that. Along with tight clothes, people staring at her, and feeling fat, Angie HATES long car rides. Well, she was pissed with me in the end.
But when we got there, all our troubles went away. I talked casually to her, asking her what she thought the baby would be like. Wondering how Harry and Ginny were doing. Just random stuff. Then we closed our eyes and just sat in the hot spring. I slowly starting to drift asleep, which probably wasn't a good thing.
I was with Fred. He just smiled at me. Then he opened his mouth.
"George. Wake up. Don't you fell warm? You're gonna be a Daddy to a son. Wake up!"
"But I don't want to. I feel fine right here."
"Your family needs you. Wake up, before you die. Your drowning George! Angelina needs you wake up!"
I rose to the top of the water. I breathed in fresh air, and I was coughing uncontrollably. The water rushed out of my ears. I heard Angelina screaming. What was going on? There was even warmer water next to. Then it struck me. Angelina's water just broke. Oh, no. What am I gonna do. I took deep breaths, which was hard to do, for my lungs were filled with water. I looked over at my wife. She was screaming. I needed to help her. I picked her up out of the water. She was taking short, quick breaths. I ran to a chair and sat her down. She stared at me with big eyes. I raised my wand, and with in seconds the Knight Bus came. I told them we needed to get to St. Mungo's immediately.
"It'll be alright," was what I kept saying over and over again to her. Shortly after about 7 minuets we arrived at the hospital. I rushed her to the front desk, where they rushed us to the birth ward. They put her in proper clothes for a hospital and sat her in the bed. The contractions were getting closer apart and Angelina was squeezing my hand. I was extremely scared.
Finally, Angelina spoke, "Call my mom and yours, now. AAAHHHH!" Another contraction came.
I sent away two Labrador Retriever patronus. Healer Alison came rushing in the room.
"Ok, the baby should come out anytime now. It's time to push. We don't have time to drug you up. Ready to push?"
Angie nodded and another contraction came. I squeezed her hand harder, giving my support.
"Ready, and... push, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Good! Ok, lets go again! Push, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Beautiful! One more, and... push, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. HE'S OUT!"
I let out a huge sigh. We did it! But, where was the cry for victory? I didn't hear the baby cry.
"Is he alright?" I asked as tons of healers hurried around and were doing many different things.
There was no answer.
"What's wrong with my baby?" Angelina shrieked.
The healers pushed an oxygen tube in him. He wasn't breathing.
Allison walked over and told us the situation.
"He isn't breathing. His lungs didn't develop fully. We have to take him to a special room," Then, with a trembling lip, she added, "There is a ch-chance, that he may not make it." Then she left the room.
Angelina sat there, horror stuck. She started to sob into my shoulder. I was in horror. I couldn't stand to lose my only son. I started to sob along with. We sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed together, waiting for news.
It's now August 21. Fred is still alive, but barely. They have him on oxygen and all this other stuff. He has many problems, and they told us he is gonna die sometime in the next hour. Ginny is in the hospital, and has been in labor for 17 hours. I'm sitting with my tiny son right now, telling him how much I love him, Angelina and Roxy right next to me. He looked so innocent, and he didn't deserve this. More than ever right now I wish that I had my brother Fred with me.
"I wob you, Freddy." Roxy said and kissed his fore head. I don't know what I would do if I lost her.
Then, all the monitors around him chimed in tune a low key, and strait line on them, and we knew it was over.
Fred's point of view
How could this happen. My nephew, named after me, is only three days old and is dead. Can't I prevent this?
"Albus, can I save him?" I asked Dumbledore, watching next to me.
"Yes, I believe so."
"Tell me. I'll do anything."
"Before young Fred's soul reaches us, push it back down."
"Th-that's it?"
"O-ok. I'm gonna save him!"
"Good luck."
I pushed past the sea of clouds. Jeez, there are a lot of souls coming up. But, which one belongs to an infant? Then I spotted it.
"FRED! YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!" I pushed the soul back down, and placed it back in his body. I winked at George, and told Fred, "I won't be seeing you soon." Then I went back.
Back to Georges POV
A lot of things happened all at once. I just saw Fred, push my son Fred's soul into his body, the monitors turned back on, Angie cried out in happiness, healers came barging in, and it sounded like Harry and Ginny's child was just born, but right now I was only concerned about my son.
"I don't understand! He just died and is now breathing perfectly! How did this happen?" Healers were shouting. I knew how it happened. It was my twin Fred.
Miraculously, three days later Harry, Ginny, and their healthy new born son who they named James Sirius Potter ("Your asking for trouble just with the name," Hagrid told them) and we came home with Fred Rupert Weasley II. Harry fainted when James was born. Life was perfect. Well, almost.
The night I came home, in my head I thanked my twin over and over again. And, finally Fred came in my dreams, and simply told me, "I hope he turns out like me." And then Fred II cried loudly and I woke up and changed him. My family is complete, and not complete, all thanks to my brother Fred.
Wow! This is REALLY long. Nine pages of AWESOMENESS! It makes up for me being gone FOREVER. Well, I hope you all liked it!