Title: I Nearly Lost You.
Author: Emmauk26 (Emma S).
Email: supernatural_.uk.
Rating: NC-17.
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret Productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Parts: 1/1 might do a sequel it depends on feedback.
Chapters: 18.
Status: Complete.
Summary: Jack comes close to losing Sam on a mission, but will it make him tell her how he feels or will Pete get in the way?
Archive: If you want it just ask and send me the link please.
Content Warnings: Bad language, Violence, and graphic scenes of a sexual nature.
Author Notes: This is only my second fanfic, I've never really thought about writing one before, but after writing the first one the ideas for this story just kept nagging at me, so I put them to paper and here it is, hope you like it as much as the first one, enjoy. Also ( ) means it's their thoughts. This ~ ~ is for when Jacob is talking to Selmak, this / / is the song lyrics, and this ****** means a change in scene. I know that I changed what happens in the beginning of Death Knell a little bit but it is just a tiny bit. Thanks to my beta readers Adam, Donna, Erika, and my sisters, you've all been great thanks.
A/N 2: Please note that I'm English not American, so I write in UK English, NOT, US English.
Also the songs, I wanna be your underwear and I'll always be right there, by Bryan Adams were used without his consent.
Here are some links so that you can hear the songs for yourself I recommend that you have a listen as it will give you a feel for the story.
Here's a link for one of the songs:
Feedback: Yes, please, please but no flames. Good feedback would make my day.
Season: Set just before and just after Sam gets back from being hunted down by the super soldier in Death Knell. Season 7.
Spoilers: Just for Death Knell I think. And a teeny tiny one for 200 season 10.
Category: Sam and Jack, Romance, Smut, Angst, Humour, Drama, a little action, Violence.
Copyright © 2007 Emmauk26 also known as Emma S.
I Nearly Lost You.
Chapter 1:
O'Neill sighed and looked around at the ruins of yet another ancient city; another lost civilization destroyed by the Goa'uld no doubt.
"Daniel is this going to take much longer",
Daniel looked at Jack from around one of the pillars he was trying to translate and huffed,
"No Jack"
O'Neill raised his eyebrows,
"So what say 10 minutes?"
Daniel scowled at him,
Jack frowned,
Daniel sighed and shook his head, O'Neill looked at Carter then Teal'c then back to Daniel who had gone back to translating,
"What it's gonna take longer than that?"
Daniel sighed,
Daniel called in an irritated tone without looking up,
O'Neill called in an equally irritated tone.
"Sir why don't we do a scout of the area again? Maybe Daniel will be done by the time we get back"
Sam said glancing to Daniel and nodding before looking back to O'Neill and giving him a small smile.
O'Neill could see what she was trying to do and nodded in agreement,
"Teal'c you stay with Daniel while Carter and I do a quick sweep"
Teal'c bowed,
"I will indeed O'Neill"
"Right Carter lets go, Daniel you get translating we'll be back soon"
"Ok Jack no problem, take your time"
Daniel called without looking up.
O'Neill stopped,
He called warningly,
"Sir shouldn't we get going"
Carter called hoping to get him away from Daniel before he killed him.
O'Neill sighed,
"Yeah I'm coming, Daniel get translating coz when we get back we're gone".
O'Neill and Carter headed off to scout the area they hadn't been walking long when they came across a group of Jaffa,
"Oh crap what do you think they want?"
"Maybe they're here for the same reason we are sir, the ruins?"
"Yeah, ok I'll radio Daniel tell him to pack it up we're coming back"
"Yes sir"
Carter nodded,
"Daniel, come in"
"Yes Jack"
"We're on our way back pack it up",
"What why?"
O'Neill sighed,
"Can't he ever just do what I ask him to without arguing?"
Carter chuckled slightly,
"Daniel we'll be back soon whatever you haven't packed when we get back we leave understood?"
"But Jack….."
Daniel started to protest but Jack cut him off,
"Daniel we got company"
"Oh…. ok understood, sorry Jack",
A few minutes later O'Neill and Carter came running into the clearing where Daniel and Teal'c were.
"O'Neill how many",
"Oh I'd say about 30 Jaffa",
Daniel's eyes nearly popped out of his head,
"Really, that many",
O'Neill smirked,
"Oh yes Daniel and they're headed this way",
"So we should really get moving",
O'Neill turned to Daniel,
"Ya think"
"O'Neill they will most likely have the stargate secured",
O'Neill grimaced,
"Yeah Teal'c I know….ok; we're gonna need to find cover and play a little hide and seek until we can get to the gate; they don't know we're here so that gives us a slight advantage"
As he spoke a death glider flew overhead, they all ducked and they looked up, and saw that it was circling around for another pass,
"Well I guess that they know we're here now"
"Sir we need to get to the gate fast"
"Yeah I know, any suggestions Carter"
"I'm working on it sir"
She called as the glider swooped around to fire on them; they raised their guns ready to fire.
As it got closer they started shooting,
"Anything Carter"
O'Neill yelled,
"Not really sir I think that we're just gonna have to make a run for the gate"
"Well that's some plan Carter"
"Sorry sir best I can do under the circumstances"
Once it had passed it circled for another run,
"Ok if we're gonna go we better go now",
"Yes sir",
"Indeed O'Neill we must go now"
They made a run for the stargate. When they got near it there they dropped to the floor and surveyed the area, O'Neill groaned
"This is gonna be tight"
"I count 15 guards O'Neill"
"So what's the plan Jack?"
O'Neill sighed,
"I'm thinking maybe we try and distract some of them get them away from the gate, then take out the others before they get back",
"What were you thinking sir?"
"Carter you Teal'c and Daniel wait here, as soon as they leave you take out the rest before they get back"
"Sir where are you going to be"
"I'll create the distraction then met you back at the gate, ready?"
They all nodded,
"Yes sir",
"Ok see you guys soon"
O'Neill stood slightly and ran into the trees, after a few minutes they heard an explosion the Jaffa started shouting and a group ran towards the sound. As soon as they were out of sight Carter, Teal'c and Daniel began taking out the remaining Jaffa. When they had cleared the area they began making their way to the gate slowly. As they made their way to the gate Carter's radio came to life,
"Carter, come in",
"Carter here sir"
"How you doin"
"All clear sir making our way to the gate"
"Great I'll see you there O'Neill out"
They continued to make their way to the gate once there they secured the area and waited for O'Neill. Carter saw that Teal'c was staring into the trees and frowned,
"Teal'c you ok?"
"I thought I saw movement in the trees, I guess I was mistaken"
Carter nodded and took hold of her radio,
"Sir we're at the gate area seems to be secure"
"I'll be there in a minute Carter",
"Ok Sir, Carter out"
Sure enough as Carter released her radio O'Neill appeared at the top of the hill.
Carter smiled at the sight of him; her smile quickly faded as she saw that he was running, after a few seconds she saw why. He was running from a large group of Jaffa; as he got closer he shouted for them to dial the gate, Carter raised her P-90 ready to fire as she glanced at, then called to Daniel,
"Daniel, dial it up",
Daniel ran to the DHD and started to dial; O'Neill reached them just as Daniel reached the DHD, he turned and raised his P-90, ready Teal'c followed suit with his staff weapon. As the Jaffa got closer they stated to open fire on them,
"Anytime you're ready Daniel"
"I'm going as fast as I can Jack"
Daniel shouted irritated,
"Sir we can't hold them off for long"
Carter shouted over the sound of their weapons,
"I know"
He shouted back, Carter glanced at O'Neill, as she did she saw a Jaffa approaching them from the side;
She called as she turned towards the approaching Jaffa she raised her gun to fire; as she did the Jaffa fired his staff weapon; she jumped to get out of the way of the blast, as she did she fired, taking out the Jaffa. As she hit the floor, she felt a searing pain in her arm, a second later she heard O'Neill call out in pain.