Chapter 2! YaY! Wahoo! *sigh* I like this story. I hope you though that the first chapter was even a little bit ok even though I posted it in the middle of the night. Chapter 2, I'm trying to get it better detailed because the train ride was pushed. Everything sort of happened at once. Sorry about that. Please enjoy this one.

Chapter 2: Detention Already.

"Wake up Riona. Ri. Aguamenti." I was blasted by a jet of cold water.

"Wha?" I moaned, not appreciating being woken by Hermione.

"Breakfast. We both know what you're like when you miss breakfast. You starve." Hermione said pulling the blankets off me.

"I'm awake." I said climbing out of bed. I showered and got into my robes, which I heated before I put on.

We walked down through the common room, Ron's face nearly matched his hair when he saw Hermione. As we passed the painting I heard Ron say to Harry "Bloody hell! She's gorgeous!"

When we got to the Great Hall, only half of Gryffindor table was full. All of the fifth and seventh years were up studying.

We sat down and I had a big breakfast. I felt really happy. Malfoy had to spoil it.

Hermione was about to open her mouth to say something to me when I cut her off. "Don't even think about it." I warned.

"Irish Mudblood. You figure out who you fancy yet?" he sneered.

"Feck off Malfoy." I said not looking up at him.

"Look guys. She's in a bad mood. I guess the guy found out and ran for his life." Malfoy joked.

That set me off. I stood from my seat and put my wand to his chest.

"You shut up before I'll make a scene, making you look very very bad." I hissed.

His wand was at the side of my throat. "Just a word of advice. Don't drink the Pumpkin Juice." He said. He had an angry look in his eyes but it wasn't directed at me.

Seamus Finneagan came along. "Are you all right Riona?" he asked shooting daggers at Malfoy.

"Get lost." Malfoy said to him, a whole lot angrier then when he'd talk to me. Even though Seamus is a fellow Gryffindor I felt a little happy that he was keeping it between us.

Professor Mc Gonagall came along and ruined it. She never liked me anyway.

"What is going on here? Lower those wands immediately." She cried.

I took mine down first and he followed.

"Both of you have detention in my office tonight. Be there at seven sharp." She said and walked away.

"Great. Another couple of hours with you." I moaned.

"You should be grateful O'Shea. I've just figured out who your crush is." Malfoy said smirking.

I sat down and he did the same. "That was a nice little moment you two had." Hermione said.

"That was not a moment. It was an argument." I said although I was a little unsure myself.

"Suit yourself." Hermione said and turned back to her breakfast. Did he really go through my mind and see the conversation me and Hermione had? For some reason unknown to me I didn't drink the juice. He may be annoying but he wasn't stupid. Another thing that buzzed through my head was why Malfoy told me not to drink it. I bottled some up in a vial and kept it with me for potions at last class.

"I will set you with a partner and you will stick with them for each team potion-making throughout the year. Granger, Goyle. Weasley, Bullstrode. Potter, Parkinson." Parkinson's face dropped when she heard that. It was obvious that she wanted to be with Malfoy. I actually got on well with Snape. (Sorry. That was a bit random.)

"And finally O'Shea with Malfoy." My heart skipped a beat. I swear, Snape is keeping in tune with all of the students gossip.

"Hello Irish Mudblood."

"You annoy me and I'll hex you to oblivion." I said not looking at him. My face was turned up to face him. I immediately saw his cold grey eyes.

"It'd be better if you looked at me while we were talking."

"When you're finished your romances O'Shea, Malfoy." Snape said interrupting us.

I blushed and looked back at my book, as did Malfoy but I could have sworn he smirked beforehand like that was what was really going on. I'd say Hermione is loving herself right now.

The rest of class was boring. We had to make a love potion which reminded me that I wanted to ask Snape to test my juice and was going to question him about Malfoy. Sometimes I wish that he was my Head of House and not Mc Gonagall.

Hermione had to run off to the library of course.

"Sir." I said as I stood at his desk.

"Yes Riona?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with something." I asked producing the vial.

"You would like me to run an analysis on this vial to see which potion is in this juice and who put it in." Snape finished for me.

"Uh, yes please." I said.

He took out his wand and muttered something that I couldn't hear.

"The potion was a love potion and Seamus Finnegan put it in." He said to me.

"At breakfast this morning myself and Mal- Draco had an argument. Out of nowhere he said to take his advice and not drink the juice. What I was wondering was how did he know about it and why did he tell me not to drink it. Would you know why sir?" I asked him.

"You would most likely deny it but my guess would be that he was either protecting you or is jealous." Snape said to me keeping the vial for a higher class I guess.

"Thanks sir." I said and made my way up to the common room do some homework before going to Mc Gonagall's office.

I mainly did homework. We got dinner, I met Hermione in the Hall, and Mc Gonagall was watching me and Malfoy like a hawk. Dinner finished at six and I went upstairs and did more homework until I had one more subject to deal with.

"Hey Riona." Ron asked sitting beside me while I was doing a Charms report.

"What?" I asked continuing writing.

"What's Hermione got with Krum?" he asked. I hid my smile.

"Don't know. Why do you ask?" I said. Of course his face heated up like a radiator.

"Just wondering. Yeah, just wondering."

"You afraid that they might be going out." I said. He stopped moving. I hit something in there.

Ginny walked into the common room and Harry matched Ron.

I smiled. These two definitely have to get dates.

I looked at the clock. Ten to seven. I ran up into the bedroom and changed into a pair of jeans and a baggy white t-shirt. I put on a pair of white runners and ran to Mc Gonagall's office.

It was still bright outside and the sun was only starting to hit the horizon.

I made it to the office just on time and by the looks of it Malfoy only came too. He was in a pair of jeans too and a black t-shirt. By God was he gorgeous.

Get that out of your head Riona. You do not fancy Malfoy.

"O'Shea, Malfoy. Outside please." Mc Gonagall said leading the way.

She walked us over to the Quidditch pitch.

"Professor, what are we doing here?" I asked.

"You both will be cleaning and testing brooms for your house Quidditch teams and others if you get them done. You clean, test, and if it's working then leave it to the side." She explained and pointed to the two stacks of brooms.

"Cleaning will be without magic and when I feel that you have done enough I will come out and collect you." She said and walked away.

"I suppose we better get started." I said and walked over to Gryffindor brooms.

There was a cloth and polish sitting beside them.

I sat down and took the first broom and out polish on it. Draco knew what to do as well which surprised me.

I sang a song to myself quietly to pass the time. Truly Madly Deeply, slow version, by Cascada. My mam and dad always said that I was a good singer but I always thought that they were only being nice.

"I wanna stand with you on a mountain, I wanna bathe with you in the sea, I want to lay like this forever until the sky falls down on me." I whispered.

"You're a good singer." Malfoy said across the stacks to me. Both of us were on our last broom.

"Thanks. I suppose you don't know the song. It's a Muggle one." I said. I can't believe we're being civil to each other.

"I've listened to the popular ones. Guessing from the lyrics it's a love song." He said.

"Yeah. For a Slytherin you seem interested in Muggle things." I noted.

"I suppose. Was the song dedicated to the guy you like?" Malfoy asked. I pondered over it.

"Now that you mention it it would be a good dedication."

"I'm done my broom. You?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said climbing on. He did the same.

"A race to the farther goal post. The one in the middle. You have to touch the top, but You have to get off your broom to do so. If one wins then the other still has to keep going instead of quitting." Malfoy said.

I nodded.

"Ready, steady. Go!" and we took off. Malfoy was a bit ahead of me and then took off like a bullet. I couldn't catch up to him. He got off the broom, holding into it though for balance and both his feet touched the goal. He climbed back on and flew to the side waiting for me.

I reached the pole and got off the broom. My feet touched the pole. I let go of the broom stupidly and fell forward. I tried to grab the broom but it was too late.

"Riona!" Malfoy shouted and sped after me.

He shot a spell from his wand which slowed my fall but only slowed. His broom stopped under me and I landed in front of him on the broom. I felt an arm go around my shoulders. I opened my eyes. Malfoy caught me. He saved my life. I know it sounds cheesy but he did.

"Uh... Thanks." I said and realized that I was clutching for dear life, my arms around him tightly. I let go immediately.

"You're welcome." He said and landed.

"You must have practised a lot to speak the spell in your mind." I said.

"Yeah. That's what you get for living in Malfoy manor. You ok?" he asked seeing me hesitate for a minute before reacting.

"What? Oh yeah." I said, unsure of myself.

"Do you want to go to Madam Pomfrey? Get something for shock or something." Malfoy said.

"No. I'm all right. I just need a bit if sleee-" and then total blackness.

I was looking forward to that bit but it was hard to write. Please review