Disclaimer: Yes, no. To get to the other side. Don't own that and I don't own these characters either. But I do own the plot so I can make them do whatever I want. Almost. Through the power of literature at least. Still working on the literal part.

Chapter 3

By the time they were both dressed again and sitting in the closet comfortably, or as comfortable as two people can get in a closet, the sound of heels tapping in quick succession down the hallway. They both got up and began to bang on the door. The next thing they knew they were faced with a very angry Professor Snape.

"What is going on here?" He questioned, angry visibly dissipating and changing into barely concealed amusement.

"Well sir, Peeves was causing disturbances here as I noticed on my way to detention so I investigated when Draco, ah I mean Malfoy here startled me just when Peeves closed and locked the door. And since we didn't have our wands we were forced to wait until someone came past."

"Right well then I guess you are both lucky I found you when I did. That will be all. Back to your dorms, now." He said before turning in a flurry of black robes and finality.

"But sir what about our detention?" Draco asked just as confused as Hermione.

"I think spending a night locked in each other's company would be punishment enough." Snape replied, walking away once again.

Hermione became shy again. Never would she have thought she would have wild, amazing sex with Draco Malfoy of all people in an old broom closet especially not when she was suppose to be having detention. They walked back in silence to their Head dorms. Hermione stopped when they were both inside after the portrait had shut.

"Well I guess I should be off and you should probably get some sleep for the big game tomorrow. Right, well I'll um, thank you." Hermione said before reaching up and giving Draco a quick peck on the cheek. She turned around ready to be done with the mortifying position so she could just be back in her own room thinking about the night's activities. But before she could get more than 2 steps closer to her door, Draco swung her back around and slammed his lips down on her's for one last brutal kiss.

"I'll see you at the game." Draco said gruffly before turning and going into his room.

Hermione's hand came up to touch her over-sensitized lips then turning around to go back into her room. After showering she climbed into bed she could no sooner sleep and just lay awake thinking about everything. About the way her body felt, about the way his body felt, about him. She fell asleep in the earlier hours of the morning awake to find a beautiful clear, crisp, sunny morning. Today was the quidditch match of Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

As she prepared for the day she felt soreness she'd not felt before bringing back to stinging reality what happened last night. A smile lit up her face when she remembered as she grabbed her Gryffindor scarf from the Head's common room not noticing the other occupant. At least not until he came up behind her.

"Good morning." He whispered into her ear before turning back to his cup of coffee. Hermione jumped slightly.

"Oh good morning. Ready for the match then? Weather's nice." Hermione came back, sitting down on the armchair opposite.

"Yeah the weather." He laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't hurt the Boy Wonder too much. But I can't be held responsible for his stupidity."

"Yes well good luck today. You'll need it you know. Harry's team is brilliant this year."

"Ha well don't get too worried princess," he said getting up, "I'll make sure I don't get to many bruises. I'll see you after the game." And with that he gave her a soft albeit quick kiss before leaving the common room.

"Sure." Hermione said to no one.

The game was a good one, long and fierce before Harry ended up catching the snitch after a terrifying flight with Draco were they both dived head first towards the ground and presumably the snitch. Harry had managed to pull up in time with the snitch in hand but Draco had pulled up but crashed into Harry when he caught the snitch. They had both ended up rolling on the pitch, bruised but none worse for the wear.

Hermione had seen the whole thing and was white as a sheet not sure who she was more terrified for. They both appeared to be okay, physically. As everyone was walking back to the school Hermione could see that both teams were going back to the team washrooms. She went down to the Gryffindor's and sought out Harry and Ron.

"Hey guys good match. Congratulations!" She said hugging them both. "Okay you need to have a shower."

"Yeah well we were just about to before you came in. We'll see you later at the after party?" Ron asked beginning to take off his safety gear.

"Um yeah sure I'll make an appearance." She said not sure why she wasn't clear with her timetable.

"Great. Oh how was your detention last night? Malfoy wasn't too rough with you?" Harry asked taking off his glasses.

"What? Oh no, no he was well he was himself. Anyway I'll see you guys later okay." And with that she left the team giving congratulations to the rest of the team as she left. She was just readjusting her scarf around her neck when she was grabbed from behind and taken into the Slytherin change room.

"What on earth is- Malfoy? What are you doing? Someone could see!" She said trying to take in her surroundings despite the feelings his hands on her hips and his face millimetres away from her's.

"First I'm dragging you into my shower and second there's no one here. Just you and me. My teammates all bailed up to the common room. I didn't want to go up to that so I thought I'd shower here and then I see you all alone coming out of the Gryffindor washroom." And then he kissed her.

"Shower?" Hermione said when she had finally broken the kiss.

"Ah yes right." Trailing a finger down her cheek to pull off her scarf. Kissing her on her neck Hermione shivered not only with his kisses but also from the cool air. "Come let us warm you up." He pulled off her shirt and she pulled off his. When all their clothes were off, he manoeuvred them so they were under the hot shower. There was frantic kissing and grabbing as once again Hermione was pushed up against the wall and lifted onto Draco's hips. Then she saw it. A great big purplish bruise beginning to form. Hermione stopped kissing him and tentatively touched it. He sucked in a quick breath of air as though in pain.

"I saw you out there today. When you crashed, you and Harry. It looked terrible. I was so...glad when you both stood up and well hobbled off. Does it hurt?" She said, touching it again.

"Yeah a bit but I'll get it healed later. Right now I can't feel anything but you on me." He said ignoring any feeling he had when she said she was glad he was okay and focused on Hermione wet skin. "Warmer yet? "

"Hmmm sure am." And they surged against each other capitulating to greater heights.

"Will I see you later?" Draco asked as they were finally dressed again and searching for Hermione's scarf.

"Um yeah well we do live in the same dorm." Avoiding his searching eyes in fear they would see the gigantic smile crossing her face. No grabbed her shoulders to turn her around and used two fingers to push her chin up so he could see her face. She was biting her lip trying to unsuccessfully hide her smile.

"Yes but are you going to the celebration your house will be having?" A soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. "Or are you going to meet me in the dorm in 10 minutes?" Another on the other corner.

Licking her lips and pretending to think "Hmm I think I'll probably go to the party. You know drinks, kisses, songs, food."

"Wow your parties are just as lame as I always thought they were. Oh well then fine. Have fun fighting boredom, alone." He said picking up his gear and heading towards the door.

He was almost there when Hermione called out "Draco," he turned around, his first name sounded great when she was breathless for him. She walked up to him and grabbed his tie to pull him down to her. "Make sure you bring my scarf." And with that she kissed him and walked out.

He pulled her scarf out of his bag and wrapped it around his wrist. "Yes ma'am." Who knows, he might even take her back to the closet.