Title: By Tomorrow's Grace
Author: Kuronyo
Anything you recognize from the Transformers universe belongs to Hastak. I make no money writing this.
Desperate to end the war, the All Spark chooses life amongst its creations. All Spark!bot!Sam Eventual Bee/Sam
PG-13 (T)
The authoress is not afraid to tread every cliché known to fandom-kind. You have been warned. Also, general warnings for slash and interspecies romance.
Genres: Movieverse AU, action/adventure, drama, romance
Pairings: Sam/Bee

By Tomorrow's Grace


The All Spark loved its children.

It knew and loved each spark it had ever sent out into life, knew them more intimately than they perhaps knew themselves. And though it mourned when some of these beloved creations were led astray by temptation, greed, and hatred, it remembered always their once-innocence and embraced them when they returned to his protection.

During the Golden Age, the All Spark had been kept in the highest spire of Iacon, in a high-security room overlooking the greatest city of Cybertron. The planet's greatest minds and thinkers had visited it, studied its inanimate cubical body and pondered over its powers and origins. The All Spark carefully kept its secrets from curious optics and prying scanners, for while the Cybertronians had proved themselves an intelligent and advanced race, they were yet unready for this kind of knowledge.

The intellectual sparks were not the only ones to pay him visits though. On occasion, a mech or bonded pair would request audience with the All Spark, bringing with them an empty sparkling shell. They would kneel in its presence and present the shell, vowing to care for and protect the young one as the All Spark itself would have done.

These were joyous moments indeed.

In those days, the All Spark had been happy. Its children lived and loved, protected each other and themselves while the Prime and the Lord High Protector watched over all as brothers and guardians.

Everything was as it should be, and the All Spark was content in the passive role it had taken in the lives of its children.

It did not know when the first stirrings of discontent began to fester. It did not know how brotherhood had soured into resentment and eventually hatred, nor why factions had suddenly been erected and enemy lines drawn.

The All Spark watched these events in mounting fear, and when the Youth Sectors were attacked and the infant sparks within slaughtered mercilessly, it cried out in agony as it gathered the young ones back to itself. The Cybertronians had reneged on their vow to protect the young sparks it had entrusted to their care, and for this unforgiveable sin, the All Spark would give them no more.

The war dragged on and the All Spark watched helplessly as its children massacred each other, lives cut short, allegiances formed in desperation and broken in betrayal. And somehow, somewhere, the All Spark itself had become an unwilling pawn in this conflict.

"All Spark."

Megatron did not kneel—he never had. Littered all around the chamber were the recently deactivated shells of those who had tried, in vain, to stop him from reaching the All Spark. Standing here now, he spoke to the enormous artifact in a voice brimming with eagerness.

"Give us the means, and we shall bring Cybertron to its rightful glory."

When Megatron's interest in the All Spark became known, the war efforts pivoted to hiding the cube until it could be launched into the infinite darkness of deep space—the only way to keep it out of Megatron's reach. And it was in the final moments before the launch when the All Spark met the one called Bumblebee.

And the All Spark grieved to see its youngest creation as he was: a soldier, robbed of his youth by the violent times in which he lived.

"You've lost today, Megatron."

"Then I shall see to it that YOU will never be able to speak of this day—ever!"

Bumblebee's agonized scream was the last thing the All Spark heard as it was propelled into deep space.

As Cybertron, the world it had shaped and loved and filled with its creations, grew smaller in the distance, the All Spark's resolve hardened.

It would no longer stand by while the Cybertronians destroyed themselves, and if joining its creations as one of them was the only way to make a difference, then it would do so.

The All Spark would teach its creations what it meant to be brothers again.

This is dangerous, what you are planning.

"It is the only way," the All Spark pleaded. "They will destroy themselves completely if I do nothing."

A fitting punishment for their foolishness.

"Please, Creator. I cannot let that happen. It would destroy me."

You beg not for my permission, but for my blessing. You would do this even if I forbid it.

Its creator's voice was sad, and the All Spark knew how deeply worried Primus must be. "You created me to have free will," it reminded him gently.

That I did. There was a pause then, and the All Spark felt its creator smiling ruefully. Unlike the infant sparks you protect, you, my only Creation, have just one chance at life. I had hoped you might save that chance for a time of peace.

The All Spark was silent.

If you choose this path, your memories will be forfeit. That is the way with all births.

"But you will help me find my way?"

I will, came the solemn promise.

The planet he was to begin life on was a small, unassuming organic world, a fragile thing swathed in lush seas and blue skies. After vorns of aimless drifting through empty space, the All Spark had been drawn in by the gravitational pull of this system's star.

Compared to Cybertron, the life on this planet was in its infancy, yet already the beginnings of sentience had evolved, in a small, bipedal species struggling their way to the top of the food chain.

Here, the All Spark decided, he would shed his physical body and hide his consciousness in the bloodlines of this race. He would bide his time and wait to be born as one of these alien organics, so that when his Creations arrived, he would be ready to help them end this war in any way he could.

It would be difficult, for without his memories he would be ignorant and confused, but he trusted that his Creator would keep his word and guide him along.

The war would end, and one day when this was all over…perhaps he would return to Cybertron and make it whole once more.