Chapter 1
A.N: This is my new story so please review.
Review: When Miley Stewart goes to Hogwarts she meets Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Cho, and Draco and becomes friends with the Gryffindor's. Soon she and Harry get together and she tells them her secret. They promise not to tell and they always go to her shows but when she doesn't show up for a concert the gang gets worried and decide to find her. Can they find her before it's 2 late?
Miley goes to Hogwarts
Miley's P.O.V
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ha sorry. I'm just super excited. I got a letter from Hogwarts yesterday saying I am a witch and my daddy said he is a wizard. Jackson, Lilly, and Oliver are going 2 so I'm happy. "Miles come on. We gotta get your school things" Jackson called from downstairs. "Okay" I called back grabbing my phone. I raced downstairs and saw Lilly and Oliver waiting with Jackson and my daddy. "Ready bud" Dad asked. I nodded and we left.
-On the train-
Harry's P.O.V
I was laughing with my friends Ron, Hermione, and Ginny when the door to our compartment of the train slid open. We looked up to see a girl with long brown hair standing there with a girl with blonde hair, a guy with black hair that looks a lot like Mitchel Musso, and a guy with brown hair. "Hey can we sit here? Everywhere else is full" The girl with brown hair asked. "Sure" I said. "Thanks" The blonde haired girl said as they put their luggage above them and sat down on a bench together. "I'm Harry Potter and these are my friends Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger" I said pointing to each of us in turn. "Nice to meet you guys. I'm Miley Stewart and these are my friends Lilly Truscott, Oliver Oken, and my weirdo of a big brother Jackson Stewart" The brown haired girl said. We shook hands and I felt a spark when Miley shook mine. "Well, well if it isn't Potter and his lame friends" A voice said from the doorway. I looked up and saw Draco standing there with his friends well really followers Crabbe and Goyle. "What do you want Malofy" Ron asked as he saw them. "To meet the new students especially the cute brunette one so what are your names" Draco said looking at Miley. "Miley Stewart and these are my friends Lilly Truscott, Oliver Oken, and my brother Jackson Stewart" Miley said. "I'm Draco Malofy" Draco said. I rolled my eyes. "Why are you hanging with these losers when you could be with us" Draco asked Miley. "No thanks. I'm good right here with my friends and I don't like people calling them losers when they're really the loser" Miley said with a smirk. Draco just sneered and left. "Thanks. Nobody has ever stood up to him like that" Hermione said. "There's a first time for everything" Miley said as she leaned back on her seat. 'This girl is cool' I thought as the trolley lady came. "Anything off the trolley dears" she asked. We got up and got some chocolate frogs, burtie bots every flavor beans, and cartons of pumpkin juice. We sat back down as the trolley lady left and started to eat. "What are these chocolate frogs" Miley asked looking at one. "It's like normal chocolate except they're like frogs. Most people just ignore them and collect the cards" I said. Miley put the chocolate frog in the wrapper and picked up her card. "I got Godric Gryffindor" she said. "Oh my god" Ginny said almost dropping her box of beans. "What" Miley asked as we looked at her in shock. I finally said…
A.N: Sorry had to leave ya with a cliff-hanger so why are they looking at Miley in shock, is Harry starting to like Miley, what was up with Draco trying to flirt with Miley, and what house are they going to be sorted in? So many questions. Wanna know the answers? Then review.