I dont own inuyasha- Paramore
I thank Paramore for giving the idea for picking this back up and doing this...
Most ppl I noe who back in the 7th grade(4 years laters) have stop doing this.. but going to try...
Versaemerge's Past praying For is the reason i wrote this chapter so quick!
Chapter 2- The New Girl is Past Praying For..
As Rin rush past people she spotted a boy looking at her. He had dark golden eyes with long silver hair . 'Whoa, freaky.' Look,Rin, get to the freakin
office will deal hot boys later!'
Suddenly, that boy appeared right in front her.'Okay, we'll deal right now. On second thought, that was very rude.' Unsure of what to do, Rin stood there. The boy looked down at her said,"Mmm, I heard that we were get a new kid. "Hay,Kouga! Look here she is, just a plain human!"
A boy with blue eyes walked over to her, walking circles around her. "Haha your right, I thought we were going to get a pretty girl...What a waste!" With that he saw a girl and walked after her." Hay, Baby!"
Rin stared after him. 'They can't be serious!'.
Sesshomaru looked down at the little human."Look, this is my school,so I just thought I would let you know."
'This,rude mother fu'-
"Hello?!" "Little girl?" Rin heard him say. 'Okay, now or never'.
"Excuse me? Just who do you think you are?" Rin stepped up to him, on her tip toes, face to face she said, "I don't know who you are, buster!"
The boy just smiled, as he leaned in and opened his mouth, someone behind her gave her a shove. Sending her right into Sesshoamru. The whole room seemed to stop and stare.
Half of Rin's body was on top of Sesshomaru's, especially his arm seem to be right under Rin's breasts. Rin looked down to see what was touch her, her face redded and she jumped up."You prevert!"
Sesshomaru looked up from the ground "What are you talking about?" Then he seen her put her arm around her self. " OH! please, there's nothing there!"
"Last time I checked there was!"
"Well", Sesshomaru laughed,"You should really check again."
Sesshomaru dusted himself off,"Well, that's called a bell new girl, gotta go!"
'Great! Way to start off the day Rin. Stupid! Stupid!'
End of flaskback
'Now, I have 3 classes with him'. 'This has got to be krama from the 2nd grade. Come on, I only took that boy cupcaked cuz I was really hungry!'
"Having one day those inner battles again, new girl?" Sesshoamru asked.
"You know, if you didn't have your head so far up your ass, I would tell you!" Rin whispered back.
"And my name is Rin!"
"Yeah, yeah all that."
"Hay,Rin you can sit with us at lunch!" Kagome said with a wink.
After the bell rang, Rin got her homework from the teacher and ran to her locker. On the way, she dropped a book,'You've to be kidding me?!' As she bent down to pick it up, a boy with red hair and pretty green eyes beat her to it.
"Do you need help?"
"MMM, no, n-no. I got it."
He smiled,"Where your locker? Don't worry about it."
"B-14" 'Ugh. That sounds like a pill!'
As they walked down the hallways he asked, "So how's your day going?"
Rin laughed nervously as she opened her locker,"Well, not as I thought, but it will get better. Hopefully."
"Well, my name is Shippo, and I hope the rest of the day is great." Shippo winked at her and turned to walk down the hall.
"Well, thank you!" Rin yelled after him. He smiled and waved at her. 'WOW! How nice!' Rin drooled as her dropped her book. Again. "I've got to snap of it!" Rin yelled to herself. As she bent to pick the book up, a foot kicked it around the floor. Rin look to see a girl with short black hair and red eyes. She reached and pushed Rin up against the lockers.
"Your the new girl right?" Kagura asked. Rin shook her off her."Yeah,so what?"
"Listen that trick you pull to get close to Sesshomaru is not going to work, do you understand?" Kagura smiled," Or if you don't I'll make you wish you never come here!"
"Piss off,Kagura!"
Kagura laughed,"Don't think I dont know what your about. He's mine!"
"Oh,so you do think?HA!" Rin said as she crossed the room to get her book.
"Just back your back, new girl!" With that Kagura walked away.
"And my name is RIN!"
"Ugh!" Rin slamed her locker and walked to lunch.
"Whoo! Shippo!Got your eyes on that new girl eh?" Kouga said laughed...
"Mmm I don't know, she seem cute and nice." Shippo thought, "Why?"
"Oh! I just saw you."Oh Rin, can I help you with your books."' Lover boy!" Kouga made kissy faces to Shippo.
"Shut up!" Shippo jumped on Kouga.
"Ahh, look Shippo,here comes your girl now!" Kouga luaghed as he put Shippo in a head lock.
Sesshomaru eyes followed Rin's small figure.'We'll see how nice she is after lunch is over..'
Rin sat down right next to Kagome, Sango,and Ayame.
"WHAT?" Kagome yelled after Rin told her what happen with Kagura.
"Yeah, I know. What freak!" Rin said as her growled at her.
"That's Sesshomaru's ex!" Songo said eating her rice ball.
Out the conner of Rin's eyes, she saw Sesshomaru cross the room. 'You know thoes video where the hottest person seems to walk as slow as possbile and still be 's how he walks. Rin thought as her eyes followed him, she drooled on her hand. She looked down at her hand,'Ugh I really got stoping that'. She looked back up at Sesshomaru as their eyes locked and he smiled at her. 'Thats not a good thing!' Foget him!
"Well I could care less about both'',Rin said rubbing her belly," I gotta eat.I'll be back!"
As Rin passed the people on her way to the cafe line, she noticed a boy with flour in a pale. 'Okay, werid!'
As Rin paid from her chicken combo, someone tapped her on the shoulder,"Excuse me, are you Rin the new girl?"
"Mmm, yes.." Rin said with a piece of chicken of in her mouth...
"NOW, guys!" With that, behind his back was a cream pie and he shoved it right in right face.
Another boy jumped behind her and poured oil in her hair, four others egged her.
Finally, the pale of flour she saw earlier was poured on her. "Welcome to Tokyo High." One boys said laughing as they walked away.
Half of the people in the Cafe just stared in horror, the other laughed and pointed to her. Rin ran out the nearest door,as she looked around her for a silent place. Ran up the stairs, and scream her lungs out.
"I swear, I won't give up. You can do whatever you want to me. I'm still going to be here! RIN IS STILL GOING TO BE HERE!"
Rin balled her fits up and slamed them on the hard wood! This means war!
"You just couldn't get any louder, could you?"
Rin paled under her face full of flour and eggs. Sesshomaru step out from the shadows.
"YOU!" "What do you want?" Rin turned stood her ground! No more Miss Nice Rin!
Sesshomaru step closer to her and narrowed his eyes. "Are all your second days like this?"
"No, I just never had an ass of class mate like you!" Rin steped back from him and put up her fits.
Sesshomaru laughed,"I don't fight girls. It would be an un-fair fight!"
Sesshomaru tipped his head to one side. "Well, I gotta say that this look dosen't help you either." He pulled put a mini towel, he reached up started to wipe her face. Rin blushed as she turned away from him,"Go away!"
Sesshomaru grabbed her arm and swung her back around and said camly,"Yes, you do."
"GO away! I can do it myself."
"Stop moving and let me do it!"
"I said No!" With that Rin grabbed his towel and flung it over the edge. Rin turned turned back to him.
He reached out and snatched her by her shirt and brought her face to face to him..."Listen here..."
Then Rin heard a ripping sound. Sesshomaru's eyed widden...'No, please don't let it be me'
As Rin looked down as her shirt was ripped in half and exposing herself to Sesshomaru...
"Oh My god!" Rin face burned as she and Sesshoamru heard voices...
"Come On! I'll race you to the top!"
Chapter 3- Here We go again
...Thanks to all who put this story on alert or reviewed