This story was just something me and a friend made up! We were just P.M.-ing and we started doing this! There will be a remake and other stories just like this! So, here is a random story! Brought to you by BellaCullenEdwardLuver12, and Whispers for my Midnight Kiss !
Disclaimer: We don't own anything but the plot, and idea! :(
Now for the story!
The Day The Volvo Got Keyed
Edward: *Walks outside to get to his Volvo so he can pick Bella up.*
Alice: *giggles silently*
Emmett: *giggles silently with Alice (YES giggles)*
Edward: :O My car! Emmett!
Emmett: *singing* Yee-ee-ee-ss?
Edward: What did you do to my car!?
Emmett: It was Alice! I swear! She did it! Don't hurt me! *cowers*
Edward: Alice! Please tell me you didn't key my car!
Alice: Are you crazy!? Why would I waste my time with that? Sounds like Emmett.
Edward: Alice...
Alice: Okay, it was Jasper! I swear!
Edward: You just said it sounds like Emmett...
Alice: Uh... well... knowing you. you probably already talked to Emmett, I bet you it was Jasper!
Edward: Seriously Alice, tell me what you saw!
Alice: I see the FUTURE Edward! Not the PAST! *throws arms up in the air and leaves* God, what an idiot!
Jasper: *In the corner reading a book* Stupid history! Can't they get anything right!?
Edward: Why did you do it!?
Jasper: Uh... what?
Edward: Idiot! Why did you key my car!?
Jasper: I was reading!
Edward: *Glares*
Jasper: Seriously! It could have been Rosalie, you know how she is always out in the garage!
Rosalie: I need the Jeep higher Emmett.
Emmett: *Raises Jeep*
Edward: Rosalie! Why'd you key my car!?
Rosalie: *Gasp* how dare you you S.O.B!
Edward: So you did it!
Rosalie: Hell no! Emmett probably did it!
Emmett: WHAT? NO!
Edward: I already talked to you Emmett! But you know what... it probably was you!
Emmett: NO! It was uh... Alice!
Edward: I talked to Alice!
Emmett: Go talk to her again! She could be lying!
Edward: *Growls and leaves*
Rosalie: What a physco...
Alice: : Uh... what?
Alice: Jasper did it.
Edward: Okay... how did you-
Alice: I see the future.
Edward: Right...
Alice: *shakes head.* And you call yourself a mind reader.
Edward: *Flips Alice the finger as he goes to find Jasper again.*
Alice: :O That bastard!
Jasper: Stupid history! Gah... that did not happen!
Edward: Okay Jasper, just tell me who keyed the car.
Jasper: *throws book* How the hell am I supposed to know!?
Edward: Cause you did it.
Jasper: Dumb ass! Carlisle just came home from work! Maybe he keyed it! Think for once!
Edward: ... Okay...
Jasper: Go before I eat you.
Edward: *raises eyebrow*
Jasper: Grr
Edward: *backs away*
Carlisle: Hello there Edward, what can I do for you.
Edward: *Frustrated* Did you do it?
Carlisle: Do what?
Edward: *sigh* Key my car?
Carlisle: No. Why would I do that? It was probably Emmett. Go ask him.
Edward: *Leaves, pulling or attempting to pull (I don't know if vampires can pull their hair out...) his hair out.
Edward: EMMETT! Stop bull-shitting me!
Emmett: I didn't key your car!
Edward: I'm getting no where with this!
Emmett: Just get the car fixed.
Edward: I will, I just want to rip whoever did it head off.
Emmett: Esme?
Edward: Esme what?
Emmett: *shrugs* Esme could have done it. You never know.
Edward: OMG! Esme's the perfect culprit! Emmett... you are genius for once!
Emmett: *shrugs again* I have my moments.
Edward: Umm... Esme, did you, you know... key my car?
Esme: Edward... do you really think I'd do something like that?
Edward: I guess not...
Esme: Then why did you ask.
Edward: Emmett convinced me too...
Esme: *raises eyebrow* Seriously?
Edawrd: Okay... *leaves*
Edward: EMMETT! I know you did it!
Alice: *laughing silently in her room* God, this is hilarious!
Emmett: I didn't I swear! Bella was over last night and well, she was in the garage! She coudl have done it!
Edward: *raises eyebrow* Bella wouldn't do something like that.
Emmett: Psh, yeah! She's a devil child!
Edward: MmHmm, right.
Emmett: i SWEAR! She was in the garage! She could have done it!
Edward: Right.
Emmett: Dammit Edward! See the signs! She could have done it to get back at you for 1) not letting her drive ever and 2) for waiting to change her into a vampire!
Edward: wow... never thought of it like that...
Alice: *still upstairs* mwahahahaha!
Edward: *runs to Bella's house.*
Edward: *whispers* Bella?
Bella: Hi Edward!
Edward: Umm... Bella... did you uh... key my car?
Bella: *raises eyebrow* What?
Edward: Uh... key my car?
Bella: Why would I do that?
Edward: Well... 1) I don't let you drive it and 2) your upset because of the whole vampire thing...
Bella: Oh... well... uh...
Edward: You did it!?
Bella: NO! Don't accuse me!
Edward: I'm not accusing you!
Bella: *narrows eyes.* Hmm... *heads to the kitchen*
Edward: *follows*
Bella: Okay... so it's just keyed right. You can get it fixed, no big deal.
Edward: But it's my car!
Bella: Aaaannnndddd?
Edward: My car!
Charlie: *walking in the front door* Hey Bella! *spots Edward* Edward.
Bella: Hi Dad! *turns to Edward* Well, I didn't do it!
Edward: But I'm just asking! I've been sent all over the place wondering who did it!
Bella: Well... you just wasted time then.
Charlie: Are you two fighting?
Bella: *turns to Charlie* NO! WE AREN'T FIGHTING!
Charlie: O.o
Bella: YEAH! Okay, so just, leave us be!
Charlie: But you two sound like your fighting...
Edward: Uh... umm... yeah.
Bella: *turns to Edward* YOU THINK WE'RE FIGHTING?
Edward: O.O No no, I mean I agree with you...
Charlie: Sounds like a fight...
Bella: NOOOOO! *walks upstairs*
Charlie: Uh... is she gonna be okay?
Edward: I don't know...
Charlie: What was that about anyways?
Edward: Somebody keyed my car...
Charlie: Ouch.
Edward: Yeah.
*Both Edward and Charlie hear Bella muttering and banging things around upstairs*
Edward: Is she... umm... uh... you know... having a girl problem?
Charlie: WHAT?
Edward: Uh... umm... *totally awkward now* You know...
Charlie: No... no I don't.
Bella: EDWARD!
Edward: Uh... I better go.
Charlie: Okay... goodbye...*leaves the house and hopefully another Bella fit.*
Edward: Hi Bella... *thinking don't eat me.*
Bella: I think I know who did it!
Edward: Who!?
Bella: Alice said something about a dare. I mean, what does the message say?
Edward: Something about fashion.
Bella: Isn't it obvious?
Edward: I'm a dumb ass...
Bella: I'm sorry... But I have to agree with you.
Edward: Okay... lets go get Alice.
Bella: Can I watch?
Edward: Uh... okay...
So! Hit or miss? This is one of those random things that pops into your head and your like, 'STORY IDEA!', and you have to write it down. So, please review! I will send you a sneak peak to one of my other stories, or one of my upcoming stories!
Press the little button down there! You know you want to!
~Nessie/ 5 days/ 10 days/ 106 Days/ La tua cantante/ BellaCullenEdwardLuver12/ Chicken Dance (long story!) / Evil/ The Name/ Liese / Messie Nessie/ Whatever else I'm called~ (all those names are an even longer story than the long story!)