This pain, this anguish that I feel,

It can't be true, it's not for real.

My mind, my brain, my heart,

Everything in my world is falling apart.

Abandoned, outcast, forsaken,

My life…not mine, am I mistaken?

For once, something I didn't want to know,

Why? Why this pain? Why was I let go?

Uncalculated fears drowned by mechanical clicking

While my life apart I am picking.

Piece by piece, hour by hour,

Afraid and trenbling, I now cower.

Too much pain, without enough truth

Reality is far too uncouth.

I overcame monsters and a strange new world,

Yet my life is shattered, from the heights it was hurled.

By Fate or Chance, or Destiny's Path,

A Digi-Destined, worth a morbid laugh.

None see my pain, and that is the worst,

My message then in this note is versed.

Perhaps the intent is not quite clear,

Once you read this, I'll no longer be here.

I left the note where all could find,

When will you notice I'm no longer behind?

Minutes, hours, days, if at all?

My laptop has failed as my exterior wall.

So, it's my turn to leave,

My time to grieve.

The pain can't last as long as it has been,

Such relief, such freedom again.

Izzy left the note next to his laptop, cell phone and bag, taking only two items with him. He had imagined this for so long, and now had the courage to do it. Leaving everyomne sleeping, and making sure not to attract any attention from Joe, who was on watch, izzy snuck out of the camp and went to the nearby stream. He had suggested this spot for a very good reason, at least for his purposes. The river was deep, and cold. He waded in about halfway, up to his elbows. Taking one item, a piece of rope, he tied it tightly around his upper arm. The other item, he flicked, and a sharp blade popped out. He sliced his arm along the vein, from where the rope cut off his circulation, all the way down to his wrist. The blood erupted forth, washed away almost instantly as he lowered his arms into the frigid water. His vision blurred, and vaguely he heard a voice yell at him. But it made no difference as he began to sink into the blackness. A vision of his real parents came to him, they were leading him home.

On the shore, a blue-haired boy sank to the ground. "I was too late. I could have stopped him…" In the distance, a Garurumon howled.