I'd like to thank my reviewer/s. Here's the next chapter.

OMFB. I can't believe I'm on chapter 17! Yay me! This story is one of my longest.

Chapter 17: Scorpius and Julianna Malfoy.

I'll tell Draco in the morning. He's too tired now.

"I'm going to have to control that mind of yours as you grow. I don't want you as messed up as I am." I said and soothed him to sleep. I placed him in his cot beside Julianna.

"I hope you don't have the same problem too." I murmured to her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

I climbed back into bed beside Draco and fell asleep, just about.

Draco woke before me.

"Come on Dianne. You take forever to wake. And it's nearly Christmas." Draco complained.

"Shut up. Scorpius woke last night so I had to put him to sleep. And you know that it takes forever to get him back to sleep.

"I know, I know. I'm joking. How come I didn't hear Scorpius crying last night? Normally the whole of Gryffindor tower would hear him within the minute." Draco asked. He leaned forward onto me, and peered into the cot behind me where the two figures were sleeping.

"Convenient that you have to lean on me to see into the cot, isn't it?" He smirked.

"I never even thought about that." he claimed innocently.

"Yeah right." I said sarcastic/playfully. "You're not the Slytherin Prince for nothing."

"Prince eh? Well then you must definitely be a Gryffindor if you dare stand up to the Prince."

"Of course I'm a Gryffindor. Who else could put up with the testosterone of the Slytherin Prince?" I asked, smirking myself.

"True. Very few, if any, could put up with such greatness as myself." Draco said smugly.

"Keep talking pretty boy. I'm close to boxing your teeth out." I threatened playfully. I completely forgot everything for the past year with Draco and thought this was like first and second year all over again.

"You can try, but you'll only do damage to yourself." Draco retorted.

Julianna let out a scream. The strong connection between Draco and I shattered.

I turned and looked into the cot. Scorpius was missing.

"Oh no." I murmured. I looked everywhere in the room, while Draco tried to calm Julianna, but there was no settling her.

I saw that the lock on the room door was destroyed.

"Shit." I cursed. How could I have missed that?

I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, nearly tripping along the way.

"Scorpius?" I called out. I wasn't afraid of waking anyone. It was late enough so everyone should be up.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, getting up off the couch.

"Scorpius is missing." And I'm afraid that he might have caused it on himself.

"I'll get the map." Harry said and ran up the stairs to his room. I followed.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." Harry muttered and the map revealed its content.

"By the looks of it Scorpius is on the roof of Gryffindor tower. But how did he get there?" he wondered, but I was already gone. I ran up to Draco.

"Scorpius is on the roof."

"The roof? How the fuck did he get there?" Draco cursed every word there was in both the Muggle and Wizarding word as he left with his broom. I aimed a spell at the glass window and it broke into a million pieces. I'll fix it when Draco gets back in with Scorpius. I cradled Julianna in my arms before setting her down in my unmade bed. She nestled into Draco's pillow, taking in his scent.

I cry whooshed past the window just as Draco took off. He dove vertically downwards after Scorpius. I looked over the windowsill, and down towards the two descending blondes.

Just before the two hit the ground, Draco caught Scorpius and pulled up towards the sky. I let out the breath I never knew I was holding.

Draco came inside and handed Scorpius to me. I hugged the child tightly, and then kissed Draco in thanks.

"How the hell did he get up there?" Draco asked, taking the child from me.

"He's inherited my mind powers so the poor lad is as fucked up as I am. He must have teleported up there." I explained.

"When did you find out?" Draco asked after a moment's pause.

"Last night when he woke. I waited till this morning to tell you because you were too tired to wake up in the middle of the night." I said and repaired the window. A knock came on the door and Harry peeked his head in.

"Did you get him?" he asked.

"Yeah. Draco did. Thanks Harry." I said and he nodded his head before leaving.

"Do you want to head out to the lake with the kids? Scorpius seemed to want a breath of fresh air." Draco said, stripping off his PJ's. I couldn't help but look at his physique.

"Sure." I agreed and all four of us got changed.

We stretched out before the lake in the cold sun.

"That was quite a scare earlier. We're going to have to try and control him soon. This morning could have been a hell of a lot worse." Draco pointed out.

"I know. I'll be able to train him, considering that I can get into his mind and all." I offered.

"Who else could we have went to?" Draco asked, glancing down at Julianna, who was snoring lightly on his chest. She was curled up under his jacket. Scorpius was playing with Draco's hair.

"No one, really. I highly doubt we'd let Lucius do it. We only let him help me because it was an emergency." I pointed out.

"Exactly. And since your his mother, he'll trust you more than he would Lucius." Draco said, looking up at Scorpius, who dribbled on Draco's forehead.

"That's great love coming from my son." We heard a voice say from across the water.

I sat up, but Draco couldn't since he was smothered by kids. I took up Scorpius while Draco sat up and put his arms around Julianna.

"Lucius." I spat.

"You haven't spoken to me in a while Dianne." He smiled, teleporting across the lake to us.

"I've been busy living a happy life." I retorted.

"I didn't know you had younger siblings. You've never said." Lucius said.

"They're not younger siblings." Draco pointed out.

"If they're not siblings then who are they?" he asked, although I think he knows already.

"They're our kids." Draco answered simply.

"I don't even remember the pregnancy. How old are they?" Lucius asked, taking a step forward.

I whipped out my wand and pointed it at him. "Don't take another step or I'll blast you to hell."

"I'm not going to hurt the kids. I just want to see them." Lucius said calmly.

"You heard her. Get out of here." Draco said.

"Fine, fine." Lucius surrendered and left.

"See what I meant by enemies?" I asked.

"There won't be a bother on them. We're here." Draco reassured.

"That's true." I said and we lay back down.

We went down the stairs and made out was towards the Great Hall for dinner, a child each.

The door opened before we got to it.

"So you think Scorpius already has control over his mind?" Draco asked, looking down at his son in question.

"I think it's controlled my his imagination." I replied, looking into his mind.

"That's how things have been happening. He just imagines whatever and it happens for him. You're just awkward because you're a Longbottom." Draco laughed and dodged my swinging arm.

"Shut up. You can afford to talk, you Malfoy." I retorted.

Draco wrapped a free arm around me fondly. "You know I was only trying to piss you off."

"You're lucky you're so fucking gorgeous or I'd break your jaw." I replied as we passed through the door. Everyone in attendance, except for Gryffindor's and faculty, stopped what they were doing.

"That seems to save me a lot from your violence." Draco laughed as we sat down.

I looked around the Hall.

"Oh fuck! I forgot we never told the other houses that we had twins." I swore.

"Bollocks." Draco contributed.

Mione hit both of us. "Watch your language you two. You don't want them to pick up your habits."

"Don't worry guys," Fred assured. "I'll cut down her strictness a bit later." He winked at Mione and kissed her forehead.

"You're so immature." Mione mumbled, although she didn't protest against the cuddle.

"And that's why you love me." Fred replied, wrapping a warming arm around Mione and pulling her into him.

Suddenly, a piece of meat was floating before my eyes.

Draco grabbed it quickly and put it on his plate. Scorpius laughed. Stupid mind powers.

I went into his mind and tried to block his powers. I eventually did and there wasn't a bother since.

Christmas Day: Morning: "We're going to have to calm his imagination a bit. It's a little out of control." Draco said as we brought the kids downstairs. Everyone else was already up.

"He's only a few months old Draco, give Scorpius a break. He'll have more control over himself when he gets older." I defended.

"Do you not think it would be better to start teaching him now?" Draco asked, setting the kids onto the floor beside me. He then sat down himself and handed Julianna and Scorpius the presents that we had got them. Scorpius got a Rubby O Chicken that Fred and George had made in their shop. Julianna got a teddy that had myself and Draco's voices recorded on it saying different things. We had Mione charm a spell on the bear so that it could tell what emotions Julianna is feeling. Then it would trigger the tone of voice to use to her.

Rubby started to dance in front of Scorpius, who tried to strangle the rubber chicken.

Julianna started to cuddle the bear, which started playing a light piano tune that I got off iTunes during the summer.

"Look at what we got our niece and nephew for Christmas." George and Fred announced, tumbling down the stairs to the kids.

"Please tell me it's baby friendly." I begged, afraid of what was bought.

"Don't worry." Fred started.

"It is." George finished.

They produced a set of Headless Hats (make the wearers head invisible incl. hat) and a set of Puffskein (a type of Pygmy Puff). I groaned.

There was a small party on downstairs in the Great Hall for the students staying in school during the break. The Golden Trio decided to babysit Scorpius and Julianna for a while so we could go down to the party.

I slipped into a pair of skinny jeans and a warm, cuddly top with boots. A knock came on the door.

"Come in!" I called. Draco slipped in the door and shut it after him. He was in jeans and a white t-shirt with white runners. He looked hot, to put it simply.

Draco glared at them and then turned to me.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yeah. I just want to say goodnight to the kids and tell the Golden Trio we're heading off." I said. Draco made his way over to the cot and kissed the kids' forehead. I did the same.

"We're just going to tip into the guys and tell them we're going." I said and slipped out of the room.

I knocked on the guys dorm door and stuck my head in. Most of Gryffindor's 4th year were in the dorm playing spin the bottle.

"Draco and I are going now." I said, interrupting their game for a moment.

"Sure." Mione said and left the game. Fred grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down for a quick kiss.

Mione broke away. "Fred, if you want to talk to me then help me babysit the kids." Mione said and stepped around me.

"Sure." He said and followed her into my room.

I went into the bedroom and turned to the two.

"Considering it's Hermione, I trust you guys not to have the s word while Draco and I are gone." I said and left the room before I could get a reply.

A slow dance was on, and Draco and I were taking part in it.

"You know, I'm glad I had this dance with you Mrs Malfoy." Draco smirked and kissed me lightly.

"Well, I'm glad I had sex and kids with you Mr Malfoy." I replied after breaking.

"I guess that makes two of us."

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